Production Technologies for Heavy Oil Development Secaeddin Şahin 1 , Ülker Kalfa 1 , Demet Çelebioğlu 1 , Ersan Duygu 2 , Bülent Temel 2 , Hasan Turgut 2 , Raşit Konuksal 2 , Hakkı Lahna 2 1 Turkish Petroleum Corporation, Department of Production, Ankara 2 Turkısh Petroleum Corporation, Batman District Management, Batman The current state of recent industrial development is characterized by the consumption of enormous quantities of hydrocarbon resources. Howover, while demand for hydrocarbon resources continues to rise, worldwide petroleum production is in steady decline. The era of cheap oil came to an end. Most of the forecasts agree that conventional oil will be a much smaller portion of our asset base. Heavy Oil will have an increasingly important role in meeting the world’s energy demand. With the decline in oil discoveries in the last decades it is believed that novel technologies will play a key role on this subject. With a worldwide resource base that may exceed 6.5 trillion barrels, Heavy Oil and bitumen will be a major energy source for the 21’st century as the availability of conventional oil declines. One third of the world’s oil is located in Canada in the form of heavy oil and bitumen. Turkey has about 3.5 billion bbl of heavy oil in southeastern part of the country. It is difficult to produce heavy oil cost-effectively because of its high viscosity and low gravity. It resists to flow, so engineers have had to undertake various methods to coax heavy oil out of the earth. However, with the new technologies developed in the last two decades, these reservoirs seem more attractive than ever, even the discounted prices of heavy oil is taken into account. Today, heavy oil activities are worldwide and are increasing in number more than ever particularly in countries having aging fields and heavy oil or bitumen reserves. The rise in world oil prices promises that substantial portions of otherwise neglected oil can be recovered with techniques which fall under the broad heading of IOR and/ or EOR (Improved Oil Recovery)/ EOR(Enhanced Oil Recovery). They are more crucial especially for the fields bearing heavy oil. This paper presents a comprehensive review of recent IOR/EOR status and opportunities -and highlights the need for Turkey to address and incorporate IOR/EOR technology as one of its strategic plans towards the goal of increasing oil production and get a slice of the international petroleum business cake. It also presents a summary of ongoing IOR/ EOR applications of TPAO at a pilot or full field scale. Keywords: Heavy Oil, IOR/EOR 155

Raman Petrol Sahasında Polimer Jel Enjeksiyonu Uygulamaları Murat Demir 1 , Yıldız Şen Karakeçe 1 , Özlen Eriçok 1 , Uğur Karabakal 2 , Teoman Küçükkara 1 1 Türkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortaklığı, Üretim Daire Başkanlığı, Ankara 2 Türkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortaklığı, Araştırma Merkezi, Ankara Raman Sahası Türkiye’nin güneydoğu bölgesinde Türkiye’nin ilk petrol keşif sahasıdır (1948). 18 API gravitede petrol üretilen ve üretim mekanizması aktif su itimi olan Raman Sahası doğal çatlaklı kireçtaşı rezervuara sahiptir. Üretim zonu ile akifer arasını bağlayan doğal çatlaklardan dolayı sahada özellikle son birkaç yılda su oranı % 90’ı geçmiş durumdadır. Sahada Ocak 2011 sonu itibariyle sahada yaklaşık 170 üretim kuyusundan % 93 su oranı ve ortalama 5,900 v/g debi ile günlük petrol üretimine devam edilmektedir. 2007 yılından itibaren hem artan bu su oranını düşürebilmek hem de düşmeye başlayan petrol üretimini artırabilmek amacı ile sahada son zamanlarda artarak yaygınlaşan, çatlaklara nüfuz ederek akiferden su gelişini engellemeye yönelik polimer jel enjeksiyonu operasyonları yapılmaya başlanmıştır. Raman Sahasında ilk su gelişini engelleyici jel enjeksiyonu pilot uygulaması toplam 7 kuyuda Eylül 2007 tarihinde yapılmıştır. Bu pilot uygulamadan iyi sonuçlar alınması üzerine jel enjeksiyonunu uygulamasını saha geneline yayabilmek amacı ile 2010 yılı sonuna kadar 25’i terk durumda olmak üzere toplam 57 kuyuda su gelişini engelleyici jel enjeksiyonu operasyonları düzenlenmiştir. Bu uygulamalar sonrasında terk kuyulardan bir tanesi hariç tümünün yeniden devreye alındığı, kuyuların büyük bir çoğunluğunda dinamik seviyenin düştüğü, su gelişinin azalması ile birlikte bürüt üretimin ve su oranının azaldığı ve net üretimlerin arttığı görülmüştür. Bu uygulamalar sonunda jel enjeksiyonu yapılan tüm kuyulardan Ocak 2011 sonu itibariyle yaklaşık 540,000 varil ilave üretim sağlanmıştır. Sahada polimer jel enjeksiyonu uygulamasına önümüzdeki yıllar da devam edilecektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: IOR, polimer jel, su, çatlak, enjeksiyon 156

Production Technologies for Heavy Oil Development<br />

Secaeddin Şahin 1 , Ülker Kalfa 1 , Demet Çelebioğlu 1 , Ersan Duygu 2 , Bülent Temel 2 ,<br />

Hasan Turgut 2 , Raşit Konuksal 2 , Hakkı Lahna 2<br />

1 Turkish Petroleum Corporation, Department of Production, Ankara<br />

2 Turkısh Petroleum Corporation, Batman District Management, Batman<br />

The current state of recent industrial development is characterized by the consumption of<br />

enormous quantities of hydrocarbon resources. Howover, while demand for hydrocarbon<br />

resources continues to rise, worldwide petroleum production is in steady decline. The era of<br />

cheap oil came to an end. Most of the forecasts agree that conventional oil will be a much<br />

smaller portion of our asset base. Heavy Oil will have an increasingly important role in meeting<br />

the world’s energy demand. With the decline in oil discoveries in the last decades it is believed<br />

that novel technologies will play a key role on this subject. With a worldwide resource base that<br />

may exceed 6.5 trillion barrels, Heavy Oil and bitumen will be a major energy source for the 21’st<br />

century as the availability of conventional oil declines. One third of the world’s oil is located in<br />

Canada in the form of heavy oil and bitumen. Turkey has about 3.5 billion bbl of heavy oil in<br />

southeastern part of the country. It is difficult to produce heavy oil cost-effectively because of<br />

its high viscosity and low gravity. It resists to flow, so engineers have had to undertake various<br />

methods to coax heavy oil out of the earth. However, with the new technologies developed<br />

in the last two decades, these reservoirs seem more attractive than ever, even the discounted<br />

prices of heavy oil is taken into account. Today, heavy oil activities are worldwide and are<br />

increasing in number more than ever particularly in countries having aging fields and heavy oil<br />

or bitumen reserves. The rise in world oil prices promises that substantial portions of otherwise<br />

neglected oil can be recovered with techniques which fall under the broad heading of IOR and/<br />

or EOR (Improved Oil Recovery)/ EOR(Enhanced Oil Recovery). They are more crucial especially<br />

for the fields bearing heavy oil. This paper presents a comprehensive review of recent IOR/EOR<br />

status and opportunities -and highlights the need for Turkey to address and incorporate IOR/EOR<br />

technology as one of its strategic plans towards the goal of increasing oil production and get a<br />

slice of the international petroleum business cake. It also presents a summary of ongoing IOR/<br />

EOR applications of TPAO at a pilot or full field scale.<br />

Keywords: Heavy Oil, IOR/EOR<br />


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