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Morton R.L., Schroeder RE., Bateman K.S., Cbrispeels MJ. and Armstrong E. (2000) Bean a-amylase inhtbitor 1 in transgenic peas (Pisum sativum) provides complete protection from pea weevil (Bruchus pisorum) under field conditions. PNAS 97, 3820­ 3825. Muralikrishna G. and Nirmala M (2005) Cereal a-amylases - an OVervIew. Carbohydrate Polymers 60, 163-173. Nes W.R. (1977) The biochemistry ofplant sterols. Adv LipidRes 15, 233-324. Noman AS.M, Hoque MA, Sen P.K. and Karim MR. (2006) Purification and some properties of a.-amylase from post-harvest Pachyrhizus erosus L. tuber. Food Chemistry 99, 444 449. Normen L., Johnsson M, Andersson H., van Gameren Y. and Dutta P. (1999) Plant sterols in vegetables and frnits commonly consumed in Sweden. EurJ Nut 38, 84-89. Oakenfull D. and Sidhn G.S. (1990) Could saponins be a useful treatment for hypercholesterolaemia? European Journal ofClinical Nutrition 44, 79-88. Octivio I. and Rigden D. (2000) Activity of wheat a-amylase inhtbitors towards bruchid a-amylase and structural explanation of observed speci:ficities. European Journal 0/ Biochemistry 267, 2166-2173. Oda K., Matsuda H., Murakami T., Katayama S., Ohgitani T. and Yoshikawa M. (2000) Adjuvant and haemolytic activities of 47 saponins derived from medicinal and food plants. BioI Chem 381, 67-74. Oleszek W. and Bialy Z. (2006) Chromatographic determination ofplant saponins - An update (2002-2005). Journal o/Chromatography 1112, 78-91. 174

Osagie AU. (1977) Phytosterols in some tropical tubers. Journal ofAgricultural and FoodChemistry 25, 1222-1223. Payan F. (2004) Structural basis for the inhibition ofmammalian and insect a-amylases by protein inhibitors. Biochimica et Biophysica 1696, 171-180. Pereira P.J.B., Lozanov V., Patthy A, Huber R., Bode W., Pongor S. and Strobl S. (1999) Specific inhibition of insect a.-amylase in complex with the Amaranth a.-amylase inhibitor at 2.0 resolution. Strocture 7, 1079·1088. Pelletier x., Belbraouet S., Mirabel D., Mordret F., Perrin lL., Pages X. and Debry G. (1995) A diet moderately enriched in phytosterols lowers plasma cholesterol concentrations innormocholesterolemic humans. Ann Nutr Metab 39, 291-295. Phuruengrat A and Pbaisansuthichol S. (2006) Preliminary study of steroids ill Sericocalyx schomburgkii (Cmb) Bremek by GC-MS. Songklanakarin J Sci Technol28, 39-44. Piironen V., Lindsay D.G., Miettinen TA, Toivo J. and Larnpi A-M (2000) Plant sterols: biosynthesis, biological function and their importance to human nutrition. Journal ofthe Science ofFoodandAgriculture 80, 939-966. Pollak O.l and Kritchevsky D. (1981) Sitosterol. In: Monographs on Atherosclerosis. (Eds) Clarkson T.B., KritchevskyD. and Pollak 0.1., Karger, Basal, New York. pp 48-­ 157. Prathibha S., Nambisan B. and Leelarnma S. (1995) Enzyme inhibitors in tuber crops and their thermal stability. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 48, 247-57. Price K.R., Johnson !.T. and Fenwick G.R. (1987) The chemistry and biological significance ofsaponins in foods and feedstuffs. Crit Rev FoodSci nutr 26,27-135. 175

Morton R.L., Schroeder RE., Bateman K.S., Cbrispeels MJ. and Armstrong E. (2000)<br />

Bean a-amylase inhtbitor 1 in transgenic peas (Pisum sativum) provides complete<br />

protection from pea weevil (Bruchus pisorum) under field conditions. PNAS 97, 3820­<br />

3825.<br />

Muralikrishna G. and Nirmala M (2005) Cereal a-amylases - an OVervIew.<br />

Carbohydrate Polymers 60, 163-173.<br />

Nes W.R. (1977) The biochemistry ofplant sterols. Adv LipidRes 15, 233-324.<br />

Noman AS.M, Hoque MA, Sen P.K. and Karim MR. (2006) Purification and some<br />

properties of a.-amylase from post-harvest Pachyrhizus erosus L. tuber. Food Chemistry<br />

99, 444 449.<br />

Normen L., Johnsson M, Andersson H., van Gameren Y. and Dutta P. (1999) Plant<br />

sterols in vegetables and frnits commonly consumed in Sweden. EurJ Nut 38, 84-89.<br />

Oakenfull D. and Sidhn G.S. (1990) Could saponins be a useful treatment for<br />

hypercholesterolaemia? European Journal ofClinical Nutrition 44, 79-88.<br />

Octivio I. and Rigden D. (2000) Activity of wheat a-amylase inhtbitors towards bruchid<br />

a-amylase and structural explanation of observed speci:ficities. European Journal 0/<br />

Biochemistry 267, 2166-2173.<br />

Oda K., Matsuda H., Murakami T., Katayama S., Ohgitani T. and Yoshikawa M. (2000)<br />

Adjuvant and haemolytic activities of 47 saponins derived from medicinal and food<br />

plants. BioI Chem 381, 67-74.<br />

Oleszek W. and Bialy Z. (2006) Chromatographic determination ofplant saponins - An<br />

update (2002-2005). Journal o/Chromatography 1112, 78-91.<br />


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