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Description<br />

EN<br />

Descriere<br />

RO<br />

In the textile finishing and dyeing industries, the total volume of<br />

water consumed is around 150 millions tons/year, meaning that<br />

very large quantities of water are processed and produced as<br />

wastewater by textile plants worldwide. Quality indicators of textile<br />

wastewaters, like BOD and COD, have values which, in some<br />

cases, exceed 5 times the maximum concentration value (allowed<br />

by the national quality standards). One of the greatest concerns in<br />

wastewater treatment of a textile effluent is the colour, not only as<br />

an aesthetic problem, but also as a pollution problem. Dyes and<br />

pigments from the printing and dyeing operations are the principal<br />

sources of colour in this type of effluents with concentrations in the<br />

final effluent around 10 mg/L. Recovery, recycling and reuse must<br />

be effective tools in minimizing pollutant releases in the<br />

environment. Usually, ultrafiltration is used as a single step in<br />

advanced wastewater treatment, either for internal or external<br />

recycling. The aim of this study is to obtain higher removal<br />

efficiencies of contaminants using an innovative 2 step advanced<br />

treatment: ultrasonication, followed by ultrafiltration. During the<br />

treatment ultrasonication destroys most of the dye molecules and<br />

ultrafiltration retains the remaining dye molecules and suspended<br />

solids and colloids formed in the previous process. The integrated<br />

process of ultrasonication-ultrafiltration is proved to be very<br />

efficient not only in the removal of dyes but also for phenolic<br />

compounds. The removal efficiencies obtained are over 80% for<br />

organic compounds such as dye molecules and over 98% for<br />

suspended solids and colloids.<br />

In industria textila, volumul total de apa consumata este de<br />

aproximativ 150 milioane t/an, ceea ce inseamna ca o cantitate<br />

foarte mare de apa este utilizata in procese si este apoi evacuata ca<br />

apa uzata din unitatile industriale textile din intreaga lume.<br />

Indicatorii de calitate ai apelor uzate din industria textila, cum ar fi<br />

consumul biochimic de oxigen CBO 5 si consumul chimic de oxigen<br />

CCO-Cr, au valori care, in unele cazuri, depasesc de 5 ori<br />

concentratiile maxim admisibile (indicate de standardele nationale<br />

de calitate).<br />

Una dintre principalele probleme in ceea ce ce priveste epurarea<br />

efluentilor din industria textila este culoarea, nu doar din motive<br />

estetice, ci mai ales din motive de poluare. Colorantii si pigmentii<br />

proveniti din operatiile de vopsire sunt principalele surse de culoare<br />

in acest tip de ape uzate, avand concentratii in jurul valorii de 10<br />

mg/L in efluentul final.Recuperarea, recircularea si reutilizarea<br />

apelor epurate trebuie sa constituie instrumente eficiente in<br />

minimizarea emisiilor de poluanti in mediu. In general, ultrafiltrarea<br />

este utilizata ca unica treapta de epurare avansata a apelor uzate, fie<br />

pentru recircularea interna sau externa. Scopul acestui studiu este de<br />

a obtine grade de epurare ridicate a poluantilor, folosind un<br />

procedeu inovativ in 2 trepte de epurare: ultrasonarea, urmata de<br />

ultrafiltrare. In timpul procesului, ultrasonarea descompune<br />

majoritatea moleculelor de colorant, iar ultrafiltrarea retine<br />

moleculele de colorant ramase si solidele in suspensie si coloizii<br />

formate ulterior. Procesul integrat de ultrasonare-ultrafiltrare este<br />

foarte eficient nu numai pentru eliminarea colorantilor, dar si pentru<br />


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