Slim Hole Teknolojisi Erem Arıkan Merty Enerji Sondaj, Ankara Geçmiş yıllarda, petrol arama ve üretim endüstrisinde fiyatları düşürmek için, arama, sondaj ve kuyu tamamlama tasarımlarında yeni bir yaklaşım oluşmuştur. Slim- hole olarak adlandırılan bu yeni yaklaşım 1910lu yıllarda başlamış ve arama &üretim teknolojilerindeki gelişmelere paralel olarak gelişmiştir. Birçok ünlü petrol şirketi tarafından saha çalışmalarında kullanılmıştır. Slim- hole sondajı 6 ¼’’ ve daha küçük ebatlarda tasarlanmış kuyuların kazılmasıdır. Bazı kısıtlama ve dezavantajları olması gerçeğine rağmen, kuyu çapını düşürmek operasyonsal fiyatların etkin bir şekilde düşmesini sağlar. Bununla birlikte, daha az kesinti, çamur tasarrufu, daha küçük sondaj alanı, daha az çalışan ve daha küçük operasyonsal kapasite sondaj ve kuyu tamamlama için güvenli ve çevreci bir yoldur. En önemli kısıtlama küçük boyutlarda parça ulaşımı ve düşük üretim kapasitesidir. Günümüzde, sondaj ve kuyu tamamlama alanlarındaki gelişmelerle birlikte bunlar büyük sorun teşkil etmemektedir. İyi bir planlama ile birçok fiyat kazancı sağlayan slim-hole petrol ve doğalgaz arama-üretimi için uygulanabilir bir teknolojidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sondaj, maliyet, verimlilik 188

Slim Hole Technology Erem Arıkan Merty Energy Sondaj, Ankara In past years, because of the reduction of cost in oil E&P industry a new approach had been occurred in aspect of exploration, drilling and well completion design. With this approach slim hole drilling technology was started in 1910’s and developed as parallel to new developments in E&P technology. Many famous oil companies used slim-hole technology for their field works. Slim hole drilling is an operation that minimizes the well size which is fully equipped with 6 ¼’’ and smaller. Despite the fact that there are some limitations and disadvantages, minimizing well size reduce the all operational costs effectively. Moreover, with less cuttings, mud disposal, smaller drilling site, smaller crew and smaller operational capacity it is an environmental and safety way for drilling and well-completion. The most important limitations are the reliability of small size equipment and smaller production capacity. Nowadays, these are not huge problems because of the technological developments in drilling and well-completion areas. With a qualified planning, slim hole technology is applicable way which has many cost cuttings for oil and natural gas exploration and production. Keywords: Drilling, Cost, Efficiency 189

Slim Hole Technology<br />

Erem Arıkan<br />

Merty Energy Sondaj, Ankara<br />

In past years, because of the reduction of cost in oil E&P industry a new approach had been<br />

occurred in aspect of exploration, drilling and well completion design. With this approach slim<br />

hole drilling technology was started in 1910’s and developed as parallel to new developments<br />

in E&P technology. Many famous oil companies used slim-hole technology for their field works.<br />

Slim hole drilling is an operation that minimizes the well size which is fully equipped with 6<br />

¼’’ and smaller. Despite the fact that there are some limitations and disadvantages, minimizing<br />

well size reduce the all operational costs effectively. Moreover, with less cuttings, mud disposal,<br />

smaller drilling site, smaller crew and smaller operational capacity it is an environmental and<br />

safety way for drilling and well-completion. The most important limitations are the reliability of<br />

small size equipment and smaller production capacity. Nowadays, these are not huge problems<br />

because of the technological developments in drilling and well-completion areas. With a qualified<br />

planning, slim hole technology is applicable way which has many cost cuttings for oil and natural<br />

gas exploration and production.<br />

Keywords: Drilling, Cost, Efficiency<br />


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