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Durward S., Smith IN., Cash W-K N. and Hui y.H. (1997) Potatoes: Chip and french fry processing. In: Processing Vegetables: Science and Technology. CRC Press. p 363. Farmer E.E. and Ryan CA (1990) Inter plant communication: air borne methyl jasmonate induces synthesis ofproteinase inhibitors in plant leaves. Proc NatJ Acad3d USA 87, 7713-7716. Fenwick D.E. and 0akenfuI1 D. (1983) Saponin content offood plants and some prepared foods. Journal ofthe Science ofFoodandAgriculture 34, 186-191. Fenwick G.R, Price K.R, Tsukamoto C. and Okubo K. (1992) Saponins In: Toxic substances in crop plants. (Eds) D'Me!Io lP., Duffus C.M and Duffus J.H., The Royal Society ofChemistry, Cambridge, UK. p 284. Fernand V.E. (2003) Initial characterization of crude extracts from PhylIanthus amarus sehum. and thOM. and Quassia amara L. using normal phase thin layer chromatography. Master ofScience thesis, Louisiana State University, Louisiana p 27. Focosi D. (2005) Immunomodulatory xenobioticsJImmunomodulatorsl Immune response modifiers (IRM) [online]. Available from [Accessed 5 March 2007]. Francis G., Kerem Z., Makkar H.P.S. and Becker K. (2002) The biological action of saponins in animal systems: a review. British Journal ofNutrition 88, 587-605. Franco O.L., Rigden D.L., Melo F.R. Jr., Bloch C., Silva C.P. and Grossi-de-Sa M.F. (2000) Activity ofwheat a-amylase inhibitors towards bruchid a-amylases and structural explanation ofobserved specificities. European Journal ofBiochemistry 267, 2166-2173. 168

Franco O.L., Rigden D.L., Melo F.R and Grossi-de-Sa MF. (2002) Plant a-amylase inhibitors and their interaction with insect a-amylases. Structure, function and potential crop protection. European Journal ofBiochemistry 269, 397-412. Friedli G-L. (n.d.) Glycosides [online]. Available from: [Accessed 5 September 2007]. Garcia-Maroto F., Carbonero P. and Garcia-Qhnedo F. (1991) Site-directed mutagenesis and expression in Escherichia coli of WMA17, a wheat monomeric ofinsect alpha­ amylase. PlantMol BioI 17,1005-1011. Gatehouse AMR., Fenton KA, Jepson I. and Pavey D.J. (1986) The effects of a­ amylase inhibitors on insect storage pests: inhibition ofa-amylase in vivo. Journal ofthe Science ofFood andAgriculture 37, 727-734. Gibbons G.F., Goad L.J., Goodwin TW. and William R.N. (1971) Concerning the role of lanosterol and cycloartenol in steroid biosynthesis. The Journal ofBiological Chemistry 246,3967-3976. Giri AP. and Kachole M V. (1998) Amylase inhibitors of pigeonpea (Cqjanus cajan) seeds. Phytochemistry 47,197-202. Gylling H., Siimes MA and Miettinen TA (1995) Sitostanol ester margarine in dietary treatment ofchildren with familial hypercholesterolemia. J LipidRes 36, 1807-1812. Haralampidis K., Trojanowska M and Osbourn A (2002) Biosynthesis of triterpenoid saponins in plants. Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol 75, 31-49. 169

Durward S., Smith IN., Cash W-K N. and Hui y.H. (1997) Potatoes: Chip and french<br />

fry processing. In: Processing Vegetables: Science and Technology. CRC Press. p 363.<br />

Farmer E.E. and Ryan CA (1990) Inter plant communication: air borne methyl<br />

jasmonate induces synthesis ofproteinase inhibitors in plant leaves. Proc NatJ Acad3d<br />

USA 87, 7713-7716.<br />

Fenwick D.E. and 0akenfuI1 D. (1983) Saponin content offood plants and some prepared<br />

foods. Journal ofthe Science ofFoodandAgriculture 34, 186-191.<br />

Fenwick G.R, Price K.R, Tsukamoto C. and Okubo K. (1992) Saponins In: Toxic<br />

substances in crop plants. (Eds) D'Me!Io lP., Duffus C.M and Duffus J.H., The Royal<br />

Society ofChemistry, Cambridge, UK. p 284.<br />

Fernand V.E. (2003) Initial characterization of crude extracts from PhylIanthus amarus<br />

sehum. and thOM. and Quassia amara L. using normal phase thin layer chromatography.<br />

Master ofScience thesis, Louisiana State University, Louisiana p 27.<br />

Focosi D. (2005) Immunomodulatory xenobioticsJImmunomodulatorsl Immune response<br />

modifiers (IRM) [online]. Available from [Accessed 5 March 2007].<br />

Francis G., Kerem Z., Makkar H.P.S. and Becker K. (2002) The biological action of<br />

saponins in animal systems: a review. British Journal ofNutrition 88, 587-605.<br />

Franco O.L., Rigden D.L., Melo F.R. Jr., Bloch C., Silva C.P. and Grossi-de-Sa M.F.<br />

(2000) Activity ofwheat a-amylase inhibitors towards bruchid a-amylases and structural<br />

explanation ofobserved specificities. European Journal ofBiochemistry 267, 2166-2173.<br />


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