Nicoline van Harskamp - DeLVe | Institute for Duration, Location and ...

Nicoline van Harskamp - DeLVe | Institute for Duration, Location and ...

Nicoline van Harskamp - DeLVe | Institute for Duration, Location and ...


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arhive moguće je strukturirati prema<br />

postojećim klasifikacijama znanja o<br />

problematici samoupravljanja, ili koristiti<br />

a priori klasifikaciju a zatim metodom<br />

usporedbe s našom arhivom procijeniti je<br />

li preuzeta klasifikacija adekvatna. Moguće<br />

je također arhivu koristiti kao nultu tačku<br />

iz koje će se generisati nova klasifikacija<br />

problematike samoupravljanja na temelju<br />

(zaista nasumično) kreiranih grupacija<br />

predmeta, a tu je dobivenu klasifikaciju<br />

zatim moguće uspoređivati sa sličnim<br />

arhivama ili teorijama o datoj problematici.<br />

Ukratko, radi se o metodama inkorporirane<br />

indukcije ili dedukcije, u kojima<br />

funkcionalni kontrolni mehanizam služi<br />

kao osnova za komparaciju.<br />

3. Prema Freudovoj teoriji premještanja<br />

i zamjene nije moguće jednostavnom<br />

analizom traumatskih iskaza doći do izvora<br />

traume, jer psihološka aktivnost vodi<br />

traumu kroz putanje nesvjesnog na način<br />

da one gube direktnu uzročnu vezu.<br />

U ovom projektu nas ne interesira sam<br />

fenomen samoupravljanja, nego načini<br />

na koje su danas prisutna sjećanja na<br />

Socijalističku Federativnu Republiku Jugoslaviju<br />

(relativno ne-konfliktno vrijeme,<br />

prije ratnih sukoba), kao i sjećanja na<br />

nekadašnje jedinstvo. Fenomen samoupravljanja<br />

može postati jedna <strong>for</strong>ma,<br />

putem koje danas možemo govoriti o<br />

prošlosti Jugoslavije.<br />

Kako smo naglasili, arhiva samoupravljanja<br />

– koja se tek treba stvoriti i o kojoj za sada<br />

ne znamo ništa – za nas predstavlja sučelje.<br />

1, 2 i 3 su tri hipotetske (dedukcijske)<br />

radne metode. Ta tri čvorišta moguće je<br />

vizualizirati kao tri točke na trokutu koje<br />

opisuju tri kruga. Krugovi se presjecaju,<br />

a predstavljaju mogućnosti sadržane u<br />

izloženim metodama.<br />

inventory of the archive can be organized<br />

according to existing classifications<br />

of knowledge of self-management,<br />

or according to an a priori classification<br />

whose adequacy to our own arhive can be<br />

estimated by method of comparison. It is<br />

also possible to use the archive itself as a<br />

zero point from which a new classification<br />

of the problematics of self-management is<br />

generated on the basis of a (de facto r<strong>and</strong>omly)<br />

created group of objects. The new<br />

classification could then be compared with<br />

similar archives or theories on the subject.<br />

Simply put, these are methods of incorporated<br />

induction or deduction, where<br />

the functioning control mechanism is the<br />

principal of comparison.<br />

3. Freud’s theory of displacement <strong>and</strong> replacement<br />

states that by a simple analysis<br />

of traumatic expressions we can’t arrive<br />

at the sources of the trauma, since the<br />

psychological activity leads the trauma<br />

through trajectories of the unconscious in<br />

a way that makes it lose the direct causal<br />

linkage. The Archive of Self-Management<br />

is not interested in the phenomenon of<br />

self-management itself, but rather in the<br />

now existing memories of the Socialist<br />

Federative Republic of Yugoslavia (prewar,<br />

relatively conflict free) – a unity in<br />

the past. The phenomenon of self-management<br />

could become a <strong>for</strong>m, through<br />

which we can today speak about the past<br />

of Yugoslavia.<br />

As was stated, The Archive of Self-Man<br />

agement, which has yet to be created <strong>and</strong><br />

about which we now know nothing, is<br />

<strong>for</strong> us an interface. 1, 2, <strong>and</strong> 3 are three<br />

hypothetical (deductive) working methods.<br />

These three nodes could be visualized<br />

as three points of a triangle circumscribed<br />

by three circles. The circles intersect each<br />

other <strong>and</strong> represent possibilities incorporated<br />

in these methods.

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