The Coalification Process and Use of Biomarker Data in the Determination of Paleoenvironmental Characteristics; Karapınar Coals (Konya, Turkey) Orhan Özçelik 1 , Mehmet Altunsoy 1 , Selin Hökerek 1 , Nazan Yalçın Erik 2 , Mehmet Taka 3 , Ferhat Acar 4 1 Akdeniz University, Department of Geology Engineering, Antalya 2 Cumhuriyet University, Department of Geology Engineering, Sivas 3 General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara 4 Municipality of Antalya, Antalya The coalification process and depositional environment of the Pliocene Karapınar Coal Deposit (Konya) in Central Anatolian (Turkey) were investigated by organic geochemical methods. The coal samples are characterized by the occurrence of C29 steranes in the saturated hydrocarbon fractions, while the C27 and C28 homologues are present in low quantities (C29>C27>C28). The dominant hopane in samples are moretane and normoretane. Based on the C28/C29 sterane ratios, these coals are Tertiary in age, and this conclusion is in full agreement with the geological age. Differences in diasterane/sterane ratios exist within the coal samples, and these high ratios show both acidic and oxic-suboxic environments. Relatively high concentrations of C23 tricyclic terpane in investigated sample extracts indicates terrigenous input. The dominant sterane in all samples is C29, indicating a terrigenous contribution consistent with the predominant origin for the organic matter having been from land plants. Also, richness in C27 indicates a lagoonal environment and algal organic material in that environment; the C28 levels are quite low and typical of limnic environments. βα-Moretane / αβ-hopane ratios indicate the immatureearly mature stage and gammaceranes are related to organic matter deposited in high-salinity depositional environment. Keywords: Konya, Karapınar Basin, Coal, Organic Geochemistry, Biomarker 111

Beydili Kayası (Nallıhan/Ankara) Bitümlü Şeyllerinin Organik Jeokimyasal İncelemeleri Zeynep Döner 1 , Ali Sarı 2 , Derya Koca 1 1 Ankara Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara 2 Ankara Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendislik Bölümü, Ankara Beydili Kayası (Nallıhan/Ankara) bitümlü şeylleri disoksik ve anoksik redoks koşullarında çökelmiş olup, ortalama 6.15 wt. %’lik organik madde (TOC) içeriğine sahiptirler. Petrol türeten kayaçlar için ortalama 0.5 wt. % olan TOC değeri ekonomiklik sınırı olarak kabul edildiğinde, 6.15 wt. %’lik ortalama TOC değerinin mükemmel kaynak kaya potansiyeline işaret ettiği görülmektedir. Beydili Kayası örnekleri üzerinde Toplam Organik Karbon analizlerinin yanı sıra, Piroliz (HI, OI, Tmax, S1, S2, S3) analizleri, Gaz Kromatografi (GC) analizleri, İnce Tabaka Kromatografi (% Doymuş Hidrokarbon, % Aromatik Hidrokarbon, % Polar, % Asfalten) analizleri, İzotop analizleri ve Organik Petrografi analizleri (Alttan Aydınlatmalı Mikroskopta) yapılmış olup, incelenen örneklerin organik madde tipleri, olgunlukları ve hidrokarbon türüm potansiyelleri belirlenmiştir. İncelenen örneklerin genel olarak organik madde tipleri Tip I olup, petrol türetme potansiyeline sahiptir. Örneklerin olgunluklarının olgunlaşmamış ve erken olgun seviyede olduğu belirlenmiştir. İncelenen örneklere ait S1 türü hidrokarbonlar bölgede herhangi bir organik kirliliğin olmadığını işaret etmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Organik Jeokimya, Şeyl, HI, OI, Kerojen, Organik Karbon 112

The Coalification Process and Use of Biomarker Data in the Determination of<br />

Paleoenvironmental Characteristics; Karapınar Coals (Konya, Turkey)<br />

Orhan Özçelik 1 , Mehmet Altunsoy 1 , Selin Hökerek 1 , Nazan Yalçın Erik 2 , Mehmet Taka 3 ,<br />

Ferhat Acar 4<br />

1 Akdeniz University, Department of Geology Engineering, Antalya<br />

2 Cumhuriyet University, Department of Geology Engineering, Sivas<br />

3 General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara<br />

4 Municipality of Antalya, Antalya<br />

The coalification process and depositional environment of the Pliocene Karapınar Coal Deposit<br />

(Konya) in Central Anatolian (Turkey) were investigated by organic geochemical methods. The<br />

coal samples are characterized by the occurrence of C29 steranes in the saturated hydrocarbon<br />

fractions, while the C27 and C28 homologues are present in low quantities (C29>C27>C28). The<br />

dominant hopane in samples are moretane and normoretane. Based on the C28/C29 sterane<br />

ratios, these coals are Tertiary in age, and this conclusion is in full agreement with the geological<br />

age. Differences in diasterane/sterane ratios exist within the coal samples, and these high ratios<br />

show both acidic and oxic-suboxic environments. Relatively high concentrations of C23 tricyclic<br />

terpane in investigated sample extracts indicates terrigenous input. The dominant sterane in<br />

all samples is C29, indicating a terrigenous contribution consistent with the predominant origin<br />

for the organic matter having been from land plants. Also, richness in C27 indicates a lagoonal<br />

environment and algal organic material in that environment; the C28 levels are quite low and<br />

typical of limnic environments. βα-Moretane / αβ-hopane ratios indicate the immatureearly<br />

mature stage and gammaceranes are related to organic matter deposited in high-salinity<br />

depositional environment.<br />

Keywords: Konya, Karapınar Basin, Coal, Organic Geochemistry, Biomarker<br />


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