294 LIST OF SCIENTIFIC REPORTS Z. J. Stelmaszyk (Poland), Lambliasis in young men's population abstr. 378 R. L. Beaudoin, N. D. P a c h e c o, R. J. Moon, R. A. V r a 11 e, R. D. Leunck (USA), Establishment of Plasmodium berghein mice with special reference to the liver abstr 23 J. M. Ramsey, R. L. Beaudoin, M. R. Ho lling dale (USA), Observations on the attachment and entry of Plasmodium berjhei sporozoites into tissue culture cells abstr. 305 P. C. S e n, D. P. A c h a r y a, M. R. S e n (India), Effect of 5-hydrcxytryptamine on the pathogenicity of Entamoeba histolytica abstr. 330 R. E. S i n d e n, J. E. S m i t h (GB), Factors involved in the uptake of malarial sporozoites by isolated perfused rat liver abstr. 407 A. M. T o w 1 e (GB), The significance of Eimeria in European agrbulture as defined by the literature abstr. 369 A. Marot (Yugoslavien), Die Möglichkeit für die Diagnostizierung der Sarkosporidien in den Muskelfasern, ohne dass die Mischerschen Schläuche sichtbar Sind abstr. 233 Z. 2 i z k a (Czechoslovakia), Ultrastructural study on tissues of larval Galleria mellonella infected experimentally with the neogregarine Mattesia dispora (host — parasite relationship) abstr. 401 Z. Hostounsky (Czechoslovakia), A method prolonging the period of release of microsporidian spores with the faeces abstr. 146 Contributed Paper Session, Section VIII: Cytoplasmic Organelles and Metabolism •Chairman: Miklos Müller, Rockefeller University, New York, USA Co-Chairman: Jan Michejda, Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland Convener: Andrzej Grębecki, Nemcki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw, Poland C. C h a p m a n-A n d r e s e n (Denmark), Peroxidase activity in large freshwater amoebae abstr. 53 N. Y a r 1 e 11, D. Lloyd, A. G. Williams (Scotland), Hydrcgenosomes of the rumen protozoon Dasytricha ruminatium Schaberg abstr. 397 P. M. P a e s t e, A. K. F o k, R. D. A 11 e n (USA), Lysosomal en:ymes of Paramecium abstr. 284 A. T i e d t k e (FRG), Secretion of hexosaminidase and acid phosphatase associated with mucocyst discharge in Tetrahymena thermophila abstr. 367 P. C. Bradbury, G. D e r o u x, A. Campillo (France), Evidence

295 LIST OF SCIENTIFIC REPORTS for a unique method of feeding: the fine structure of the early feeding stage of the ciliate Ascophrys rodor Campillo and Deroux, 1974 abstr. 39 D. F i s c h e r-D e f o y (FRG), Ultrastructural and cytochemical studies of the oral apparatus and digestion in the ciliate Climacostomum virens abstr. 95 K. Hausmann (FRG), D. J. Petterson (GB), The feeding activity of the heliozoon, Actinophrys sol abstr. 133 D. Linstead, M. A. Cranshaw (GB), Arginine catabolism in Trichomonas vaginalis abstr. 218 P. G. Heyworth, R. Czok (Austria), The transport of purines in Trichomonas vaginalis abstr. 136 R. A. A k i n s, T. J. B y e r s (USA), 32 P-labelled compounds released during encystment by Acanthamoeba castellanii: correlations with appearance of encystment enchancing activity abstr. 6 E. Sousa Silva, I. Sousa (Portugal), Experimental work on the toxins production in Dinoflagellates abstr. 345 Posters W. A. Eckert, W. Kaffenberger (FRG), Regulation of ribosomal RNA metabolism in Tetrahymena pyriformis during a nutritional shift-up abstr. 87 M. V. Krylov, A. E. Khovanskikh, Y. M. Krylov (USSR), Biosynthesis of pyrimidine bases in ribonucleic acid of sporozoites Eimeria tenella (Coccidiida, Sporozoa) abstr. 201 K. Mueller, M. Freiburg, G. Hover (FRG), DNA-dependent RNA polymerase from Tetrahymena pyriformis abstr. 259 M. Freiburg, S. Rommel (FRG), Effect of cycloheximide on the activity of RNA polymerase I in the maeronucleus of Tetrahymena pyriformis abstr. 101 G. Steinbriick (FRG), Age-dependent amplification of individual genes in the macronucleus genome of Stylonychia mytilus abstr. 347 C. Birago, A. Bucc i-O rfei, E. Dore, C. Frontal i, P. Zen obi (Italy), Repetitive DNA content in Plasmodium berghei: its relevance in gametogenesis abstr. 31 B. Skoczylas (Poland), Development of Paramecium aurelia grown in the presence of 4,6-diamidine-2-phenylindole (DAPI) — a DNA ligand abstr. 340 W. Krawczyńska (Poland), Prolongation of Tetrahymena cilia regeneration under the influence of Diamidine Phenylindole (DAPI) abstr. 197 Y. Nozawa, H. 11 d a, T. 11 z u k a, Y. Ishimura (Japan), T. K im u r a (USA), Changes in hemoprotein content in Tetrahymena


Z. J. Stelmaszyk (Poland), Lambliasis in young men's population<br />

abstr. 378<br />

R. L. Beaudoin, N. D. P a c h e c o, R. J. Moon, R. A. V r a 11 e,<br />

R. D. Leunck (USA), Establishment of Plasmodium berghein<br />

mice with special reference to the liver abstr 23<br />

J. M. Ramsey, R. L. Beaudoin, M. R. Ho lling dale (USA),<br />

Observations on the attachment and entry of Plasmodium berjhei<br />

sporozoites into tissue culture cells abstr. 305<br />

P. C. S e n, D. P. A c h a r y a, M. R. S e n (India), Effect of 5-hydrcxytryptamine<br />

on the pathogenicity of Entamoeba histolytica abstr. 330<br />

R. E. S i n d e n, J. E. S m i t h (GB), Factors involved in the uptake of<br />

malarial sporozoites by isolated perfused rat liver abstr. 407<br />

A. M. T o w 1 e (GB), The significance of Eimeria in European agrbulture<br />

as defined by the literature abstr. 369<br />

A. Marot (Yugoslavien), Die Möglichkeit für die Diagnostizierung der<br />

Sarkosporidien in den Muskelfasern, ohne dass die Mischerschen<br />

Schläuche sichtbar Sind abstr. 233<br />

Z. 2 i z k a (Czechoslovakia), Ultrastructural study on tissues of larval<br />

Galleria mellonella infected experimentally with the neogregarine<br />

Mattesia dispora (host — parasite relationship) abstr. 401<br />

Z. Hostounsky (Czechoslovakia), A method prolonging the period<br />

of release of microsporidian spores with the faeces abstr. 146<br />

Contributed Paper Session, Section VIII: Cytoplasmic Organelles<br />

and Metabolism<br />

•Chairman: Miklos Müller, Rockefeller University, New York, USA<br />

Co-Chairman: Jan Michejda, Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland<br />

Convener: Andrzej Grębecki, Nemcki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw,<br />

Poland<br />

C. C h a p m a n-A n d r e s e n (Denmark), Peroxidase activity in large<br />

freshwater amoebae abstr. 53<br />

N. Y a r 1 e 11, D. Lloyd, A. G. Williams (Scotland), Hydrcgenosomes<br />

of the rumen protozoon Dasytricha ruminatium Schaberg<br />

abstr. 397<br />

P. M. P a e s t e, A. K. F o k, R. D. A 11 e n (USA), Lysosomal en:ymes<br />

of Paramecium abstr. 284<br />

A. T i e d t k e (FRG), Secretion of hexosaminidase and acid phosphatase<br />

associated with mucocyst discharge in Tetrahymena thermophila<br />

abstr. 367<br />

P. C. Bradbury, G. D e r o u x, A. Campillo (France), Evidence<br />

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