Nicoline van Harskamp - DeLVe | Institute for Duration, Location and ...

Nicoline van Harskamp - DeLVe | Institute for Duration, Location and ... Nicoline van Harskamp - DeLVe | Institute for Duration, Location and ...


funkcionisanje tog mehanizma, nego su po pravilu usmereni su tako da mu služe. Mislim da se glavni uzroci zbog kojih su pojedini pokreti u okviru umetnosti bili nedovoljno efikasni u odnosu na društvenu praksu, kriju u neshvatanju prave klasne prirode umetničke svesti i delatnosti. [...] Marina Abramović: Umetnik mora biti lep, umetnost mora biti lepa. [...] Slavko Timotijević: Kada kažem – “Ja sam za slobodu stvaranja i demokratiju umetnosti”, mogu to da kažem kao jednu ordinarnu frazu koja nema pozadinu u praksi i tu rečenicu koristim samo u prigodnim prilikama. Isto tako mogu da imam veoma jasne selektivne kriterijume šta podrazumevam pod pojmom umetnost, ali se to iz predhodne rečenice nikako ne može naslutiti. [...] Braco Dimitrijević: Ovo mesto bi moglo biti od istorijskog značaja. Bojana Pejić: Ovaj film bi mogao biti od istorijskog značaja. Goran Trbuljak: Pre nekog vremena gledao sam jedan film od King Vidora koji se zove Gomila. U njemu glavni junak se vozi ulicom, na početku filma, i gleda jednog čoveka koji ima na sebi plakat i koji baca loptice u zrak. On se tom čoveku na neki način podsmehuje jer smatra da je žalosno da jedan čovek mora raditi takvu profesiju.Taj čovek sa puno talenta kroz celi film pokazuje različite načine na koje hoće afirmisati svoju ličnost, hoće da bude slikar itd., uglavnom mnogo stvari pokušava kroz celi film. Medjutim, na kraju filma se desi to da on završi kao taj čovek koji baca tri kuglice i koji nosi sendvić. Ja sam samo hteo da vidim da li sam ja u stanju da tri minuta bacam kuglice-to je sve. Zoran Popović: Umetničko delo, odnosno values that it had in its recent or distant past; they primarily lie in a demand for a radical transformation of the social-economic base itself, which would lead to a further broadening of the sphere of individual and public freedoms, as well as the optimum ways of exercising collectively the results of those freedoms. [...] Goran Đorđević: [...] Since the character of the results of artistic activity, the character of works of art, is directly determined by the requirements of the mechanism that ensures the conditions, first of all the material ones, for their realisation and presentation, it is normal that these results cannot effectively threaten the functioning of this mechanism, but are, as a rule, oriented so as to serve it. I think that the main reasons why certain movements in art were insufficiently effective in relation to the social practice lie in their failure to understand the real class nature of artistic consciousness and activity. [...] Marina Abramović: Art must be beautiful. The artist must be beautiful. [...] Slavko Timotijević: When I say, “I am in favour of freedom of creation and democracy of art”, I can say that as a mere phrase that is not substantiated by practice, and only use that particular sentence on solemn occasions. Also, I can have very clear selective criteria when it comes to what I mean by the term art, but that cannot be inferred from the above sentence. [...] Braco Dimitrijević: This place could be of historical significance. Bojana Pejić: This film could be of historical significance. Goran Trbuljak: A while ago, I saw King Vidor’s film The Crowd. At the beginning of the movie, the protagonist drives along a street,

umetnička aktivnost trebalo bi da u sebi sadrži novi postulat kao alternativu koja bi bila radikalno kritična prema praksi koja joj prethodi. Taj novi postulat ili alternativa trebalo bi da se pojavi u cilju prevazilaženja postojećeg umetničkog konformizma (postojećeg društvenog poretka), gde se promene pojavljuju samo na nivou forme, tj. gde jedan umetnički kontekst zamenjuje drugi, dok establišment ostaje nepromenjen. Politizacija umetnosti je stoga neophodna. Umetnost mora biti negativna, kritična, kako prema spoljašnjem svetu, tako u odnosu na svoj sopstveni jezik, svoju sopstvenu (umetničku) praksu. * * * A šta je zadatak kustosa? A šta je zadatak kustosa? Zadatak kustosa nije samo virtuozni ideamaking i dobar menadžment. Zadatak kustosa je uvek aktivan odnos prema sredstvima umetnosti i njenim strategijama edukacije. Konačno, institucionalni zadatak kustosa jeste da kreira objedinjujuću priču koju tvore materijali različitog porekla – nešto poput zaključnog izlaganja advokata pre nego što će slučaj biti dat na presudu. Kustoski predlog Budućnost je nastavak prošlosti drugim sredstvima bavio se odnosima politizacije vs. kulturalizacije umetničkih praksi na primerima radova Partisan Songspiel grupe Chto Delat i Lutz Beckerovih Kino Beleški. Objedinjujuće katakteristike ova dva rada su višestruke: oba se bave (post-)jugoslovenskom situacijom na radikalan način, koristeći metod ‘distanciranog pogleda’ i avangardne umetničke procedure (to je struktura filmskih žurnala Dzige Vertova u slučaju Lutza Beckera i brehtijanska opera u slučaju Chto Delat); oba rada polaze od analize konkretne situacije – kontra-kulturni i politički okviri delovanja alternativne umetničke watching a placard man who is juggling balls in the air. In a way, he mocks this man, for he thinks it’s sad that one must pursue such a profession. Throughout the movie, that very talented man shows various ways of trying to affirm his own person, he wants to be a painter, etc., he tries a whole lot of things throughout the movie. I just wanted to see whether I could manage to juggle balls for three minutes – that’s all. Zoran Popović: The work of art, an artistic activity would have to contain within itself a new postulate as an alternative, which would be radically critical of the previous practice. This new postulate or alternative should appear for the purpose of overcoming the existing artistic conformism (the existing social order), where changes occur only on the level of form, that is to say, where one artistic context replaces another, while the establishment remains unchangeable. Hence a politisation of art is necessary. Art must be negative, critical, both towards the external world and in relation to its own language, its own (artistic) practice. [...] * * * But what is the task of the curator? But what is the task of the curator? The task of the curator is not just virtuoso idea-making and good management. The task of the curator is always an active relation to the means of art and its strategies of education. Finally, the institutional task of the curator is to create a uniting story that is created by materials of different origins – something like the closing address of counsel before the case is handed over for a verdict. The curatorial project The Future is the Extension of the Past by Other Means deals with the relations of the politization and culturalization of artistic practices using the examples of the works Partisan Songspiel by the Chto Delat group and Lutz

umetnička aktivnost trebalo bi da u sebi sadrži<br />

novi postulat kao alternativu koja bi bila<br />

radikalno kritična prema praksi koja joj prethodi.<br />

Taj novi postulat ili alternativa trebalo<br />

bi da se pojavi u cilju prevazilaženja postojećeg<br />

umetničkog kon<strong>for</strong>mizma (postojećeg<br />

društvenog poretka), gde se promene pojavljuju<br />

samo na nivou <strong>for</strong>me, tj. gde jedan umetnički<br />

kontekst zamenjuje drugi, dok establišment<br />

ostaje nepromenjen. Politizacija umetnosti je<br />

stoga neophodna. Umetnost mora biti negativna,<br />

kritična, kako prema spoljašnjem svetu,<br />

tako u odnosu na svoj sopstveni jezik, svoju<br />

sopstvenu (umetničku) praksu.<br />

* * *<br />

A šta je zadatak kustosa?<br />

A šta je zadatak kustosa?<br />

Zadatak kustosa nije samo virtuozni ideamaking<br />

i dobar menadžment.<br />

Zadatak kustosa je uvek akti<strong>van</strong> odnos<br />

prema sredstvima umetnosti i njenim<br />

strategijama edukacije. Konačno, institucionalni<br />

zadatak kustosa jeste da kreira<br />

objedinjujuću priču koju tvore materijali<br />

različitog porekla – nešto poput zaključnog<br />

izlaganja advokata pre nego što će slučaj<br />

biti dat na presudu.<br />

Kustoski predlog Budućnost je nastavak<br />

prošlosti drugim sredstvima bavio se<br />

odnosima politizacije vs. kulturalizacije<br />

umetničkih praksi na primerima radova<br />

Partisan Songspiel grupe Chto Delat i Lutz<br />

Beckerovih Kino Beleški. Objedinjujuće<br />

katakteristike ova dva rada su višestruke:<br />

oba se bave (post-)jugoslovenskom situacijom<br />

na radikalan način, koristeći metod<br />

‘distanciranog pogleda’ i a<strong>van</strong>gardne<br />

umetničke procedure (to je struktura filmskih<br />

žurnala Dzige Vertova u slučaju Lutza<br />

Beckera i brehtijanska opera u slučaju Chto<br />

Delat); oba rada polaze od analize konkretne<br />

situacije – kontra-kulturni i politički<br />

okviri delo<strong>van</strong>ja alternativne umetničke<br />

watching a placard man who is juggling balls<br />

in the air. In a way, he mocks this man, <strong>for</strong> he<br />

thinks it’s sad that one must pursue such a<br />

profession. Throughout the movie, that very<br />

talented man shows various ways of trying to<br />

affirm his own person, he wants to be a painter,<br />

etc., he tries a whole lot of things throughout<br />

the movie. I just wanted to see whether I could<br />

manage to juggle balls <strong>for</strong> three minutes –<br />

that’s all.<br />

Zoran Popović: The work of art, an artistic activity<br />

would have to contain within itself a new<br />

postulate as an alternative, which would be<br />

radically critical of the previous practice. This<br />

new postulate or alternative should appear <strong>for</strong><br />

the purpose of overcoming the existing artistic<br />

con<strong>for</strong>mism (the existing social order), where<br />

changes occur only on the level of <strong>for</strong>m, that<br />

is to say, where one artistic context replaces<br />

another, while the establishment remains<br />

unchangeable. Hence a politisation of art is<br />

necessary. Art must be negative, critical, both<br />

towards the external world <strong>and</strong> in relation to its<br />

own language, its own (artistic) practice. [...]<br />

* * *<br />

But what is the task of the curator?<br />

But what is the task of the curator?<br />

The task of the curator is not just virtuoso<br />

idea-making <strong>and</strong> good management.<br />

The task of the curator is always an active<br />

relation to the means of art <strong>and</strong> its strategies<br />

of education. Finally, the institutional<br />

task of the curator is to create a uniting<br />

story that is created by materials of different<br />

origins – something like the closing address<br />

of counsel be<strong>for</strong>e the case is h<strong>and</strong>ed<br />

over <strong>for</strong> a verdict.<br />

The curatorial project The Future is the<br />

Extension of the Past by Other Means deals<br />

with the relations of the politization<br />

<strong>and</strong> culturalization of artistic practices<br />

using the examples of the works Partisan<br />

Songspiel by the Chto Delat group <strong>and</strong> Lutz

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