1994 september 94 - Backhill online

1994 september 94 - Backhill online

1994 september 94 - Backhill online


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Due Parole Padre Roberto Russo<br />

Cari Amici,<br />

Ci vogliamo fare una chiacchierata<br />

che ci fa assaporare meglio le vacanze<br />

che abbiamo falto 0 che.stiamo<br />

per fare.<br />

Abbiamo lelto e pregato tante cOse<br />

belle nelle'mesSe cheabbiarno seguiio<br />

in questi;ultimi tempi: abbiamo lelto<br />

"La tua lode si estende 0 Signore fino<br />

ai confini della terra". Poi abbiamo<br />

delto ancora: "Donaci una rinnovata<br />

gioia pasquale perehe' parteeipiamo<br />

alia felieita' eterna".<br />

Cioc' sono tulte preghiereche ci<br />

fanno sentire che siamo in famiglia<br />

con iI Signore Dio: siamo la famiglia<br />

di ogni giomo. E' qucsto grande<br />

pensiero che e' dentro di noi e muove<br />

ogni giomo iI nostro cuore e la nostra<br />

anima. Come poi muove iI nostro<br />

cuore e la nostra anima, io proprio<br />

non 10 so. Ognuno se 10 deve sentire e<br />

ognuno deve conoscere Gcsu' per<br />

conto suo.<br />

Noi talvolta diventiamo un po'<br />

stanchi di tulto questo perche' ci<br />

abituiamo a stare con Gcsu'. GIi<br />

vogliamo bene, ma e' un bene un po'<br />

addormentato.<br />

Noi pensiamo di sapere tulto su<br />

Gcsu' e invece Gesu' e' nuovo ogni<br />

giomo. Ogni' giomo noi conosciamo<br />

Gesu' piu' profondamente: conosciamo<br />

la sua parola, i suoi doni.<br />

Sentiamo la buona notizia che ci<br />

porta Gesu': la notizia dell'amore di<br />

Dio e ogni giomo la sentiamo in un<br />

modo nuovo e piu' profondo nella<br />

Can We Talk, Lord?<br />

Lord, are you there? I feel I'm dying inside. On the<br />

outside I'm am fine, everything's cheery, not a care in the<br />

world. But inside, Lord, oh, that's different. A lot<br />

differentl<br />

Where has all the laughter gone? The joy, the<br />

happiness of the life I used to know? Has it completely<br />

gone, Lord, out of reach? For I need it, Lord, that fire<br />

which burned so strong, that now only smoulders, buming<br />

embers of a distant memory, disappearing on the lonely<br />

wisp of dusty smoke. Lord, are you listening? I'm really<br />

beginning to wonder. What isIt all,about? I've changed so<br />

much, Lord. But I'm hurting. My heart is beginning to feel<br />

the strain. Are you wanting this to happen, Lord? Is it part<br />

of your "Great Plan"? My faith used to be so strong. I<br />

lived for you, loved you. Yet now...?<br />

4<br />

nostra anima. L'amore di Gcsu',<br />

I'amore di Dio sono iI grande mistero<br />

della nostra vita che noi crediamo di<br />

conoscere bene. Invece la gioia e la<br />

serenita' della nostra vita sono proprio<br />

queste:· entrare nel mistero di Gcsu\<br />

Non siamo iso/ali,<br />

abbiamo /'or-.<br />

goglio di essere<br />

Chiesa, di ricevere<br />

i suoi Sacramenli.<br />

scoprirlo ogni giomo - ogni giomo e'<br />

nuovo. Mi sento tanto avvilito quando<br />

incontro persone che sono stanche<br />

della vita. Invece mi sento molto<br />

umile quando incontro persone che<br />

portano iI dolore nclla vita e 10<br />

portano con tanta fede perche' la<br />

concJusione e' tutta qui: accogliere<br />

Gesu' con fede, con la nostra debole<br />

fede. Vedete iI Vangelo. Gesu' vuole<br />

essere accolto. Non importa come ma<br />

vuole essere accolto anche se non<br />

sappiamo che fare, pero' vogliamo<br />

accogliere,Gesu'. Con la preghiera per<br />

prima cosa. Con la preghiera personale<br />

e con, la preghiera della Chiesa,<br />

perehe' noi siamo anche Chiesa. Non<br />

siamo isolati, abbiamo I'orgoglio di<br />

essere 'Chiesa; di vivere con<br />

Gesu', di ricevere .j suoi<br />

Sacramenti: insieme. Noi accogliamo<br />

Gesu\ perche' aceo'gIiamo<br />

i nostri fratelli,<br />

perche' partccipiamo alia<br />

vita che e' intomo a noi.<br />

Ognuno di noi e' falto a<br />

modo suo, cioc' Dio ci ha<br />

dato doni diversi. Cominciamo<br />

a vedere iI mondo in<br />

questo modo, cioc' non diciamo<br />

che ognuno e' falto a<br />

modo suo, ma diciamo che<br />

Dio ha dato ad ognuno doni<br />

diversi e noi abbiamo la<br />

gioia di scoprire questi doni.<br />

Noi entriamo nel mondo con<br />

la nostra fona, con la nostra<br />

intelligenza, con le nostre<br />

discussioni e con le nostre<br />

Iiti perche' Dio ci ha creati per<br />

conoscerlo, arnarlo e scrvirlo e ci<br />

conduce di giomo in giomo ad<br />

esprimere in noi la vita nuova del<br />

Cristo suo Figlio: questa e' la nostra<br />

fede.<br />

Continuo a ricordarvi sempre che,<br />

chi vuole parlare con me, 0 mi<br />

telefona in Chiesa (071) 837 1528, 0<br />

mi chiama sui portabile 0860612964.<br />

Now I am drifting. I'm confused, unstable, with<br />

nothing to hold on to. I have a friend, Lord. The greatest<br />

gift you ever gave. Someone I trust, and care for like no<br />

other. But am I loosing him too? I'm not angry, Lord, he<br />

needed what has been given. But I'm jealous. Not of him,<br />

Lord, not of you. Just jealous. He is so happy, yet the<br />

happines he has is still out of my reach. So again I'm<br />

feeling alone.<br />

It's so easy to say, "With you I'll never be alone". But<br />

I'm only human. How much am I meant to take before<br />

breaking? I'm fighting, Lord, but I can't win. Much more,<br />

and I don't think I'll get up again. Can't you see that,<br />

Lord? Hasn't there been enough heartbreak? Isn't it about<br />

time you picked me up, out of this choking dust? Please...1<br />

(Ex/rac/from "Can we /alk. Lord?", Copyright Kevin Meyhew, licence<br />

no. 29031)<br />

Seplember <strong>94</strong><br />

I<br />


and families were allowed to visit<br />

their men folk at the internment camp.<br />

Fortunately Lou was able to join<br />

his uncle Roberto in running the shop,<br />

but once the stock that they were<br />

carrying ran out, the business rcally<br />

suffered. Obviously there were no<br />

longer imports from Italy or any other<br />

European country for that matter.<br />

However they managed to keep going<br />

by onc means or another.<br />

In 1<strong>94</strong> I another devastating blow.<br />

The family had just left the house<br />

when it suffered a direct hit, the bomb<br />

demolished No 34 leaving No 32<br />

standing just long enough for the<br />

family assisted by Mr White, a friend<br />

who owned a linoleum shop in Exmouth<br />

Market, to recover most of the<br />

family furniture. The retrieval of the<br />

furniture was overseen by Paola<br />

Maria who took charge and being the<br />

strong minded little body that she was<br />

insisted on them climbing up to the<br />

upper floors and saving some of her<br />

home against what seemed to be<br />

impossible odds. You can imagine the<br />

family's feelings when realisation<br />

dawned that the family home, home to<br />

the Terroni family for 27 years, was<br />

no more<br />

A sad day indeed, the one consolation<br />

was that the family remained<br />

intact. Paola Maria \vith Lou, Pip and<br />

Luisa moved into a small house in<br />

Wren St, near Grays Inn Road, not<br />

too far away from the old home. In<br />

1<strong>94</strong>2 Lou married his childhood<br />

sweetheart Bruna Zanelli. After the<br />

wedding which was a small family<br />

affair, tile reception was held in the<br />

Zanelli home in Paekenham Street.<br />

The onc blot on their day was the fact<br />

that Raffaele was unable to be there.<br />

For their honeymoon they went to<br />

Richmond, because Lou, who if you<br />

recall had been born in Italy, was not<br />

allowed to go beyond a certain radius<br />

of his home as he was registered as an<br />

alien, which meant that he had to sign<br />

on at the Police Station in Grays Inn<br />

Road at regular intervals. The newlyweds<br />

seWed down in Wren Street<br />

\vith Paola Maria, and it was here that<br />

their two daughters Paola and Stephanie<br />

were born.<br />

The next family member to join<br />

the matrimonial stakes was Luisa who<br />

married Peter Di Giuseppc. Peter was<br />

a member of Famiglia Di Giuseppe,<br />

well known throughout '11 Quartierc',<br />

as they were probably responsible for<br />

cutting the hair of our Pacs.1ni for<br />

many years. Peter's business was in<br />

Lcather Lane until he retired ten yems<br />

ago. The couple had onc son, Peter.<br />

Unlike his predecessors young Peter<br />

did not go into the hairdressing<br />

profession. He studied accountancy<br />

and is now a partner in the well<br />

known company of Chartered Accountants,<br />

Ernst & Young.<br />

As I mentioned in last month's<br />

article Pip married Peter's sister Carolina<br />

Di Giusscpe in 1<strong>94</strong>4, their eldest<br />

son Raphel is a concert pianist, 10hn<br />

has a career in Phillips Petrolcum, for<br />

whom he travels world wide and their<br />

sister Maria<br />

specialises in<br />

chi I d re n' s<br />

hearing.<br />

Raffaele<br />

returned home<br />

from the internment<br />

camp in 1<strong>94</strong>4<br />

but was not<br />

allowed to<br />

join the family<br />

in the<br />

business, he<br />

had to do<br />

compulsory<br />

work towards<br />

the war effort.<br />

During this<br />

period Lou<br />

carried on assistingRoberto<br />

in the<br />

shop.<br />

1<strong>94</strong>6 the war was over. What a joy<br />

it was to see the celebration of the<br />

Procession for Our Lady of Mount<br />

Carmel return to the streets of Clerk·<br />

enwell. Raffaele walked alongside<br />

Santa Lucia once again. Things were<br />

improving all round Bruna recalled<br />

happy times spent with her fatherin-law.<br />

As he indulged in his passion<br />

for picking mushrooms they would<br />

leave the house in the early hours and<br />

go to secret places in Chingford in<br />

search of mushrooms, (secret because<br />

one Italian never lets on to another<br />

exactly where the best funghi are).<br />

Raffaele would only pick porcini, he<br />

had a nose for seeking funghi, he<br />

would point to the spot with his<br />

umbrella and there would be the<br />

prize. Raffaele was a good natured<br />

family man who loved children and it<br />

was during this period that he was<br />

able to give more time to his grand·<br />

children.<br />

The family moved to Highbury in<br />

1<strong>94</strong>9. Trade was picking up a lillle,<br />

rationing was tapering off and with<br />

the war years behind them, Duilio and<br />

Raffaele joined Roberto in the shop<br />

and it was business as usual<br />

In 1954, Bruna gave birth to a<br />

third daughtcr, Anna. When the baby<br />

was 8 months old, Paola Maria was in<br />

Saviano visiting her daughter Rina,<br />

Raffaele was preparing to join her<br />

when he was taken ill and after a very<br />

short illness he died. The family were<br />

devastated, he was only 65.<br />

Life went on, as it does. "11<br />

Quartiere" was never the same again.<br />

There was still a smattering of the old<br />

residents left living in the little group<br />

of pref'lbS that haod been built as<br />

Paola (left) meeting the Pope with her Mother Superior<br />

temporary homes where the houses in<br />

Bath Street had once stood. 100<br />

Bacuzzi the well known capped English<br />

foolballer, lived in one of these,<br />

with his wife Phyllis and two young<br />

sons for a few years. The Coach and<br />

Horses still reverberated with the<br />

laughter of Damso Molinari, Jimmy<br />

Falco, Johnny Bergomini & Co as<br />

they chipped and teased their old pal<br />

Lou (the proprietor). Sunday mornings<br />

after mass old friends would drop into<br />

the shop for a chat. The Church,<br />

Terroni's, The Gun Makers Arms and<br />

Lou Resteghini's were really all that<br />

remained of the days when '11 Quartiere'<br />

echoed to the sound of varied<br />

dialects, the cries of the Bambini and<br />

the challering of the Marnmas.<br />

1961, with the demise of Roberto<br />

aged 76 years. Lou and Duilio carried<br />

on running the business, which, \vith<br />

the influx of a new generation of<br />

immigrants, was booming, Pasta was<br />

back in fashion and Italian food<br />

generally was in demand. Lou wcnt<br />

on to follow in Raffaele's and Duilio's<br />

footsteps when he took on the job<br />

of 'Hon. Sec: Of the Ilalian Benevolent<br />

Society' and like his forbears, he<br />

was awarded the honour of Cavaliere.<br />

Lou's daughters grew up in the<br />

Seuembre <strong>94</strong> 9

14<br />

THE<br />



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Each suite. is elegantly furnished and equipped to the highest<br />

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A selection ofmenus are available for banquets with an<br />

emphasis on Italian cuisine.<br />

For more information or a brochure pack please contact<br />

Mr Marino at the Hotel.<br />

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September <strong>94</strong>

Cronaca attivita' della comunita'<br />

( Circolo Veneto<br />

Domenica.3 luglio <strong>19<strong>94</strong></strong> si e' svolta la scampagnata<br />

alIa Villa Scalabrini, Shenley. Una giornata ideale.<br />

Grande sole ed una brezza leggera hanno incoraggiato a<br />

migliaia i connazionali a passare la giornata in<br />

eampagna. Non solo da Londra, ma anche da lontano<br />

come Bedford e Peterborough.<br />

La meta sono i prati delIa Villa, le bancherelle, i<br />

gioehi, le giostre, la festa campestre come da pubblicita'..<br />

Ma quest'anno la scampagnata si e' trasformata<br />

in pellegrin.1ggio alia Villa, ampliata di un padiglione<br />

nuovo fiammante, completato in tempo di record.<br />

Numerosi gruppi si sono fatti aecompagnare dalle<br />

guide appositamente incaricate da P. Vico, it Direttore,<br />

a visitare con devozione i nuovi.ambienti. L'attenzione<br />

Foto:<br />

G.Parolin<br />

18<br />

(<br />

) Domenica IS maggio <strong>19<strong>94</strong></strong>, i veneti provenienti da diverse parti<br />

dell'lnghilterra si sono ritrovati a Nottingham per it loro annuale<br />

incontro..Quest'anno I'incontro coincideva anche con it ventesimo di<br />

fondazione del Circolo Veneto. L'organizzazione delI'incontro, alIidata<br />

ai membri del Circolo Veneto di Nottingham, eapeggiati dalla<br />

Cav. lole Stoeco, e' slata perfetta. L'aecoglienza riservata alle<br />

autorita' e agli amici provenienti dal lontano e' slata semplicemente<br />

eecezionale.<br />

Era prescnte anche it Consolo Generaie di Manchester. 11 Console<br />

si e' complimentato con it Circolo Veneto perche' ha saputo aprire le<br />

proprie braccia verso it Midlands, senza fermarsi a Londra. Oltre ehe<br />

da Londra, i veneti provenivano da Scunthorpe, da Grantham, da<br />

Macclesfield, da Manchester, da Leeds e da altre loealita' di quelle<br />

regioni. .<br />

La Scampagnata Scalabrini<br />

)<br />

per I'assistenza· che Villa Scalabrini gia'· presta in modo<br />

egregio agli anziani della comunita' ha evidentemente un<br />

risvollo molto interessato.<br />

11 nuovo padiglione aggiunge alIa Villa 27 stanze singole,<br />

tutte dotate di doccia, ampio WC e lavandino, facilita' per la<br />

telcvisione ed it telefono, quattro salette da pranzo, quattro<br />

sale da soggiomo, lavanderia, medical room, starnpa per<br />

fisioterapia, bagni speciali e cappelIa.<br />

A mezzogiomo P. Alberto ha concelebrato la messa al<br />

campo con allri confratelli. Poi I'assemblea si e' dispersa Ira<br />

le bancherelle, le gare e le giostre. Su tutto vigila it gran<br />

manager, Florindo Rizzi, it cui occhio e' onniprescnte. GH<br />

da' man forte Armando Fugaccia, sacchetto dei soldi sempre<br />

alia mano, la voce di Silvio Grossi al microfono e la<br />

segre­<br />

!aria A.<br />

Amasanti<br />

dal<br />

suo<br />

quartier<br />

generale<br />

di comando<br />

ed altri<br />

bravi<br />

simpatizz<br />

September <strong>94</strong><br />

\<br />



•• All applications to participate In the Backhlll Serie "A" Fantasy League should be<br />

made on the official application form published in the <strong>Backhill</strong> magazine'(photocopies<br />

will be accepted). Everyteam registration must be accompanied by a £10 cheque/postal<br />

order per team made payable to Backhlll and must be received no later than Friday<br />

21st October <strong>19<strong>94</strong></strong>. You may enter the competition after the commencement date but<br />

your team selecdon will not receive the cumulative scores prior to the registration<br />

date. There is no limitto the number ofteams Managers may register•<br />

•• The Bachill Serie "A" Fantasy League will start from the weekend of 28/29 October<br />

<strong>19<strong>94</strong></strong><br />

•• <strong>Backhill</strong> magazine reserves the right to refuse to accept team names which are felt,<br />

in <strong>Backhill</strong>'s sole opinion to be inappropriate or offensive. Unsuitable names wiU be<br />

deleted and your team WIll appear under the Manager's name only. Please bear this in<br />

mind when namingyour team•<br />

•• The players included In the selection list, their classification and their value, has<br />

lJeen set to mirror the current situation within the Serie "A", but are nonetheless<br />

arbitrary. <strong>Backhill</strong> will not enter into any correspondence relating to the inclusionoor<br />

non-inclusion of individual players nor their allocated value, nor will it accept the<br />

inclusion into reader's team selecdons any player not on the published list.<br />

•• Teams must not have no more than two players from the same serie "A" team at any<br />

one time and must be made up of 1 goalkeeper, 4 defenders, 4 midfielders -and 2<br />

strikers. The tO,tal value of the selected team must not exceed 30 million Ura.<br />

··-On receipt of your registration confirmation, Managers have seven days to write to<br />

the address provided if there is an error in the team name or selecdon registered<br />

under their name. Managers must quote the Personal Identification Number (PIN)<br />

printed on the Team Ust in all correspondence•<br />

•• Managers whose team selecdons do'not meet the selecdon criteria detailed above<br />

will not be registered at that time and their application will be returned to them•<br />

•• Incomplete orillegible entrieswill not be accepted. Backhlll are not responsible for<br />

applications or Transfer Usts lost or delayed in the post. Proof of postage is not<br />

accepted as proof of receipt.<br />

•• Three transfers per season are allowed. Each Transfer Ust may be used to transfer<br />

up to two players out of the Managers team selection, to be·replaced with up to two<br />

players from the published players list. Transfers may be made at any point in the<br />

season but a period of at least 10 days must pass between each transfer request. When<br />

making transfers Managers must ensure that all the team selecdon criteria conditions<br />

are met.<br />

•• There is no cash alternative to the "Manager of the Month" nor the final "<strong>Backhill</strong><br />

Serie "A" Fantasy League" champion•<br />

•• The "Manager of the Month" will be the Manager scoring the most points in that<br />

month. In the event of a tie, the award will be given to the Manager whose team has<br />

moved up the mostnumber of positions in the league. The decision of <strong>Backhill</strong> will be<br />

final.<br />

··The <strong>Backhill</strong> Serie "A" Fantasy League championwill be the manager with the highest<br />

points at the end of the football season. In the event of a tie the winner will be decided<br />

bywhich team has scored the most goals. The decision of <strong>Backhill</strong> will be final•<br />

•• <strong>Backhill</strong> Serie "A" Fantasy League table will be published monthly in the <strong>Backhill</strong><br />

magazine. Also monthly every team manager will receive his players points analysis<br />

detailing his player's cumulative points to date•<br />

•• <strong>Backhill</strong> has'the absolute discretion to disqualify any entry or to amend or waive the<br />

rules or to cancel the competition at any time in the event of circumstances arising<br />

beyond their control orwhich make it desirable to do so.

:ft;t1f!11ff';;UA COMUNITA'ITAUANA<br />

Processione e Sagra Continua da pagina 27<br />

28 September <strong>94</strong>

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