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Chavan U.D., Shahidi F. and Naczk M (2001) Extraction of condensed tannins from<br />

beach pea (Lathyros maritimus 1.) as affected by different solvents. Food Chemistry 75,<br />

509-512.<br />

Chay-Prove P. and Goebel R. (2004) Taro: the plant. Department of Primary Industries<br />

and Fisheries Note. Queensland Government Australia [online]. Available from:<br />

. [Accessed 23 August 2006].<br />

Cheeke PR and Kelly J.D. (1989) Metabolism, toxicity and nutritiunal implications of<br />

quinolizidine (lupin) alkaloids. In: Recent Advances of Research in Antinutritional<br />

Factors in Legume Seed: Animal Nutrition, Feed Technology, Analytical Methods. 1st<br />

International Workshop on Antinutritional Factors (ANF) in Legume Seeds, November<br />

23-25, 1988. (Ed) Huisman J, Poel T.F.B. and van der Liener I.E., Pudoc, The<br />

Netherlands, Wageningen, pp 189-201.<br />

Choudhury A., Maeda K., Murayama R., DiMagno E.P. (1996) Character of a wheat<br />

amylase inhibitor preparation and effects on fasting human pancreaticobiliary secretions<br />

and hormones. Gastroenterology 111, 1313-1320.<br />

Chu Y.-H., Chang c.-1. and Hsu H.-F. (2000) flavonoid content of several vegetables<br />

and their antioxidant activity. Journal ofthe Science ofFood and Agriculture 80, 561­<br />

566.<br />

Chung KT, Wong T.Y., Wei C.l., Huang YW. and Lin Y. (1998) Tannins and human<br />

health: A review. Critical Review ofFood Science andNutrition 38, 421-464.<br />

Chunmei 1., Zhifeng 1., Bing R and Ke 1. (2006) Effect ofsaponins from Anemarrhena<br />

asphodeloides bunge on blood lipid concentration of hyperliperuia quail. Journal of<br />

Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 40, 884.<br />


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