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completely absurd, Melius' arguments refute themselves and the reason Dávid and his friends are replying<br />

is for those who are still weak in their faith. This was a clever polemical trick enabling them to preach the<br />

new while maintaining the appearance of continuity. Four chapters follow: the first contains Melius' and<br />

their own confessions, in the second they point out the contradictions in the confession of their opponent,<br />

in the third Melius' arguments, and in the fourth Stancaro's views are refuted. Considerations of space will<br />

not allow the discussion of the latter, and from the other chapters only those elements will be examined<br />

that transcend the earlier views of Dávid and his friends.<br />

Their confession is printed under the title Confessio vera de Triade Ministrorum Ecclesiae Dei in<br />

Transilvania consentientium [The true confession of the ministers in agreement of God's church in<br />

Transylvania]. This, also available in Hungarian in Dávid's Rövid magyarázat, leaves no doubt that its authors<br />

were not only well versed in, but had virtually mastered, the Christology of Lelio Sozzini.<br />

According to the confession, it is only from God the Father that all things are, he is the only creator of<br />

heaven and earth, he is the only invisible God supreme above all, the only true God, the God and Father<br />

of Christ.<br />

It is well worth quoting the main points of the thesis concerning the Son:<br />

+Furthermore we believe in our only Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things (Lk 2, Mt 1), conceived<br />

in the Virgin's womb by the Holy Ghost, in whom God has revealed himself in these last days<br />

(Heb 1).<br />

We have never claimed that this Son of God is immortal or supreme to all or that he is the God<br />

from whom are all things or that he is God by himself, but rather we believe that he is true God from the<br />

true God, wise from the wise, creator from the creator and immortal by that immortal and independent<br />

eternal God, to whom he is completely son and unto whom he will also be subject at the end of time and<br />

not only in his one or other body (1Cor 15), and than whom the same Son said he was smaller (Jn 14).<br />

We believe that he is equal and he is said to be so because the Father communicated to him his<br />

divinity in its entirety, giving him all power in heaven and on earth, and wanted the angels and men to<br />

worship him (Mt 28, Phil 2, Heb 1).<br />

Thus we believe that Jesus Christ is the only born Son twice testified to by the Father from heaven<br />

(Mt 3:17, Lk 3). And the one he once promised Adam from the seed of woman (Gen 1), the patriarches<br />

from Abraham's loins (Gen 12, 18, 23, 26, and Acts 44:41), and David to come from his seed and of<br />

whom only the predictions of all the prophets speak, and finally the one the apostles call the man (Acts 2,<br />

1Tim 2), the second Adam (1Cor 15)... Thus it is of this visible Christ that we say that he is the Word<br />

made flesh whom the Father said was his only begotten (Jn 1). Besides whom there is none else (Is 45),<br />

the one mediator (1Tim 2), judge of the quick and the dead (2Tim 4), the one head of the church (Eph 5),<br />

who is God blessed for ever (Rom 9), whom we worship, kiss and revere, and in whom we will for ever<br />

trust according to the eternal commandment of the most High. Therefore, we confess with Paul (1Cor 2)<br />

that we know not any thing save this crucified Jesus Christ."20<br />

Perhaps it will be possible below to demonstrate that although the authors of the text had<br />

+advanced" in mastering the views of Lelio Sozzini, interesting differences can be observed partly on<br />

account of the gradual portioning and partly because of the more traditional interpretation.<br />

Obviously, they accept the view that the word is Jesus Christ preaching the <strong>New</strong> Testament and,<br />

in addition to ignoring the mystery of the incarnatio, they also severely condemn Melius for its<br />

application: +And he interprets the sayings of the Apostles according to the whim of his own mind. God,<br />

he says, was manifested in flesh that is the Word was incarnated and was made flesh: just behold how<br />

sincerely he does that, and where in the Apostles can he find the word incarnation?"21<br />


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