Nicoline van Harskamp - DeLVe | Institute for Duration, Location and ...

Nicoline van Harskamp - DeLVe | Institute for Duration, Location and ... Nicoline van Harskamp - DeLVe | Institute for Duration, Location and ...


prevrat koji se desio samo u području ‘epohalne svesti’, već pre upućuje na transformaciju ekonomskih uslova života. Takozvana država blagostanja (bez obzira da je li je reč o ‘zapadnim demokratijama’ ili ‘realnom socijalizmu’) bila je utemeljena na mogućnosti planiranja ekonomskog razvoja, a upravo je taj horizont planiranja uništen nastupom neoliberalizma. Na području svakodnevnog života to postaje evidentno pojavom sveopšteg prekariteta. Budućnost stoga više nije nekakva tehnoutopija koja će ljudima osigurati sve više slobodnog vremena – jer će radni proces prepustiti mašinama i robotima – nego perpetuirajuća istost pokušaja da se glava održi iznad vode. Budućnost u neoliberalizmu označava samo nadolazeću ratu kredita, ili nadolazeći radni dan. Budućnost se spominje samo kada se govori o prirodnim katastrofama, uništenju okoline ili neminovnosti nadolazeće ekonomske krize. Šta možemo da kažemo o razotkrivanju budućnosi u perifernim područjima? To će svakako biti suprotno ‘ideologiji progresa’ koja tvrdi da se procesi modenizacije generišu u ekonomski najrazvijenijim područjima iz kojih se zatim šire dalje. Na području tzv. Zapadnog Balkana potencijali budućnosti su dvostruki. S jedne strane, imamo priliku da svedočimo o destruktivnim stranama neoliberalizma na mnogo otvoreniji i okrutniji način – procesi deregulacije i tržišna ekonomija, propast mreža socijalne sigurnosti ili destrukcija samog socijalnog tkiva u korist atomiziranih individua i hobsijanskog principa homo homini lupus est. S druge strane, upravo je u perifernim područjima moguće pronaći vernakularne strategije suprotstavljanja ovim destruktivnim učincima, s obzirom da postoji mnoštvo ‘sivih’ zona i aktivnosti koje izmiču ingerencijama vlade, policije i sudstva. Međutim, istraživanje mogućnosti koje se otvaraju za budućnost ne može da of a new science – futurology. With the advent of postmodern thought this idea of progress was challenged and, eventually, destroyed. But this change is less of a shift that occurred solely within the realm of ‘epochal conscience’ and more a transformation within economic circumstances. The so-called welfare state (no matter if it was the one of ‘western democracies’ or the ‘really existing socialism’) was based on the possibility of planning economic growth, and it is precisely this horizon of planning that was destroyed by the dominance of neo-liberalism. In terms of everyday life this becomes evident through the generalized precariousness. Therefore, the future is not anymore some techno-utopia that enables more and more free time for the people – since the labour processes are left to machines and robots – but a perpetual sameness of the effort to keep one’s head above water. The future in neo-liberalism stands only for the next instalment, or the next work-day. The only mention of the future is to be found in terms of natural catastrophes, the destruction of the environment or the inevitability of an upcoming economic contraction. What can we say about discovering the future in peripheral areas? This is obviously going to be contrary to the ‘ideology of progress’ which claimed that modernization processes are generated in the most economically developed areas and then disseminated further. In the so-called Western Balkans the potentialities of the future are twofold. On the one hand, we have the opportunity to witness the destructive sides of neo-liberalism in a more open and harsh manner – the processes of deregulation and free market economy, the downfall of social security networks or the destruction of the very social fabric in terms of atomized individuals and the Hobbesian principle homo homini lupus

se zaustavi na lociranju ovih ‘negativnih’ i ‘pozitivnih’ strana perifernog neoliberalizma. Koncept budućnosti moguće je otkrivati upravo ovde, jer periferna područja predstavljaju – lenjinističkim rečnikom rečeno – najslabiju kariku suvremenog kapitalističkog sistema. Istraživanje budućnosti se stoga može i mora sastojati od pronalaženja mesta preloma – slabe ili najslabije karike u lancu neoliberalizma. Umetnički predlog broj 1. Chto Delat, PARTIZANSKI SONGSPIEL. BEOGRADSKA PRIČA, Avgust 2009. Video Partizanski Songspiel. Beogradska priča moskovsko-petrogradske grupe Šta da se radi (Chto Delat) snimljen je nedavno u Beogradu, sa uporištem u konkretnom istorijskom događaju, ali i političkom narativu primenljivom u širem kontekstu neo-liberalne periferije i specifično u post-konfliktnom prostoru bivše Jugoslavije. Partizanski Songspiel polazi od analize konkretne situacije. U pitanju je politička opresija gradskih vlasti nad romima smeštenim u okolini luksuznog naselja Belvil, uoči letnje Univerzijade, 2009. godine. Istovremeno, po sredi je univerzalna politička poruka, utemeljena na ideji klasne borbe. Pozicije opresora i opresovanih oštro su polarizovane: u ovom slučaju to su gradske vlasti, ratni profiteri i biznis tajkuni protivu grupe obespravljenih – radnika, NGO aktivista, ratnih invalida i drugih identitarnih grupa. ‘Horizont istorijske svesti’ predstavljen je kroz glasove hora poginulih partizana koji komentarišu dijalog između grupe opresora i opresovanih i pozivaju na ujedinjenje u borbi za društvenu pravdu. Poruka ove inscenirane drame leži u zahtevu za prevazilaženjem antagonizama prisutnih u sferi ‘politika identiteta’ i potrebi za iznalaženjem nove univerzalne politike otpora koja će ujediniti opresovane grupe est. On the other hand, it is possible to find precisely in the peripheral areas some vernacular strategies for countering those destructive effects, since there are a lot of ‘grey’ areas of activity that escape governmental, police or juridical ordering. But those ‘negative’ and ‘positive’ sides of peripheral neo-liberalism cannot be the end of an exploration of future possibilities. The concept of the future can be discovered there because peripheral areas represent – in terms that invoke Leninist theory – the weakest link in the contemporary capitalist system. The exploration of the future, therefore, can and must consist in finding the loci of break – the weak(est) links in the neo-liberal chain. Artistic proposal no. 1 Chto Delat, PARTISAN SONGSPIEL, BEL- GRADE STORY, August 2009 The video Partisan Songspiel, Belgrade Story by the Moscow-Belgrade group What is to be done / Chto Delat was shot not long ago in Belgrade, drawing on a concrete historical event, as well as a political narrative applicable in the broader context of a neoliberal periphery and specifically in the post-conflict space of ex-Yugoslavia. Partisan Songspiel takes off from an analysis of a concrete situation. At issue is city hall’s political oppression of the Roma located in the surroundings of the luxury settlement of Belvil on the eve of the summer University Games of 2009. At the same time, it is a universal political message, based on the idea of the class struggle. The positions of oppressor and oppressed are sharply polarised: in this case, the city hall, war profiteers and business tycoons against the class of the disenfranchised – working class people, NGO activists, war invalids and other identity groups. The horizon of historical consciousness is presented through the voices of the choir of dead

se zaustavi na lociranju ovih ‘negativnih’<br />

i ‘pozitivnih’ strana perifernog neoliberalizma.<br />

Koncept budućnosti moguće<br />

je otkrivati upravo ovde, jer periferna<br />

područja predstavljaju – lenjinističkim<br />

rečnikom rečeno – najslabiju kariku suvremenog<br />

kapitalističkog sistema. Istraži<strong>van</strong>je<br />

budućnosti se stoga može i mora sastojati<br />

od pronalaženja mesta preloma – slabe ili<br />

najslabije karike u lancu neoliberalizma.<br />

Umetnički predlog broj 1.<br />


BEOGRADSKA PRIČA, Avgust 2009.<br />

Video Partizanski Songspiel. Beogradska priča<br />

moskovsko-petrogradske grupe Šta da<br />

se radi (Chto Delat) snimljen je nedavno<br />

u Beogradu, sa uporištem u konkretnom<br />

istorijskom događaju, ali i političkom<br />

narativu primenljivom u širem kontekstu<br />

neo-liberalne periferije i specifično u<br />

post-konfliktnom prostoru bivše Jugoslavije.<br />

Partizanski Songspiel polazi od<br />

analize konkretne situacije. U pitanju<br />

je politička opresija gradskih vlasti nad<br />

romima smeštenim u okolini luksuznog<br />

naselja Belvil, uoči letnje Univerzijade,<br />

2009. godine. Istovremeno, po sredi je<br />

univerzalna politička poruka, utemeljena<br />

na ideji klasne borbe. Pozicije opresora<br />

i opreso<strong>van</strong>ih oštro su polarizo<strong>van</strong>e: u<br />

ovom slučaju to su gradske vlasti, ratni<br />

profiteri i biznis tajkuni protivu grupe<br />

obespravljenih – radnika, NGO aktivista,<br />

ratnih invalida i drugih identitarnih grupa.<br />

‘Horizont istorijske svesti’ predstavljen je<br />

kroz glasove hora poginulih partizana koji<br />

komentarišu dijalog između grupe opresora<br />

i opreso<strong>van</strong>ih i pozivaju na ujedinjenje<br />

u borbi za društvenu pravdu. Poruka<br />

ove inscenirane drame leži u zahtevu za<br />

prevazilaženjem antagonizama prisutnih<br />

u sferi ‘politika identiteta’ i potrebi za<br />

iznalaženjem nove univerzalne politike<br />

otpora koja će ujediniti opreso<strong>van</strong>e grupe<br />

est. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, it is possible to<br />

find precisely in the peripheral areas<br />

some vernacular strategies <strong>for</strong> countering<br />

those destructive effects, since there are<br />

a lot of ‘grey’ areas of activity that escape<br />

governmental, police or juridical ordering.<br />

But those ‘negative’ <strong>and</strong> ‘positive’ sides<br />

of peripheral neo-liberalism cannot be<br />

the end of an exploration of future possibilities.<br />

The concept of the future can be<br />

discovered there because peripheral areas<br />

represent – in terms that invoke Leninist<br />

theory – the weakest link in the contemporary<br />

capitalist system. The exploration of<br />

the future, there<strong>for</strong>e, can <strong>and</strong> must consist<br />

in finding the loci of break – the weak(est)<br />

links in the neo-liberal chain.<br />

Artistic proposal no. 1<br />


GRADE STORY, August 2009<br />

The video Partisan Songspiel, Belgrade Story<br />

by the Moscow-Belgrade group What is to<br />

be done / Chto Delat was shot not long ago<br />

in Belgrade, drawing on a concrete historical<br />

event, as well as a political narrative<br />

applicable in the broader context of a neoliberal<br />

periphery <strong>and</strong> specifically in the<br />

post-conflict space of ex-Yugoslavia. Partisan<br />

Songspiel takes off from an analysis of<br />

a concrete situation. At issue is city hall’s<br />

political oppression of the Roma located in<br />

the surroundings of the luxury settlement<br />

of Belvil on the eve of the summer University<br />

Games of 2009. At the same time, it is<br />

a universal political message, based on the<br />

idea of the class struggle. The positions<br />

of oppressor <strong>and</strong> oppressed are sharply<br />

polarised: in this case, the city hall, war<br />

profiteers <strong>and</strong> business tycoons against<br />

the class of the disenfranchised – working<br />

class people, NGO activists, war invalids<br />

<strong>and</strong> other identity groups. The horizon<br />

of historical consciousness is presented<br />

through the voices of the choir of dead

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