Nicoline van Harskamp - DeLVe | Institute for Duration, Location and ...

Nicoline van Harskamp - DeLVe | Institute for Duration, Location and ...

Nicoline van Harskamp - DeLVe | Institute for Duration, Location and ...


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Želimir Žilnik (1942, živi i radi u Novom Sadu), autor brojnih igranih i dokumentarnih filmova,<br />

jedan od začetnika žanra doku-drama, nagrađi<strong>van</strong> na internacionalnim filmskim festivalima. Od<br />

samog početka profesionalnog rada na filmu, okrenut je savremenim temama, koje uključuju<br />

društvenu, političku i ekonomsku kritiku svakodnevice Studentske demonstracije 1968. godine,<br />

tema su i Žilnikovog prvog igranog filma Rani radovi (1969) nagrađenog Zlatnim medvjedom<br />

na Berlinskom filmskom festivalu. Nakon problema sa cenzurom u Jugoslaviji, te zaustavljanja<br />

rada na narednom igranom filmu Sloboda ili strip (1972), Žilnik sredinu sedamdesetih godina<br />

provodi u Nemačkoj, radeći za nezavisnu filmsku industriju. Po povratku u zemlju osamdesetih<br />

godina režira seriju dobro primljenih televizijskih doku-drama koje u fokusu imaju nagoveštaj<br />

nadolazećih nacionalističkih tenzija te raspad Jugoslavije. Tokom devedesetih, u nezavisnim<br />

filmskim i medijskim produkcijama realizuje niz igranih i dokumentarnih filmova na temu kataklizme<br />

na Balkanu (Tito po drugi put među Srbima, Marble Ass, Do jaja, Kud plovi ovaj brod i dr.). Slom<br />

sistema vrednosti u post-tranzicijskim zemljama Centralne i Istočne Evrope, problemi izbeglištva<br />

i migracija u novonastalim okolnostima „proširene Evrope”, okvir su tekućeg tematskog ciklusa<br />

započetog filmovima Tvrđava Evropa (2000), Kenedi se vraća kući (2003), Gde je Kenedi bio dve godine?<br />

(2005), Evropa preko plota (2005), Dunavska sapunska opera (2006) i Kenedi se ženi (2007).<br />

Želimir Žilnik (born in 1942; currently living <strong>and</strong> working in Novi Sad) has written <strong>and</strong> directed<br />

numerous feature <strong>and</strong> documentary films which have reaped many awards at domestic <strong>and</strong><br />

international film festivals. From the very beginning his films have focussed on contemporary<br />

issues, featuring social, political <strong>and</strong> economic assessments of everyday life.The student demonstrations<br />

of 1968 are at the centre of Žilnik’s first feature film Early Works (1969) which was<br />

awarded the “Golden Bear” at the Berlin Film Festival. After facing problems with censorship in<br />

Yugoslavia while working on his next feature film Freedom or Cartoons (filmed in 1972, never finished),<br />

Žilnik spent the mid-seventies in Germany, where he independently produced <strong>and</strong> made<br />

seven documentaries <strong>and</strong> one feature film, Paradise (1976). Following his return to Yugoslavia,<br />

he directed a substantial series of television films <strong>and</strong> docudramas. By the end of the eighties<br />

Žilnik was making films through a cooperative structure of television <strong>and</strong> cinema production.<br />

All these works <strong>for</strong>eshadowed the growing tensions <strong>and</strong> looming political <strong>and</strong> social changes that<br />

were to affect the country. Turning to independent film <strong>and</strong> media production in the nineties,<br />

he went on to make a series of feature <strong>and</strong> documentary films centring around the cataclysmic<br />

events befalling the Balkans (Tito among the Serbs <strong>for</strong> the Second Time, Marble Ass, Throwing off the<br />

Yolks of Bondage, W<strong>and</strong>erlust <strong>and</strong> other). The breakdown of the system of values in post-transitional<br />

Central <strong>and</strong> Eastern European countries <strong>and</strong> the problems facing refugees <strong>and</strong> immigrants<br />

within the new circumstances of an extended Europe became the focus of Žilnik’s most recent<br />

films: Fortress Europe (2000), Kenedi Goes Back Home (2003), Kenedi, Lost <strong>and</strong> Found (2005), Europe Next<br />

Door (2005), Soap in Danube Opera (2006), Kenedi is Getting Married (2007).

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