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Kokiladevi E., Manickam A and Thayumanavan B. (2005) Characterization of a­ amylase inhibitor in Vigna sublobata. Bot bullAcadSin 46, 189-1%. Layer P., Carlson G.L. and Dimagno E.P. (1985) Partially purified white bean amylase inhibitor reduces starch digestion in vitro and inactivates intraduodenal amylase in humans. Gastroenenterology 88, 1895-1902. Layer P., RizzaRA, Zinsmeister AR, Carlson G.L. and Dimagno E.P. (1986) Effect of a purified amylase inhibitor on carbohydrate tolerance in normal subjects and patients with diabetes mellitus. Mayo Clin Proc 61, 442-447. Le Berre-Anton V., Bompard Gilles C., Payan F. And Rouge P. (1997) Characterization and functional properties of the alpha-amylase inhIbitor (alpha-AI) from kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) seeds. Biochim Biophys Acta 1343, 31-40. Lee S.-e., Gepts P.L. and Whitaker J.R. (2002) Protein structures of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) a-amylase inhibitors. Journal ofAgricultural and Food Chemistry SO, 6618-6627. Macedo M.L.R., Garcia VA, Freire M das G. M and Richardson M. (2007) Characterization ofa Kunitz trypsin inhibitor with a single disulfide bridge from seeds of Inga lourina (SW.) Willd. Phytochemistry 68, 1104-1111. MacGregor E.A, Janecek S. and Svensson B. (2001) Relationship of sequence and structure to specificity in the alpha-amylase family ofenzymes. Biochimiro et Biophysica Acta 1546, 1-20. MarshaIl J.J. and Lauda C.M. (1975) Purification and properties ofphaseolamin, an inhibitor ofalpha-amylase, from the kidney bean, Phaseolus vulgaris. J Bioi Chem 250, 8030-8037 172

Maskos K., Huber-Wunderlich M and Gloskshuber R (1996) RB!, a one-domain CL­ amylase/trypsin inhibitor with completely independent binding sites. FEBS Left 397,11­ 16. Matsuura H. (2001) Saponins in garlic as modifiers ofthe risk ofcardiovascular disease. Journal ofNutrition 131, looOS-1005S. Melo F.R, Sales M.P., Pereira L.S., Bloch C. Jr., Franco OLand Ary MB. (1999) CL­ Amylase inln"bitors from cowpea seeds. Protein Peptide Lett6, 385-390. Mendez E., Moreno A., Colilla F., Pelaez F., Limas G.G., Mendez R., Soriano F., Salinas m. and de Haro C. (1990) Primary structure and inhibition ofprotein synthesis in eukaryotic cell-free system of a novel thionin, y-hordothionin, from barley endosperm. European Joumal ofBiochemisfry 194, 533-539. Miettinen and H.T. Vanhanen (1994) Dietary sitostanol related to absorption, synthesis and serum level of cholesterol in different apolipoprotein E phenotypes. Atherosclerosis 105,217-226. MH., Mcmanus B.M., Pritchard PR and Frohlich J.I. (1997) Tall oil­ derived phytosterols reduce atherosclerosis in ApoE-deficient mice. Arterioscler Thromb Vase Bio. 17,119-126. Moore GRP., do Canto L.R., Amante E.R. and Soldi V. (2005) Cassava and corn starch in maltodextrin production. QuEm Nova 28, 596. Morrissey I.P. and Osbourn A.E. (1999) Fungal resistance to plant antibiotics as a mechanism ofpathogenesis. Microbiol Mol Bioi Revs 63, 708-724. 173

Maskos K., Huber-Wunderlich M and Gloskshuber R (1996) RB!, a one-domain CL­<br />

amylase/trypsin inhibitor with completely independent binding sites. FEBS Left 397,11­<br />

16.<br />

Matsuura H. (2001) Saponins in garlic as modifiers ofthe risk ofcardiovascular disease.<br />

Journal ofNutrition 131, looOS-1005S.<br />

Melo F.R, Sales M.P., Pereira L.S., Bloch C. Jr., Franco OLand Ary MB. (1999) CL­<br />

Amylase inln"bitors from cowpea seeds. Protein Peptide Lett6, 385-390.<br />

Mendez E., Moreno A., Colilla F., Pelaez F., Limas G.G., Mendez R., Soriano F.,<br />

Salinas m. and de Haro C. (1990) Primary structure and inhibition ofprotein synthesis in<br />

eukaryotic cell-free system of a novel thionin, y-hordothionin, from barley endosperm.<br />

European Joumal ofBiochemisfry 194, 533-539.<br />

Miettinen and H.T. Vanhanen (1994) Dietary sitostanol related to absorption, synthesis<br />

and serum level of cholesterol in different apolipoprotein E phenotypes. Atherosclerosis<br />

105,217-226.<br /> MH., Mcmanus B.M., Pritchard PR and Frohlich J.I. (1997) Tall oil­<br />

derived phytosterols reduce atherosclerosis in ApoE-deficient mice. Arterioscler Thromb<br />

Vase Bio. 17,119-126.<br />

Moore GRP., do Canto L.R., Amante E.R. and Soldi V. (2005) Cassava and<br />

corn starch in maltodextrin production. QuEm Nova 28, 596.<br />

Morrissey I.P. and Osbourn A.E. (1999) Fungal resistance to plant antibiotics as a<br />

mechanism ofpathogenesis. Microbiol Mol Bioi Revs 63, 708-724.<br />


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