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Ivorra MD., D'OconMP., Paya M and Villar A (1988) Antihyperglycemic and insulin­ releasing effects of f3-sitosterol 3-f3-D-Glucoside and its aglycone, f3-sitosteroL Arch Int Phannacodyn Ther 296, 224-231. Janezic SA and Rao AV. (1992) Dose-dependent effects of dietary phytosterol on epithelial cell proliferation ofthe murine colon. Food and Chemical Toxicology 30, 61I­ 616. Jayari P., Tovey F.r. and Hobsley M. (2003) Duodenal ulcer prevalence: research into the natore ofpossible dietary Iipids. Phytother Res 17, 391-398. Kim K.S. and Ivy A.C. (1952) Factors influencing cholesterol absorption. American Journal a/Physiology 171, 301-318. Kim J.C., Kang B.H., Shin e.C., Kim Y.B., Lee H.S., Kim CY., Ran J., Kim KS., Chung D.-W. and Chung M.K. (2002) Subchronic toxicity of plant sterol esters administered by gavage to Spragne-Dawley rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology 40, 1569-1580. Kim le., Shin H.e., Cha S.W., Koh W.S., Chung MK and Ran S.S. (2001) Evaluation of developmental toxicity in rats exposed to the environmental estrogen bisphenol A during pregnancy. Life Sciencesences 69, 2611-2625. K1ippel KF., Hilt! D.M, Schipp B. (1997) A multicentric, placebo-eontrolled, double­ blind clinical trial of beta-sitosterol (phytosterol) for the treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy. ErJ Uro180, 427-432. K:ramer W., Glombik H., Petry S., Heuer H., Schafer H., Wendler W., Corsiereo D., Girbig F. And Weyland C. (2000) Identification of binding proteins for cholesterol absorption inhibitors as components of the intestinal cholesterol transporter. FEES Letters 487, 293-297. 225

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Kwiterovich P.O. (2000) The metabolic pathways of high-density lipoprotein, low­<br />

density lipoprotein, and triglycerides: a current review. Am J Cardiol86, 5L-IOL.<br />

Lane P.W. and Payne R.W. (1996) Genstat for Windows. The numerical Algorithms<br />

Group. London.<br />

LawMR. (2000) Plant sterol and stanol margarines and health. West J Med 173, 43-47.<br />

Lee M.H., Lu K., Hazard S., Yu H., Shulenin S., Hidaka H., Kojima H., Allikmets R.,<br />

Sakuma N., Pegoraro R., Srivastava G., Salen M., Dean, M and Patel S.B. (2001)<br />

Identification of a gene, ABCG5, important in the regulation of dietary cholesterol<br />

absorption. Nat Genet 27, 79-83.<br />

Lee P.c., Strove M and RalI H. (2003) Effects of hypoxia on the development of<br />

intestinal enzymes in neonatal and juvenile rats. Experimental Biology andMedicine 228,<br />

717-723.<br />

Lees AM., Mok H.Y., Lees R.S., McCluskey MA and Grundy S.M (1977) Plant sterols<br />

as cholesterol-lowering agents: clinical trials in patients with hypercholesterolemia and<br />

studies ofsterol balance. Atherosclerosis 28, 325-338.<br />

Ling W.H. and Jones P.J.H. (1995) Dietary phytosterols: a review of metabolism, benefit<br />

and side effects. Life Sciencesences 57, 195-206.<br />

Lorenzsonn V., Korsmo H. and Olsen W.A (1987) Localization ofsucrase-isomaltase in<br />

the rat enterocyte. Gastroenterology 92, 98-105.<br />

Malhotra O.P. and Philip G. (1964) Hydrolytic enzymes of mammalian intestines. 1.<br />

DistrIbution of hydrolytic enzymes in the goat and pig intestines. Indian J Med Res 52,<br />

68-74.<br />


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