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CLASS 8.<br />

Aviation, car industry and transportation<br />

Industria aviaţiei, constructoare de maşini şi transporturi<br />

8.1.<br />

Title EN Urban Electric Vehicle “OMI”<br />

Titlu RO Autovehicul urban electric “OMI”<br />

Authors Cosma Ioan Lucian<br />

Institution<br />

Patent no. Pending<br />

Description<br />

EN<br />

Descriere<br />

RO<br />

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca<br />

Student Creation Club „E-NOVA”<br />

Automobil electric având caroseria alcătuită din două sfere cu o<br />

articulaţie inelară care oferă manevrabilitate şi vizibilitate sporite.<br />

Utilizarea unor roţi sferice pe pernă magnetică oferă o<br />

manevrabilitatea foarte bună.<br />

Electric vehicle having body consists of two spheres with a joint<br />

circular that providing an increasing of operability and visibility.<br />

The spherical wheels on magnetic pillow offers a very good<br />

handling.<br />

8.2.<br />

Title EN Urban Electric Vehicle with 2 seats<br />

Titlu RO Autovehicul urban cu propulsie electrica, pentru 2 persoane<br />

Authors Cosma Ioan Lucian<br />

Institution<br />

Patent no. Pending<br />

Description<br />

EN<br />

Descriere<br />

RO<br />

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca<br />

Student Creation Club „E-NOVA”<br />

Electric vehicle with 2 seats, having a body made of recycled<br />

plastic panels and a egg structure for the protection of its pasangers.<br />

The car is powered by an electric engine that gets its energy from a<br />

high-voltage Li-Ion batteries wich allow the car to travel up to 150<br />

km on a sigle charge at 220V.<br />

Automobil electric cu doua locuri, cu caroserie din panouri din<br />

mase plastice reciclate si strucrura monococa pentru protectia<br />

pasagerilor. Reprezinta o solutie de deplasare eficienta in mediul<br />

urban, atat ca si gabarit redus cat si ca mijloc de transport cu emisii<br />

poluante zero. Autonomia de 150 km/incarcare este absolut<br />

suficienta pentru deplasarile zilnice in oras iar numarul de pasageri<br />

pe care ii poate transporta masina – doi la numar – este de<br />

asemenea suficient (masinile cu 5 locuri sunt folosite la capacitate<br />

maxima in proportie mult prea mica).<br />

107<br />


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