Nicoline van Harskamp - DeLVe | Institute for Duration, Location and ...

Nicoline van Harskamp - DeLVe | Institute for Duration, Location and ... Nicoline van Harskamp - DeLVe | Institute for Duration, Location and ...


poravanju nečije ‘ispravnosti’ i na odustajanju od osuđivanja. Intuicija i imaginacija prihvaćaju potisnute i osporene fantazije, želje i potrebe, i pomažu u potrazi za načinima njihovog zadovoljavanja. Odricanje od uloge suca otkrit će naše kolektivno i individualno sudioništvo u nepravdi sistema. Onda to više neće biti “oni” nego mi koji ćemo dijeliti odgovornost za to kako naša zajednička stvarnost izgleda”. Navodeći moguće zajedničke i buduće projekte, Sierakowski predlaže: “Ako želite, otputovat ćemo zajedno na Mjesec”. I dok na prvi pogled odlazak na mjesec zvuči kao “banialuka”, uz kolektivni trud moguće je ostvariti i to. The initial conversations, the later oppositions and then direct confrontations indicate the impossibility of mutual tolerance and coexistence of diverse and contrary orientations and ways of thinking. The model of the workshop, the studio, which attended in his student days with Professor Grzegorz Kowalsky, creates a context in which through the use of visual symbols the mechanisms of hatred, exclusion and intolerance are revealed. Żmijewski thinks that art can be a socially effective tool that provides knowledge and testimony and rejects the autonomy of art as a discipline that is devoid of social and cognitive procedures. In the manifesto Applied Social Arts Żmijewski states: “We all lost out on our failure to use the cognitive procedures developed by art to any greater extent. Procedures based on intuition and imagination, procedures based on denying one’s righteousness and giving up judgementalism. Intuition and imagination embrace repressed and denied fantasies, desires and needs, and help search for ways to satisfy them. Renouncing the role of judge will reveal our collective and individual complicity in the injustice of the system. Then it will no longer be “them” but us who will share responsibility for the way in which our common reality appears.” Stating possible joint and future projects, Sierakowski proposes: “If you like, we’ll travel to the moon together”. And while at the first glance a trip to the moon sounds like ‘banialuka’, with collective effort, even a journey to the moon can be brought off.

Yael Bartana Mary Koszmary (Noćne more), 2007. 16mm film prebačen na DVD, 10’50’’ Mary Koszmary (Nightmares), 2007 16 mm film transferred to DVD, 10’50” Ljubaznošću / Courtesy of Annet Gelink Gallery

Yael<br />

Bartana<br />

Mary Koszmary<br />

(Noćne more), 2007.<br />

16mm film prebačen<br />

na DVD, 10’50’’<br />

Mary Koszmary<br />

(Nightmares), 2007<br />

16 mm film transferred<br />

to DVD, 10’50”<br />

Ljubaznošću / Courtesy<br />

of Annet Gelink<br />


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