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SO'C. Protozool.) 1980: A newly revised classification of the Protozoa. J. Protozool.,<br />

27, 37-58.<br />

Lynn D. H. 1981: The organization and evolution of microtubular organelles inciliated<br />

protozoa. Biol. Rev., 56, (in press).<br />

Margu lis L. 1970: Origin of Eukaryotic Cells. Yale Univ. Press, New Haven and<br />

London.<br />

Mehlhorn H., Peters N. and Haberkorn A. 1980: The formation of kinetes<br />

and oocysts in Plasmodium gallinaceum (Haemosporidia) and considerations<br />

on phylogenetic relationships between Haemosporidia, Piroplasmida and<br />

other Coccidia. Protistologica, 16, 135-154.<br />

Meres chkovsky K. C. 1905: La plant considéré comme un complex symbiotique.<br />

Bull. Soc. Nat. Sei., Ouest, 6, 17-98.<br />

Merinfeld E. G. 1981: Phylogenetic relationships among Actinopoda. Progress,<br />

in Protozoology, Abstr. Sixth Int. Congr. Protozool., Warsaw, Poland, July,<br />

1981, 244.<br />

Micha jlow W. 1981: The position of euglenid parasites of Copepoda in the order<br />

Euglenida Btitschli, 1884. Progress in Protozoology, Abstr. Sixth Int. Congr.<br />

Protozool., Warsaw, Poland, July, 1981, 247.<br />

Mignot J.-P. 1974: Etude ultrastructurale des Bicoeca, protistes flagellés. Protistologica,<br />

10, 543-565.<br />

Mignot J.-P. 1981: Sur la nécessité d'une révision de la classification des Phytornastigophorea.<br />

Progress in Protozoology, Abstr. Sixth Int. Congr. Protozool.,<br />

Warsaw, Poland, July, 1981, 252.<br />

Norrevang A. and Wingstrand K. G. 1970: On the occurrence and structure<br />

of choanocyte-like cells in some echinoderms. Acta Zool., Stockholm,.<br />

51, 249-270.<br />

Oparin A. I. 1936: Origin of Life (English translation, 1953, Dover Publications,<br />

Inc., New York).<br />

Pascher A. 1918: Flagellaten und Rhizopoden und ihre gegenseitigen Beziehungen.<br />

Arch. Protistenk., 38, 1-88.<br />

Patterson D. J. and Dr y den R. C. 1981: Comparative ultrastructure of species<br />

of Paramecium: a test of the structural conservatism hypothesis. Progress<br />

in Protozoology, Abstr. Sixth Int. Congr. Protozool., Warsaw, Poland,<br />

July, 1981, 287.<br />

Perkins F. O. 1976: Zoospores of the oyster pathogen, Dermocystidium marinum.<br />

1. Fine structure of the conoid and other sporozoan-like organelles. J. Parasitol.,<br />

62, 959-974.<br />

Puytorac, P. de et Grain J. 1976: Ultrastructure du cortex buccal et évolution<br />

chez les ciliés. Protistologica, 12, 49-67.<br />

Puytorac P. de, Bâtisse A., Bohatier J., Corliss J. O., Deroux G.,<br />

Didiér P., Dr ages co J., F r y d-V e r s a v e 1 G., Grain J., Grolière<br />

C-A., Hovasse R., If to de F., Laval M., Roque M., Savoie A. and<br />

Tuffrau M. 1974: Proposition d'une clasisfication du phylum Ciliophora<br />

Doflein, 1901. C. R. Acad. Sri., Paris, 278, 2799-2802.<br />

Raikov I. B. 1969: The macronucleus of ciliates. (ed. Chen T.-T.). In: Research<br />

in Protozoology, Pergamon Press, London and New York, 3, 1-128.<br />

Ris H. and Kubai D. F. 1974: An unusual mitotic mechanism in the parasitic<br />

protozoan Syndinium sp. J. Cell Biol., 60, 702-720.<br />

Schein E., Büsch er G. and Fried hoff K. T. 1975: Lichtmikroskopische<br />

Untersuchungen über die Entwicklung von Theileria annulata (Dschunkowsky<br />

und Lühs, 1904) in Hyalomma anatolicum excavatum (Koch, 1844). 1.<br />

Die Entwicklung im Darm vollgesogener Nymphen. Z. Parasitenkd., 48, 123-<br />

136.<br />

Shulman S. S. 1966: Mikrosporidii Fanny SSR. (Microsporidia of the Fauna of<br />

the U.S.S.R. In Russian, English Summary.) Nauka, Moscow and Leningrad.<br />

Small E. B. 1976: A proposed subphyletic division of the phylum Ciliophora Doflein,<br />

1901. Trans. Am. Micros. Soc., 95, 739-751.<br />

Small E .B. and Lynn D. H. 1981: A new macrosystem for the phylum Ciliophora<br />

Doflein, 1901. BioSystems 14, 387-401.<br />

Soy er M.-O. 1972: Les ultrastructures nucléaires de la Noctiluque (dinoflagelle<br />

libre) au cours de la sporogénesis. Chromosoma, 39, 419-441.<br />

Sprague V. 1977: Classification and phylogeny of the Microsporida. (eds. Bulla<br />

L. A. and Cheng T. C.). In: Comparative Pathobiology. 2. Systematica<br />

of the Microsporidia, Plenum Press, New York and London, 1-30.<br />

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