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De la Cuadra C., Muzquiz M, Burbano C., Ayet G., Calvo R., Osagie A and Cuadrado<br />

C. (1994) Alkaloid, a-Galactoside and phytic acid changes in germinating lupin seeds.<br />

Journal o/the Science o/FoodandAgriculture 66, 357-364.<br />

Delange F., Ekpechi L.O. and Rosling H. (1994) Cassava cyanogenesis and iodine<br />

deficiency disorders. Acta Horticulturae 375, 289-293.<br />

De Rahm O. and Jost T. (1979) Phytate-protein interactions in soybean extracts and low­<br />

phytate soy protein products. Journal 0/ Food Science 44, 596-600.<br />

De Rijke E., Out P., Niessen W.MA, Ariese F., Gooijer C. and Brinkman U.A.T. (2006)<br />

Analytical separation and detection methods for flavonoids. Journalo/Chromatography<br />

1112,31-63.<br />

Deshpande S.S., Cheryan M. and Salunkhe D.K. (1986) Tannin analysis of food<br />

products. CRC Critical Review o/FoodScience Nutrition 24, 401-449.<br />

Deshpande S.S and Salunke DK (1982) Interactions of tannic acid and catechin with<br />

legume starches. Journal o/FoodScience 47, 2080-2081.<br />

Dharmananda S. (2000) Platycodon and other Chinese herbs with triterpene glycoside.<br />

[online]. Available from: [Accessed 21<br />

February 2008].<br />

Djazuli M and Bradbury lH. (1999) Cyanogen content of cassava root and flour in<br />

Indonesia. Food Chemistry 65,523-525.<br />

Dost K. and TokuI O. (2006) Detennmation of phytic acid in wheat and wheat products<br />

by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. Analytica Chimica Acta 558,<br />

22-27.<br />


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