Important Trees of Haiti

Important Trees of Haiti

Important Trees of Haiti


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396 Index<br />

miraguano, 239,240<br />

mirto, 280,292<br />

Misanteca triandra, 267<br />

misimieu, 292<br />

miskad,325<br />

miskadye, 325<br />

mit, 197,217,325<br />

mit fey lorie, 325<br />

mit fey sitwon, 325<br />

miwobalann, 325<br />

moca, 256<br />

moca blanca, 256<br />

mock orange, 292<br />

molinero, 242<br />

molinillo, 242, 273<br />

mombin, 234<br />

mombina fruits jaunes, 234<br />

mombin batard, 273, 294<br />

mombin espagnol, 234<br />

mombin franc, 234<br />

mombin rouge, 234<br />

monben, 179,202,220,325<br />

monben bata, 182,204,221,325<br />

monben fran, 179, 325<br />

monben jon, 325<br />

monben panyol, 325<br />

mondacapullo, 278<br />

mongier, 289<br />

monkey apple, 247<br />

monkey bread tree, 242<br />

monkey pistol, 253<br />

Monteverdia buxifolia, 246<br />

mora, 274<br />

Mora abbottii, 261<br />

mora de la India, 290<br />

mora del pais, 274<br />

Mora ekmanii, 261, 330<br />

mora macho, 274<br />

mora negra, 275<br />

MORACEAE, 274<br />

moradilla, 299<br />

moral,243<br />

moral6n, 286<br />

morepa, 325<br />

morera negra, 275<br />

morero, 275<br />

morinda, 290<br />

Morinda citrifolia, 197,217,290,306,312,314<br />

Morinda macrophylla, 290 .<br />

moringa, 275<br />

Moringa nux-ben, 275<br />

Moringa oleifera, 174, 197,217,275,304,312,<br />

326<br />

Moringa pterygosperma, 275<br />

MORINGACEAE, 275<br />

Morisonia americana, 197,245<br />

Morisonia flexuosa, 245<br />

morivivi cimarr6n, 258<br />

Moronobea coccinea, 248<br />

mortel debout, 271<br />

mortelle, 259<br />

moruro blanco, 263<br />

Morus nigra,·197, 217,275,325<br />

Morus tinctoria, 274<br />

mostacilla, 245<br />

mostacilla chica, 245<br />

mostazo, 245<br />

motel, 145,325<br />

motel debou, 204, 221, 325<br />

motel etranje, 179, 202, 325<br />

mother-<strong>of</strong>-cocao, 145,259<br />

mountain ebony, 13,287<br />

mountain immortelle, 259<br />

mountain mahoe, 270<br />

mountain palm, 239<br />

mountain soursop, 234<br />

mountain wild olive, 248<br />

moureiller piquant, 270<br />

moureye pikan, 325<br />

Mouriri domingensis, 197, 272, 320<br />

Mouriria. See Mouriri<br />

mpanash, 325<br />

mucha gente, 265<br />

muco, 268<br />

mulfitre, 234<br />

mullein nightshade, 298<br />

Munchausia speciosa, 269<br />

mufieco, 243, 282<br />

mufieco baboso, 243<br />

mufieco blanco, 243<br />

Muntingia calabura, 197,217,250,306,310<br />

muralla,292 .<br />

murallera,292<br />

Murbeckia haitiensis, 245<br />

mures, 275<br />

Murianthe albescens, 296<br />

Muriea albescens, 296<br />

Muriea eyerdamii, 296<br />

Murraea exotica, 292<br />

Murrayapaniculata, 197,217,292,303,310,325<br />

murta, 272, 288<br />

AIusa,97,174,217 .<br />

AIusa acuminata x AI. balbisiand 'AAA', 275,<br />

313<br />

·AIusaacuminata x AI. balbisiana 'AAB', 275,<br />

303<br />

Musa paradisiaca, 275<br />

Musa sapientum, 275<br />

Musa x paradisiaca, 29, 39, 275<br />

MUSACEAE, 275<br />

muscade, 276<br />

muscadier, 276<br />

musimieu, 292<br />

musk wood, 273<br />

mustard shrub, 245<br />

Mycianthes umbellulifera, 281

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