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Pathirana C, Gibney MJ. and Taylor T.G. (1980) Effects of soy protein and saponins on serum and liver cholesterol in rats. Artherosclerosis 36, 595-396. Panl R.E., Tang C.S., Gross K. and Umu G. (l999) The nature ofthe tarn acridity factor, Postharvest Biology Technology 16, 71-78. Payan F. (2004) Structural basis ofthe inIn"bition ofmammalian and insect a-amylase by plant protein inhibitors. Biochim Biophys Acta 1696, 171-180. Perez E., Schultz ES. and de Delahaye E.P. (2007) Characterization of some properties of starches isolated from Xanthosoma sagittifolium (tannia) and Colocasia esculenta (taro). Carbohydrate Polymers 60,139-145. Pimentel D., Culliney T.W. and Bashore T. (1996) Public health risks associated with pesticides and natural toxins in foods. In: E. B. Radc1iffe & W. D. Hutchison eds. Radcliffe's IPMworld textbook [ouline]. Available from: <> [Accessed 20 June 2007]. Polomy, J. (1997) Natural toxic substances in food [online]. Translated from Czech. Available from: [Accessed 21 June 2007]. Pompermayer P., Lopes AR., Terra w.R., Parra J.R.P., Falco M.C. and Silva-Filho MC. (2001) Effects ofsoybean proteinase inhibitor on development, survival and reproductive potential ofthe sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis. Entomol Exp Appl99, 79-85. Prathibha S., Bala N. and Leelama S. (1995) Enzyme inhibitors in tuber crops and their thermal stability. Plant Foodsfor Human Nutrition 48, 247-257. 106

Price, MP. and Butler L.G. (1977). Rapid visual estimation and spectrophotometric determination of tannin content of sorghum grain. Journal 0/Agricultural and Food Chemistry 25, 1268-1273. Price ML. and Butler L.G. (1980) Tannins and Nutrition, Station Bulletin 272; Agricultural Experiment Station; Purdue University: West Lafayette, IN, pp 1-37. Price KR., Casuscelli F., Colquhoun I.J. and Rhodes MJ.C. (199E) Composition and content of flavonol glycosides in broccoli florets (Brassica olearacea) and their fate during cooking. Journal o/the Science o/FoodandAgneulture 77, 468-472. Price KR., Johnson !.T. and Fenwick G.R. (1987) The Chemistry and biological significance of saponins in foods and feeding stuffs. CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 26, 27-135. Price KR., Lewis J., Wyatt G.M and Fenwick GR (1988) Flatulence - Causes, relation to diet and remedies. Nahrung 32,609-626. Proteinase inhibitors (PI). (lm) University 0/ Paisley: Biological Sciences [ontine]. Available from: [Accessed 10 February 2007]. Purseglove, lW. (1972) Tropical crops: Monocotyledons. Longman Group, London. p 607. Pusztai A., Grant G., Dugnid T., Brown D.S., Peumans W.J, Van Damme E.J.M. and Bardocz S. (1995) Inhibition ofstarch digestion by a-amylase inhibitor reduces the efficiency ofutilization ofdietary proteins and lipids and retards the growth ofrats. The Journalo/Nutrition 125, 1554-1562 Pusztai A. (1992) Plant lectins. New Ph}10logist 121, 495-497. 107

Pathirana C, Gibney MJ. and Taylor T.G. (1980) Effects of soy protein and saponins on<br />

serum and liver cholesterol in rats. Artherosclerosis 36, 595-396.<br />

Panl R.E., Tang C.S., Gross K. and Umu G. (l999) The nature ofthe tarn acridity factor,<br />

Postharvest Biology Technology 16, 71-78.<br />

Payan F. (2004) Structural basis ofthe inIn"bition ofmammalian and insect a-amylase by<br />

plant protein inhibitors. Biochim Biophys Acta 1696, 171-180.<br />

Perez E., Schultz ES. and de Delahaye E.P. (2007) Characterization of some properties<br />

of starches isolated from Xanthosoma sagittifolium (tannia) and Colocasia esculenta<br />

(taro). Carbohydrate Polymers 60,139-145.<br />

Pimentel D., Culliney T.W. and Bashore T. (1996) Public health risks associated with<br />

pesticides and natural toxins in foods. In: E. B. Radc1iffe & W. D. Hutchison eds.<br />

Radcliffe's IPMworld textbook [ouline]. Available from:<br />

<> [Accessed 20 June 2007].<br />

Polomy, J. (1997) Natural toxic substances in food [online]. Translated from Czech.<br />

Available from: [Accessed 21 June<br />

2007].<br />

Pompermayer P., Lopes AR., Terra w.R., Parra J.R.P., Falco M.C. and Silva-Filho MC.<br />

(2001) Effects ofsoybean proteinase inhibitor on development, survival and reproductive<br />

potential ofthe sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis. Entomol Exp Appl99, 79-85.<br />

Prathibha S., Bala N. and Leelama S. (1995) Enzyme inhibitors in tuber crops and their<br />

thermal stability. Plant Foodsfor Human Nutrition 48, 247-257.<br />


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