Appellant, William Satele, Reply Brief - California Courts - State of ...

Appellant, William Satele, Reply Brief - California Courts - State of ... Appellant, William Satele, Reply Brief - California Courts - State of ...
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CALlIC No. 8.31 passim CALJIC No. 8.84.1 30 xvii

SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA rnrn PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, California Supreme rlaintiffand Respondent, Court No. S091915 vs. Los Angeles County PANIEL NUNEZ and WILLIAM TUPUA Superior Court No. SATELE NA039358 Defendants and Appellants. APPELLANT WILLIAM TUPUA SATELE'S REPLY BRIEF In this brief, appellant does not reply to those of respondent's arguments which are adequately addressed in his opening brief. The failure to address any particular argument or allegation made by respondent, or to reassert any particular point made in the opening brief, does not constitute a concession, abandonment, or waiver of the point by appellant (see People v. Hill (1992) 3 Ca1.4th 959, 995 fn. 3, cert. den. (1993) 510 U.S. 963), but rather reflects appellant's view that the issue has been adequately presented and the positions ofthe parties fully joined. The arguments in this reply are numbered to correspond to the argument numbers in Appellant Satele's Opening Brief (AOB). References to respondent's brief are identified by the initials RB. As used herein "appellant" refers to appellant William Tupua Satele, "Nunez" refers to co-appellant William Nunez. The use of the plurals "defendants" and "appellants" refers jointly to appellant and Nunez. AOB refers to Appellant Satele's Opening Brief, as distinguished from "Nunez's AOB." Statutory references are to the Penal Code unless otherwise noted. 1

CALlIC No. 8.31 passim<br />

CALJIC No. 8.84.1 30<br />


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