Speech Dr. Staudigl (PDF | 61 KB) - Wacker Chemie

Speech Dr. Staudigl (PDF | 61 KB) - Wacker Chemie

Speech Dr. Staudigl (PDF | 61 KB) - Wacker Chemie


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Not for Release before March 16, 2011, 10:30 a.m.<br />

Annual Press Conference<br />

for 2010<br />

<strong>Speech</strong> by<br />

<strong>Dr</strong>. Rudolf <strong>Staudigl</strong><br />

President & CEO<br />

<strong>Wacker</strong> <strong>Chemie</strong> AG, Munich<br />

March 16, 2011<br />

Munich, Germany<br />

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Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our annual press conference.<br />

In 2010, the world economy recovered from the deepest recession since WWII<br />

more rapidly and dynamically than anticipated. The first six months, in particular,<br />

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saw a rapid upswing. Looking at the full year, GDP grew substantially across every<br />

region – especially in Asia, which reinforced its role as the engine of the global<br />

economy.<br />

WACKER benefited greatly from the momentum on Asian markets. Robust de-<br />

mand for polysilicon and semiconductor wafers boosted our business in the re-<br />

gion. Over the past few years, our chemical divisions have hugely expanded their<br />

production capacities, particularly in China. As a result, we can supply our cus-<br />

tomers there more intensively with locally-manufactured products.<br />

Overall, WACKER generated sales of over 4.7 billion euros in 2010. Up 28 percent<br />

against the previous year. This growth was due to brisk demand for WACKER<br />

products in all our major target industries. Our sales record was mainly fueled by<br />

Siltronic’s robust gains and WACKER SILICONES’ and WACKER<br />

POLYSILICON’s strong performance.<br />

Earnings outpaced sales by a wide margin. EBITDA – earnings before interest,<br />

taxes, depreciation and amortization – amounted to about 1.2 billion euros in<br />

2010. Almost double the prior-year figure. The EBITDA margin rose to over<br />

25 percent, returning to 2008’s high level. Earnings growth was primarily sup-<br />

ported by stronger sales volumes and revenues. High capacity utilization positively<br />

impacted specific production costs.<br />

All in all, WACKER ended 2010 with net income of half a billion euros. Another<br />

record result. Each business division contributed toward this success. Sales and<br />

earnings at all units were considerably better than in 2009.<br />

Our semiconductor business generated especially robust growth. Siltronic bene-<br />

fited from strong electronics demand from industry and consumers. Sales soared<br />

more than 60 percent to over 1 billion euros. Stronger sales volumes made for<br />

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significantly higher capacity-utilization rates. As a result, manufacturing costs were<br />

lower than a year ago. Equally important, prices for some silicon wafer diameters<br />

exceeded prior year’s levels. All these factors helped Siltronic generate an<br />

EBITDA of almost 90 million euros. In 2009, it had posted a loss of over<br />

160 million euros. Naturally, this improvement is not the end of our efforts. We will<br />

continue working on increasing the profitability of our semiconductor business.<br />

Siltronic, though, is definitely on the right track.<br />

Our chemical operations performed very satisfactorily – especially our silicones<br />

division. Here, demand for our products was particularly strong – across every in-<br />

dustry and region. In full-year 2010, we generated silicone sales of almost<br />

1.6 billion euros – 28 percent more than a year earlier. Earnings rose even more<br />

sharply than sales. At 230 million euros, EBITDA was 46 percent above the prior-<br />

year level. Earnings were primarily fueled by strong sales-volume gains and our<br />

low specific production costs.<br />

Despite 2010’s subdued construction-sector trend, our polymers division increased<br />

its sales by 9 percent – to over 800 million euros. This growth was mainly fueled<br />

by strong demand for dispersions and dispersible polymer powders. EBITDA also<br />

rose. Earnings, however, were held back by much higher ethylene prices.<br />

At our biosolutions division, sales climbed to over 140 million euros – up<br />

36 percent. EBITDA more than doubled. There were two reasons behind this<br />

strong performance. First, demand was very high in every product segment. Sec-<br />

ond, 2010 was the first time that gumbase had been fully consolidated in the divi-<br />

sion over an entire year. Previously, this operation had belonged to our polymers<br />

division.<br />

Last but not least, I come to our polysilicon division. In 2010, it reinforced its role<br />

as a growth driver and earnings engine for the whole Group. Robust demand, es-<br />

pecially from the solar industry, and additional production output boosted the divi-<br />

sion’s sales by 22 percent to almost 1.4 billion euros. Compared to 2009, we pro-<br />

duced a third more polysilicon in 2010 – over 30,000 metric tons in total. Earnings<br />

growth was even slightly stronger than sales. EBITDA rose by 41 percent to<br />

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730 million euros. A key factor here was our technological-leadership position,<br />

which enables us to produce top-quality polysilicon at a very low cost. Although<br />

German feed-in tariffs for solar energy have been reduced, our poly business has<br />

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remained constantly strong. In 2010, we concluded a series of high-volume, multi-<br />

year contracts – at attractive prices and involving prepayments by customers for<br />

future deliveries. As a result, our entire plant capacity – both existing and under<br />

construction – will be almost fully utilized until the end of 2014.<br />

Ladies and gentlemen, I have completed my review of divisional developments.<br />

Now, I would like to return to the Group’s financial statements and look at key data<br />

from the statement of cash flows.<br />

Net cash flow reached over 420 million euros in 2010. This means: we funded our<br />

capital expenditures – almost 700 million euros in total – entirely out of our own<br />

cash flow. This success reflects both the strength of our operations and the strong<br />

rise in advance payments by customers for future polysilicon deliveries.<br />

I think, ladies and gentlemen, that these figures speak for themselves. WACKER<br />

is in extremely good financial shape. From this position of strength, we success-<br />

fully concluded, or strongly advanced, some key investment and portfolio meas-<br />

ures in 2010.<br />

By purchasing a silicon-metal site in Holla, Norway, we took an important step to-<br />

ward securing our raw-material base. Acquired from the FESIL Group in mid-2010,<br />

the site has an annual capacity of about 50,000 metric tons. This means that we<br />

now cover almost a third of our silicon needs through captive production. The ac-<br />

quisition, which cost about 65 million euros, is a good investment – especially in<br />

times of rising silicon prices and ever-tightening raw-material markets.<br />

In November 2010, we officially launched siloxane production, with our partner<br />

Dow Corning, at Zhangjiagang. This milestone marks the completion of our key<br />

investment project in the highly promising Chinese market. The investment and<br />

start-up costs were higher than originally planned. One needs to bear in mind that<br />

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this is a very extensive, integrated production complex that was built, in effect, on<br />

a greenfield site and in a new market.<br />

With the completion of this project - which promises additional growth potential -<br />

we have, however, fully met our goal of being able to supply customers in the re-<br />

gion more effectively from the world’s largest integrated silicone site. At the same<br />

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time, we prepared the ground for further expanding our silicone business in China<br />

and across Asia.<br />

In 2010, we also pushed ahead with production-capacity expansion for polysilicon.<br />

In April 2010, we officially started up Burghausen’s Expansion Stage 8, and<br />

achieved its full capacity of 10,000 metric tons in the second quarter. The con-<br />

struction of our polysilicon plant in Nünchritz progressed very well last year. At the<br />

moment, we are busy installing the production equipment, and will bring the plant<br />

on stream before year-end, as planned. In December 2010, we decided to build a<br />

new polysilicon plant with an annual capacity of 15,000 metric tons in the US State<br />

of Tennessee.<br />

As you see, ladies and gentlemen, our main focus remains on growing through our<br />

strengths – whether in Germany or in the world’s main economic regions. Our fig-<br />

ures also reflect this clearly. In 2010, WACKER generated 81 percent of its sales<br />

through customers outside Germany. That’s almost 3.9 billion euros.<br />

With 36 percent of Group sales, Asia remains our largest market – and the one<br />

with the strongest growth. Our sales in this region amounted to over 1.7 billion eu-<br />

ros. Thanks to strong demand among chipmakers, our silicon-wafer business per-<br />

formed particularly well. We generate close to 60 percent of our Asian sales in<br />

China, including Taiwan. Sales in Greater China almost reached the billion-euro<br />

threshold for the first time. Solar-grade polysilicon business was very robust there<br />

– because China is home to numerous solar-cell and module manufacturers. India<br />

was another region where we posted double-digit growth.<br />

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In our European markets outside Germany, sales climbed sharply in 2010 – reach-<br />

ing almost 1.2 billion euros. Since we supply products to virtually every industry,<br />

we benefited widely from the economic rebound.<br />

In Germany and the Americas, we also achieved double-digit growth. In Germany,<br />

our silicones division, in particular, reported above-average growth. In the Ameri-<br />

cas, sales were fueled by semiconductor and chemical business, and by solar-<br />

grade polysilicon.<br />

Robust customer demand and higher plant utilization led to an increase in the<br />

Group’s workforce. Employee numbers rose by almost 700 last year. Other con-<br />

tributing factors included our acquisition of the silicon-metal plant in Holla and a<br />

silicone site at Jincheon in South Korea. On December 31, 2010, WACKER had<br />

16,300 employees worldwide – just under 5 percent more than a year earlier. Of<br />

this total, some 12,200 work in Germany and about 4,100 elsewhere in the world.<br />

Ladies and gentlemen, I have arrived at the end of my review of Group developments<br />

last year. It is no exaggeration to say that WACKER is in stronger shape than ever<br />

before in its history. That applies to our operative performance, and to the Group’s<br />

assets and financial position. Our equity ratio climbed to almost 45 percent. As for net<br />

financial liabilities – which is the balance of liquidity and financial liabilities – we<br />

posted a surplus of over 260 million euros, as of December 31, 2010.<br />

Given the Group’s very good earnings performance and good financial position,<br />

we think we are justified in raising the dividend significantly. At the Annual Share-<br />

holders’ Meeting, the Executive and Supervisory Boards will propose distributing a<br />

dividend of 3 euros and 20 cents for 2010. The resultant distribution ratio is a third,<br />

based on the net income allocable to <strong>Wacker</strong> <strong>Chemie</strong> AG’s shareholders.<br />

We will suitably reward our employees, too, for the Group’s success, through vari-<br />

able-compensation components. During the economic crisis, our employees made<br />

pay-related concessions. By doing so, they helped mitigate the demand slump’s<br />

impact on the Group. Now that the Group is doing well again, it is time to finan-<br />

cially recognize our employees’ commitment and hard work. The profit-sharing<br />

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bonus for WACKER employees in Germany, amounts to over 100 million euros for<br />

2010.<br />

Ladies and gentlemen, what are our expectations for the current year? In short,<br />

the signs point to continued growth – both for the world economy and for<br />

WACKER.<br />

According to analysts, the global economic upturn will continue during the current<br />

year. The pace of growth, however, will be slower than in 2010. Momentum will be<br />

strongest in Asia, with the large economies of China and India showing sustained<br />

growth. GDP in every other region is expected to be above prior-year levels, too.<br />

Looking back at the first two months of 2011, we share these expectations. In<br />

January and February, the upswing continued to benefit our operations. Group<br />

sales were much higher year on year. In every business field, demand was high<br />

and sustained.<br />

On the downside, the robust recovery is pushing up raw-material costs. In January<br />

and February, the prices for our key raw materials – silicon, ethylene and metha-<br />

nol – were significantly above the prior-year average. At the moment, it is not<br />

really clear how prices will develop. In general, though, we expect costs to con-<br />

tinue to rise. Compensating for this will not be easy. Nevertheless, we are very<br />

confident that we can increase our full-year sales and achieve a very good operat-<br />

ing result for 2011.<br />

Supplying our production plants at competitive prices is a crucial task performed<br />

by our procurement teams. In our Annual Report, there are four examples showing<br />

how the teams strive to strike a fine balance between quality, price and supply se-<br />

curity.<br />

This year, we will meet rising customer demand by bringing new production capac-<br />

ity on stream and by making additional investments. All in all, we are planning to<br />

invest about 950 million euros in 2011. This figure includes the polysilicon capac-<br />

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ity-expansion projects at Burghausen and Nünchritz, which we announced on<br />

Monday of this week.<br />

The main investment focus will be on our polysilicon division. In the second half<br />

year, we will launch production at our new 10,000-metric-ton plant in Nünchritz.<br />

This milestone will boost our current capacity of more than 30,000 metric tons by<br />

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25 percent. This year, we will also start constructing polysilicon facilities at our new<br />

Cleveland site in the US State of Tennessee. The production complex will have an<br />

annual capacity of 15,000 metric tons and is to be completed by the end of 2013.<br />

Totaling €1.1 billion, the project is the single largest investment WACKER has ever<br />

made.<br />

A completely new site is, of course, more expensive initially than a comparable<br />

expansion at an existing site, where infrastructure is already in place. Strategically,<br />

though, the new site will make our polysilicon operation much more robust. This<br />

fresh capacity will give us more independence from high energy prices in Ger-<br />

many. And also from exchange-rate fluctuations, since the site is outside the euro-<br />

zone. In my opinion, we can be certain that the additional quantities will be sold.<br />

After all, our customers value the outstanding quality of our polysilicon. We have<br />

already contractually secured virtually the entire output of Tennessee for 2014.<br />

It is already clear that our capacities – both existing and planned – will not be<br />

enough to cover customer needs in the long term. Consequently, we have decided<br />

to increase polysilicon capacities at Burghausen and Nünchritz – by 10,000 metric<br />

tons in total. The investment in this debottlenecking measure amounts to around<br />

130 million euros. We expect the first polysilicon from this measure next year, with<br />

the full additional amount becoming available in 2013. As a result, our total capac-<br />

ity will expand to 67,000 metric tons by 2014 – reinforcing our position as a leading<br />

global supplier.<br />

As in the past, we see opportunities for further growth in our semiconductor and<br />

chemical segments. We expect silicon-wafer demand to increase during the year –<br />

especially in the 300 millimeter segment. New devices, such as tablet PCs and<br />

smartphones, and the growth of image and video applications, will fuel demand for<br />

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memory chips and high-performance processors. This trend should drive our plant-<br />

utilization levels and, possibly, push up prices, too. We expect Siltronic to post<br />

higher sales and earnings in 2011. During the year, we intend to expand capacity at<br />

our Siltronic Samsung Wafer joint venture in Singapore – thereby meeting market<br />

growth in Asia.<br />

Our silicone and polymer business will benefit strongly this year from accelerating<br />

demand in emerging economies – and will generate higher sales, as a result.<br />

Greater prosperity in countries like Brazil, China and India, plus increasing urbani-<br />

zation and infrastructure activity, will fuel our sales volumes for silicones, dispersi-<br />

ble polymer powders and dispersions. We also anticipate higher sales at our bio-<br />

solutions division in 2011. Key growth drivers here include our gumbase business.<br />

WACKER is the global leader in this market – a position we intend to strengthen,<br />

especially in Asia.<br />

Ladies and gentlemen, we have entered 2011 with great confidence and from a<br />

position of strength. The Group is in excellent financial shape. Thanks to our long-<br />

term investment strategy, we have established a very solid basis in the world’s<br />

growth regions over the last few years – above all in Asia. The major global trends<br />

that spur our business are intact. Energy efficiency and renewable energy genera-<br />

tion, the reduction of CO2 emissions, greater prosperity in emerging economies,<br />

and the advance of digitization – all these trends fuel demand for our products<br />

and, in turn, boost growth.<br />

All in all, we expect this year’s sales to exceed the 5-billion-euro threshold. On the<br />

earnings front, higher raw-material costs will hold back growth. And so will start-up<br />

costs at our new polysilicon plant in Nünchritz. Nevertheless, we expect EBITDA<br />

to reach 2010’s high level again.<br />

Ladies and gentlemen, I have arrived at the end of my review. My colleagues and I<br />

will now be available to answer your questions.<br />

Thank you for your attention.<br />

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