286 LIST OF SCIENTIFIC REPORTS D. L. N a n n e y (USA), T. M. Sonneborn: reluctant protozoologist proc. I 165-175 S. Inoki, H. Osaki, M. Furuya (Japan), Microfluorometry of whole kinetoplast DNA and nuclear DNA in a single Trypanosoma cell abstr. 149 I. B. Raikov (USSR), Fine structure of the nuclear apparatus of the ciliate Galeia orbis (Koryorelictida) abstr. 302 G. S a n t a n g e 1 o, R. N o b i 1 i (Italy), On the meiosis induction in Blepharisma abstr. 323 F. Fried 1, A. Miyake, K. Hec ik mann (FRG), Requirement of protein synthesis for the progress of meiosis in Blepharisma japonicum abstr. 103 M. U. D e 1 m o n t e-C o r r a d o, P. R a m o i n o, E. M a r g a 11 o, T. C r i p p a-F ranceschi (Italy), Variability of a quantitative character and macronuclear DNA content in exautogamous clones of Paramecium primaurelia abstr. 72 S. F. Ng (Hong Kong), Nuclear transplantation in Paramecium tetraurelia abstr. 268 H. Kościuszko (Poland), S. A. Koizumi (Japan), Induction of autogamy by transfer of macronuclear chromatin in Paramecium aurelia abstr. 193 P. Luporini, R. Dallai (Italy), Ultrastructural analysis of mating Euplotes abstr. 224 N. R i c c i (Italy), The behaviour of sexually competent Oxytricha bifaria (Ciliata, Hypotrichida) abstr. 312 J. Wolfe (USA), Interaction induced change in gene expression in Tetrahymena abstr. 395 A. Kaczanowski (Poland), Cell interaction during conjugation of cycloheximide resistant and cycloheximide sensitive cells in Tetrahymena thermopila abstr. 165 P. Ramoino, M. U. D e 1 m o n it e-C orrado, C. Calv i-P a r i s e tt i, T. C r i p p a-F ranceschi (Italy), A study on clonal variability in Paramecium primaurelia abstr. 304 G. Cleffman, E. Schafer (FRG), Control of cell growth and cell division: analysis of the mutant conical of Tetrahymena the~mophila abstr. 58 M. S u h a m a (Japan), The location of the dividing micronucleus in binary fission of Glaucoma scintillans abstr. 353 J. Frankel, E. M. Nelsen (USA), How the janus mutant ger.e of Tetrahymena thermophila comes to expression abstr. 100 J. Bąkowska (Poland), E. M. Nelsen, N. E. Williams (USA), Starvation-induced alterations in size, pattern and ciliation of membranelles in Tetrahymena thermophila abstr. 16

287 LIST OF SCIENTIFIC REPORTS K. Go lińska (Poland), Regulation of ciliary pattern in Dileptus. II. Formation of sensory cilia during posttraumatic regeneration abstr. 118 S. Ferraro, M. G. Chess a, T. Crippa Franceschi (Italy), Variability of oral structures and stomatogenic patterns in cell division of Colpoda cucullus O.F.M. abstr. 94 M. E. K a w u 1 o k, R. D. A 11 e n (USA), Morphogenesis of the cytostome-cytoproct complex in Paramecium caudatum abstr. 178 C. J. Shinondo (Zambia), In vitro effects of colchicine and vinblastine on the morphogenesis of Trypanosoma corvi abstr. 333 Posters E. F r ą c z e k-M olik, W. Kasprzak (Poland), L. Ć e r v a (Czechoslovakia), J. W i n i e c k a (Poland), Study on thermophilic strains of Naegleria abstr. 98 M. Gołembiewska, E. Pleszczyńska (Poland), On monotone dependence of generation times of sibiling cells in Chilodonella steini abstr. 119 B. Pelvat, D. Duborgel, G. de Haller (Switzerland), Proteins synthesis during regeneration in Stentor coeruleus abstr. 289 M. Jerk a-D ziado sz (Poland), Involvement of kinetosomal pairs in patterning of complex ciliary organelles in a hypotricha ciliate Paraurostyla weissei abstr. 157 K. Muszyńska, L. Wiernick a, M. Jerk a-D ziadosz (Poland), The fine structure of some surface organelles in janus mutant of Tetrahymena thermophila abstr. 263 T c h a n g T s o-r u n, Dong J i-1 o n g, G u F u-k a n g, Huang Ming (China), Experimental study of macronucleation and macronuclei displacement on artificial dorsi-conjugant Stylonychia mytilus and Oxytricha jallax abstr. 361 Pang Y a n-b in, Z o u Shi-fa, S h e n X i-q i, H o u L i n g-s h e n g (China), A study on morphogenesis and experimental regeneration of Urostyla cristata abstr. 286 I. T o t w e n-N owakowska (Poland), Cell division rate in single and double forms of Stylonychia mytilus (O.F.M.) abstr. 368 M. Fujishima (FRG), Pre-meiotic DNA synthesis in Paramecium caudatum abstr. 106 Y. Suganuma, C. Shimode (Japan), Conjugation in Tetrahymena: formation of a special contact region for conjugation during the co-sftimulation period abstr. 352 G. Rosati, F. Verni (Italy), Conjugation in Euplotes crassus: ultrastructural and cytochemical investigations abstr. 317


K. Go lińska (Poland), Regulation of ciliary pattern in Dileptus.<br />

II. Formation of sensory cilia during posttraumatic regeneration<br />

abstr. 118<br />

S. Ferraro, M. G. Chess a, T. Crippa Franceschi (Italy),<br />

Variability of oral structures and stomatogenic patterns in cell<br />

division of Colpoda cucullus O.F.M. abstr. 94<br />

M. E. K a w u 1 o k, R. D. A 11 e n (USA), Morphogenesis of the cytostome-cytoproct<br />

complex in Paramecium caudatum abstr. 178<br />

C. J. Shinondo (Zambia), In vitro effects of colchicine and vinblastine<br />

on the morphogenesis of Trypanosoma corvi abstr. 333<br />

Posters<br />

E. F r ą c z e k-M olik, W. Kasprzak (Poland), L. Ć e r v a (Czechoslovakia),<br />

J. W i n i e c k a (Poland), Study on thermophilic strains<br />

of Naegleria abstr. 98<br />

M. Gołembiewska, E. Pleszczyńska (Poland), On monotone dependence<br />

of generation times of sibiling cells in Chilodonella steini<br />

abstr. 119<br />

B. Pelvat, D. Duborgel, G. de Haller (Switzerland), Proteins<br />

synthesis during regeneration in Stentor coeruleus abstr. 289<br />

M. Jerk a-D ziado sz (Poland), Involvement of kinetosomal pairs in<br />

patterning of complex ciliary organelles in a hypotricha ciliate<br />

Paraurostyla weissei abstr. 157<br />

K. Muszyńska, L. Wiernick a, M. Jerk a-D ziadosz (Poland),<br />

The fine structure of some surface organelles in janus mutant of<br />

Tetrahymena thermophila abstr. 263<br />

T c h a n g T s o-r u n, Dong J i-1 o n g, G u F u-k a n g, Huang Ming<br />

(China), Experimental study of macronucleation and macronuclei<br />

displacement on artificial dorsi-conjugant Stylonychia mytilus and<br />

Oxytricha jallax abstr. 361<br />

Pang Y a n-b in, Z o u Shi-fa, S h e n X i-q i, H o u L i n g-s h e n g<br />

(China), A study on morphogenesis and experimental regeneration<br />

of Urostyla cristata abstr. 286<br />

I. T o t w e n-N owakowska (Poland), Cell division rate in single<br />

and double forms of Stylonychia mytilus (O.F.M.) abstr. 368<br />

M. Fujishima (FRG), Pre-meiotic DNA synthesis in Paramecium<br />

caudatum abstr. 106<br />

Y. Suganuma, C. Shimode (Japan), Conjugation in Tetrahymena:<br />

formation of a special contact region for conjugation during the<br />

co-sftimulation period abstr. 352<br />

G. Rosati, F. Verni (Italy), Conjugation in Euplotes crassus: ultrastructural<br />

and cytochemical investigations abstr. 317<br />

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