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4.30.<br />

Title EN Method of transpenducular ostheosinthesis of vertebras<br />

Titlu RO<br />

Metodă de osteosinteză transpedunculară a vertebrelor<br />

endoscopică la discurile intervertebrale<br />

Authors<br />

Lîsîi Dan, Borovic Eduard, Palii Vadim, Lisii Leonid,<br />

Horneţ Vladimir, Borovic Ecaterina<br />

Institution<br />

University of Medicine and Phamarcy „N.Testemiteanu”<br />

R.Moldova<br />

Patent no. MD64<br />

Summary of the method of vertebra transpeduncular<br />

osteosynthesis consists in that it is carried out the computer<br />

tomogram of the affected place, it is determined on the<br />

Description<br />

EN<br />

tomogram the distance between the vertebra peduncles and<br />

the angle of peduncle deviation from the sagittal axis, then<br />

on the basis of measurements there are established the<br />

peduncle projection places, where there are introduced<br />

screws at the determined angles, the caps of the screws being<br />

fixed by means of a plate.<br />

Esenţa metodei de osteosinteză transpedunculară a<br />

Descriere<br />

vertebrelor constă în efectuarea tomogramei computerizate a<br />

locului afectat, se determină pe tomogramă distanţa dintre<br />

pedunculii vertebrei şi unghiurile de deviere a pedunculilor<br />

RO de la axa sagitală, apoi în baza măsurărilor se stabilesc<br />

locurile de proiecţie a pedunculilor, unde se introduc<br />

şuruburi sub unghiurile determinate, totodată capurile<br />

şuruburilor se fixează cu ajutorul unei plăci.<br />

4.31.<br />

Title EN Method of access for endoscopic surger at intervertebra discs<br />

Titlu RO<br />

Metodă de acces pentru intervenţie chirurgicală endoscopică<br />

la discurile intervertebrale<br />

Authors<br />

Lîsîi Dan, Borovic Eduard, Palii Vadim, Lisii Leonid,<br />

Horneţ Vladimir, Borovic Ecaterina<br />

Institution<br />

University of Medicine and Phamarcy „N.Testemiteanu”<br />

R.Moldova<br />

Patent no. MD63<br />

Summary of the access method for endoscopic intervertebral<br />

Description disks surgery consists in that it is carried out an incision of<br />

EN the soft tissues of 1...2 cm in the paravertebral region, it is<br />

mobilized the disk, afterwards it is introduced a telescopic<br />


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