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Download - Europe Direct Iasi


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6.5.<br />

Title EN Cutting Tool With Locking Pin<br />

Authors Tipu Vichente<br />

Institution National Institute of Inventics, <strong>Iasi</strong><br />

Patent no. Pending<br />

Description<br />

EN<br />

The object of the present invention is to provide a clamping<br />

solution for cutting insert in both horizontal and vertical directions<br />

using a minimal number of components. A versatile Locking Pin<br />

has at one end a clamping head engineered to allow the cutting<br />

insert to be removable positioned in is place by passing the insertas<br />

hole over, and, also the shim is installed by passing its hole over the<br />

other end<br />

6.6.<br />

Title EN Storied or in scale bearings<br />

Titlu RO Rulmenţi etajaţi sau în scară<br />

Authors Sclipcea Costel Ciprian<br />

Institution<br />

Patent no. Pending RO A00668/2009<br />

Description<br />

EN<br />

Descriere<br />

RO<br />

The storied bearing has three rings, between which are rolling some<br />

balls, on two floors of different sizes and shapes, on one or two<br />

rows per floor, and can be manufactured in a wide range of typodimensions.<br />

They can be used primarily in environments wich have<br />

impurities, with high speed of revolution, wich can be detected<br />

(with the naked eye or with specialized tools) long before the<br />

damage, but they are not indicated in environments with strong<br />

shocks.<br />

The main characteristics of these bearings are: a high resistance to<br />

fatigue of materials, long running, low wear over time (by taking<br />

the rotation movement of the two levels), and speed of balls rolling<br />

reduced to about half.<br />

Rulmentul etajat are trei inele, printre care se rostogolesc nişte bile,<br />

pe două etaje de mărimi şi forme diferite, pe unul sau două rânduri<br />

pe etaj, putând fi fabricată o paletă largă de tipo-dimensiuni.<br />

Aceştia pot fi folosiţi cu precădere în mediu cu impurităţi, cu turaţii<br />

mari, putând fi detectabili (cu ochiul liber sau cu instrumente<br />

specializate) cu mult timp înainte de a se defecta, nefiind indicaţi în<br />

medii de lucru cu şocuri puternice.<br />

Principalele caracteristici ale acestor rulmenţi sunt: o rezistenţă<br />

mare la oboseala materialelor, durată lungă de funcţionare, uzură<br />

scăzută în timp (prin preluarea mişcării de rotaţie a celor două etaje)<br />

iar turaţia de rostogolire a bilelor scade la aproximativ jumătate.<br />


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