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9.12.<br />

Title EN<br />

Titlu RO<br />

Process of extracting protein from chrome leather wastes and<br />

reducing the average molecular weight of collagen<br />

hydrolysates<br />

Procedeu de extragere a proteinelor din deseuri de piele<br />

cromata si reducere a masei moleculare medii a<br />

hidrolizatelor de collagen<br />

Authors<br />

Mihaela-Doina Niculescu, Carmen Cornelia Gaidau, Marian<br />

Crudu, Demetra Simion<br />

Institution The Leather and Footwear Institute (ICPI)<br />

Patent no. Pending RO A 00240<br />

Description<br />

EN<br />

Descriere<br />

RO<br />

The invention refers to a process of extracting protein from<br />

chrome leather wastes and reducing the average molecular<br />

weight of collagen hydrolysates. This procedure is applied to<br />

natural leather processing, to extract protein component from<br />

chromium tanned leather wastes. The technical problem that the<br />

invention solves is that of obtaining chromium-free collagen<br />

hydrolysates, with a diversified content of amino acids,<br />

including essential amino acids, by developing a process of<br />

extracting protein from chrome leather wastes and reducing the<br />

average molecular weight of collagen hydrolysates, which is<br />

conducted in two hydrolysis stages. Collagen hydrolysates<br />

containing amino acids have applications in agriculture, in the<br />

composition of foliar fertilizers for plant crops, but can also be<br />

used to obtain biodegradable packaging for seedlings, to<br />

encapsulate seeds, etc.<br />

Inventia se refera la un procedeu de extragere a proteinelor din<br />

deseuri de piele cromata si reducere a masei moleculare medii a<br />

hidrolizatelor de colagen. Acest procedeu se aplica in domeniul<br />

prelucrarii pieilor naturale, pentru extragerea componentei<br />

proteice din deseuri de piele tabacita cu crom. Problema tehnica<br />

pe care o rezolva inventia consta din obtinerea de hidrolizate de<br />

colagen lipsite de crom, cu un continut diversificat de<br />

aminoacizi, inclusiv aminoacizi esentiali, prin elaborarea unui<br />

procedeu de extragere a proteinelor din deseuri de piele cromata<br />

si reducere a masei moleculare medii a hidrolizatelor de<br />

colagen, care se desfasoara in doua etape de hidroliza.<br />

Hidrolizate de colagen cu continut de aminoacizi au aplicatii in<br />

domeniul agricol, in compozitia fertilizantilor foliari pentru<br />

cultura plantelor, dar pot fi folosite si pentru obtinerea<br />

ambalajelor biodegradabile pentru rasaduri, pentru incapsularea<br />

semintelor etc.<br />


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