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work, this detail is somehow lost in the above conceptions. And if the presence of the ideas of Restitutio<br />

can be indicated in an important chapter of the representative Polish--Hungarian Antitrinitarian work as<br />

well as in the respective vernacular publications, the forceful emphasis on the element of reinterpretation<br />

will be justified. All this, of course, is remarkable with respect to the later history of Servet's work and<br />

will modify the view now dominant in the literature on the subject that the work of the mature Servet had<br />

no significant reception.123<br />

Looking for the Leitmotif of the treatment one probably thinks of the moral philosophical discussions<br />

in the source work. On the level of moral theology both works put forward an imitatio Christi based<br />

ultimately on the <strong>New</strong> Testament and allowing several interpretations. This and the god--man relationship<br />

fundamentally changed after the appearance of the Man Jesus Christ can be regarded as the common<br />

element that made the use of Restitutio possible even if opinions radically differed concerning the<br />

previous status of Jesus Christ. Thus the new Christology could be viewed as one that puts the moral<br />

theology formulated by Servet on a more solid and more consistent basis. At least that is the dominating<br />

tendency in the works of Grzegorz Pawel. In Rövid útmutatás, however, a more complicated situation<br />

should be expected. It will perhaps have been made clear by the analysis above that while the Polish<br />

Antitrinitarian had a clarified, clear cut and Christological position, this was not the case with Ferenc<br />

Dávid at all. Although, on the one hand, it can be said that by translating the crucially important parts of<br />

Brevis explicatio into Hungarian he eliminated a considerable amount of the obscurities and ambivalences<br />

in the earlier works but, on the other, he did not give up the idea of trying to reconcile Lelio Sozzini's<br />

Christology with that of Servet, the latter cleansed of the Platonic traits. The denial of Christ's<br />

preexistence became the basic tenet of his dogmatics, but through the ample use of the text of Restitutio<br />

he embraced details reminiscent of the +old" concept. As we have said, these are not to be regarded as<br />

transient phenomena and as it will be shown, it is exactly the dogged insistence on Servetian phraseology<br />

that makes his views individual.<br />

All this makes one pause to think about the hermeneutical procedures formulated and followed in<br />

Ferenc Dávid's work. We have seen that getting acquainted with the procedure followed in Brevis<br />

explicatio did not solve for him the tormenting questions of interpreting the Scripture. That is how, using<br />

the commentary that worked with a rationalist exegesis, he arrived at a profoundly subjectivist principle.<br />

But the distrustfulness towards human cleverness seen in the treatise is not quite identical with the<br />

biblicism of Grzegorz Pawel. For with Dávid this subjectivism, in addition to meaning that the capability<br />

of interpretation was bound to morality, also implied that one was justified to look for independent<br />

solutions. That is why Rövid útmutatás is a most important work. Together with the related texts it raises<br />

problems that were important for the development of both Transylvanian and European<br />

Antitrinitarianism. Its lessons must be remembered when outlining the mutual relationships and the<br />

history of the development of the various types and generations of Antitrinitarianism.<br />

Fausto Sozzini's reception and Transylvanian Antitrinitarian Christology<br />

The relationship between Servetian Antitrinitarianism and that represented by the Italians,<br />

however, cannot be clarified without examining another explication of Chapter 1 of John's gospel,<br />

Explicatio primi capitis Ioannis, which was also published in Transylvania first. This work, in addition to<br />

containing a more developed argumentation, also formulates details that are not present in Brevis<br />

explicatio.124 Of these we regard the following the most important. Arguing with the thesis that John<br />

wrote his gospel against Cerinthus and Ebion, the work claims that the apostle's purpose was not a debate<br />

with the said heretics but he wanted to convince people that Jesus was the son of God and whoever believed<br />

in him, would be saved. The author, who also uses rhetorical and poetic means in his argument, not<br />

only lists the biblical passages he considers analogous but the logical acceptability of the given thesis is<br />


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