296 pyriformis as studied by low temperature spectroscopy abstr. 273 A. W a r t o ń (Poland), The employment of 3,3'-diaminobenzidine for demonstration of catalase and cytochrome oxidase activity in some Protozoa by electron microscopy abstr. 386 A. D o m k a-P o p e k, J. Michejda (Poland), Transmembrane potential and calcium uptake in mitochondria of Acanthamoeba castellani Neff abstr. 82 M. Budzińska, J. Michejda (Poland), Activity of ATPase in mitochondria of Acanthamoeba castellani Neff abstr. 43 M. Wicińska, W. Drożański (Poland), Ultrastructure of digestive vacuole of Acanthamoeba castellani fed on bacterial parasite abstr. 390 J. Moraczewski, J. Kaczanowska (Poland), Endocytosis-exocytosis cycle and autopsy in Chilodonella steini abstr. 257 M. Kaneda, T. Suzaki, Y. Shigenaka (Japan), Structure and function of the contractile vacuole complex of a heliozoan, Echinosphaerium nucleofilum abstr. 170 A. Marko s, A. Blahuskova (Czechoslovakia), Trypanosoma brucei: subcellular distribution of phospholipids in the bloodstream and procyclic forms abstr. 232 G. A. Thompson, Jr., R. E. Gundersen, S. G. N a n d i n i- Kishore (USA), On the nature and function of catecholamines in cyclic nucleotide metabolism by Tetrahymena abstr. 365 T. Michałowski (Poland), G. Breves, H. Holler (FRG), Thiamin (Vit. Bj) in suspensions of Protozoa isolated from the sheep rumen abstr. 248 W. Drożański (Poland) Vitamin Bi2 in the metabolism of Acanthamoeba castellanii abstr. 83 B. Czeczuga (Poland), The presence of carotenoids in free living and parasitic flagellata abstr. 66 J. Bochenek, P. Muszyński, T. Michałowski (Poland), Non protein nitrogen as a factor influencing of the population density of rumen ciliates in vitro abstr. 32 P. Muszyński, J. Bochenek (Poland), Some factors affecting the protein utilization by rumen Protozoa abstr. 264

PROGRESS IN PROTOZOOLOGY Proceedings of VI International Congress of Protozoology- Special Congress Volume of ACTA PROTOZOOLOGICA part II, pp. 297-307, 1984 International Collaboration Among Protozoologists During the Years 1961 to 1981 1 Leszek KUŹNICKI and Bronisław M. HONIGBERG Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Pasteura 3, 02-093 Warszawa, Poland and Department of Zoology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003, USA The Sixth International Congress of Protozoology in Warsaw (5-11 July, 1981) marked the end of the first 20 years of organized collaboration of world protozoologists. This anniversary appeared to be a suitable occasion for analysis and evaluation of not only the evolution of the Congresses and of the forms of international collaboration, but also, of the subject matter under investigation. 1. International Organizations of Protozoologists 1.1. Society of Protozoologists International collaboration of protozoologists started only after the second world war. The initiative in this area was undertaken by American scientists. In 1947 there was organized the American Society of Protozoologists which, from that time, started to hold annual meetings in the United States. From its inception, the Society, despite its name, included in its ranks investigators from other countries. At its Third Annual Meeting, in 1951, the members of the Society adopted the first Constitution and By-Laws. In its desire to assume and proclaim its international, rather than national, character, the Society changed its name from American Society of Protozoologists to Society of Protozoologists. This change appeared on the cover of Volume 3 of the Proceedings of the Society's Fourth Annual Meeting. Until 1954, these Proceedings constituted the only publications of the Society. However, in February, This article was prepared for Post-Congress Volume as a special contribution to celebration of twentieth anniversary of Congresses. 1 Reprint requests may be sent to either of the authors at their respective addresses.

<strong>PROGRESS</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PROTOZOOLOGY</strong><br />

Proceedings of VI International Congress of Protozoology-<br />

Special Congress Volume of ACTA PROTOZOOLOGICA<br />

part II, pp. 297-307, 1984<br />

International Collaboration Among Protozoologists<br />

During the Years 1961 to 1981 1<br />

Leszek KUŹNICKI and Bronisław M. HONIGBERG<br />

Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Pasteura 3, 02-093 Warszawa, Poland<br />

and Department of Zoology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts<br />

01003, USA<br />

The Sixth International Congress of Protozoology in Warsaw (5-11<br />

July, 1981) marked the end of the first 20 years of organized collaboration<br />

of world protozoologists. This anniversary appeared to be a suitable<br />

occasion for analysis and evaluation of not only the evolution of the<br />

Congresses and of the forms of international collaboration, but also,<br />

of the subject matter under investigation.<br />

1. International Organizations of Protozoologists<br />

1.1. Society of Protozoologists<br />

International collaboration of protozoologists started only after the<br />

second world war. The initiative in this area was undertaken by American<br />

scientists. In 1947 there was organized the American Society of<br />

Protozoologists which, from that time, started to hold annual meetings<br />

in the United States. From its inception, the Society, despite its name,<br />

included in its ranks investigators from other countries. At its Third<br />

Annual Meeting, in 1951, the members of the Society adopted the first<br />

Constitution and By-Laws. In its desire to assume and proclaim its<br />

international, rather than national, character, the Society changed its<br />

name from American Society of Protozoologists to Society of Protozoologists.<br />

This change appeared on the cover of Volume 3 of the Proceedings<br />

of the Society's Fourth Annual Meeting. Until 1954, these Proceedings<br />

constituted the only publications of the Society. However, in February,<br />

This article was prepared for Post-Congress Volume as a special contribution<br />

to celebration of twentieth anniversary of Congresses.<br />

1 Reprint requests may be sent to either of the authors at their respective<br />

addresses.<br />

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