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4.19.<br />

Title EN Method for producing isolated cells of liver<br />

Belous Apollon M, Subbota Nina P, Petrenko Aleksandr Yu,<br />

Authors<br />

Sukach Aleksandr N<br />

Institution Kharkiv National Pedagogical Universitet “G.S. Skovoroda”<br />

Patent no. UA 13693<br />

The process for obtaining the separate liver cells<br />

(hepatocytes) the extraction of the organ, perfusion,<br />

desegregation and separation of the target product in which<br />

in order to raise the outcome of the viable cells of increased<br />

breathing and phosphorilation coupling degree, the<br />

precrushed liver is subjected to desegregation carried out by<br />

Description<br />

vibration.<br />

EN<br />

The invention refers to biotechnology and may be used in the<br />

cell biology, experimental and clinical medicine. The aim<br />

consists in raising the morpho-functional hepatocytes safety<br />

which may be used e.g. in the “artificial kidney” apparatus,<br />

as the diffusion media components (organosm detoxication,<br />

raising the immune status etc.).<br />

4.20.<br />

Title EN Method for Treating Osteoarthrosis of Limbs<br />

Makolinets Vasyl Ivanovych, Yakovlenko Oleksii<br />

Authors<br />

Viktorovych, Hraschenkova Tamara Mykytivna, Tondii<br />

Oksana Leonidivna, Kushakova Nadiia Ivanivna, Khoreshko<br />

Valentyna Vasylivna<br />

Institution<br />

Prof. Sytenko Institute for Pathology<br />

Academy of Medical science of Ukraine<br />

Patent no. UA 21654<br />

The method for treating osteoarthrosis of the limbs provides<br />

for peloid applications onto the affected joint and the<br />

corresponding segment of the backbone every other day. On<br />

the first day of the treatment, the peloid at the temperature of<br />

Description<br />

EN<br />

33-36 DEGREE C is applied to the distal area of the affected<br />

limb in the boot mode. On the second day, the peloid at the<br />

temperature of 36-38 DEGREE C is applied to the<br />

corresponding segment of the backbone innervating the<br />

affected joint. The third day is free of procedures. Starting<br />

from the fourth day, the peloid applications are performed<br />

every other day: one day to the area of the affected joint at<br />


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