Borough of Ramsey 2005 Reorganization Meeting January 2, 2005 The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Ramsey Veterans of Foreign Wars. Rev. Michael Carrier, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, gave the invocation. The oaths of office were administered to re-elected Councilman Jeffrey Heller by Peter Scandariato, Esq., and to newly elected Councilman Arthur Nalbandian by his father, Honorable Martin Nalbandian. Mayor Muti officially called the meeting to order and read the Open Public Meetings Law. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor Muti, Councilmembers Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto, Borough Administrator Nicholas Saros, Borough Clerk Nancy Ecke-Hohmann, and Borough Attorney Peter Scandariato. Absent: None Mayor Muti presented an engraved clock/plaque to outgoing Councilman Cantor. Mayor Muti stated that he had the greatest respect for Howard and each of the Councilmembers expressed their appreciation to Howard Cantor and wished him well in his future endeavors. Councilman Cantor wished everyone a Happy New Year and expressed his appreciation to the residents and to former Mayor John Scerbo for the opportunity to volunteer. Councilman Cantor also expressed his appreciation to Cynthia Porter and Rudy Iorio, as well as former Councilmembers Lehr, Lesica, and Smith for their support and advice. Councilman Cantor complimented the Ramsey employees and expressed his appreciation to the current council and to Mayor Muti. Councilman Cantor acknowledged his wife, Pam, and thanked her for sharing his zeal for community service. Mr. Cantor indicated that he would like to be remembered as a statesman, not just a politician. (Applause). Mayor Muti presented his annual Mayor’s Awards to Emil Porfido, Mayor Emeritus, who was instrumental in obtaining many good things for the Borough of Ramsey including Green Acres parkland, federal funding for sanitary sewers, the overpass at Route 17/Lake Street, improved commuter parking, and HUD funding for senior citizens housing. Mr. Porfido expressed his appreciation for this award and wished everyone a Happy New Year. (Applause). Mayor Muti presented additional awards later in the meeting. Resolution Number One – Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Heller Be It Resolved that the By-Laws of the Borough Council of the Borough of Ramsey, New Jersey dated 1984, and as subsequently amended, be and are hereby adopted as the By- Laws for the year 2005: Ayes: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto Nays: None Mayor opened the nominations for Council President. Councilman Bisaillon nominated

Borough of Ramsey<br />

2005 Reorganization Meeting<br />

January 2, 2005<br />

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Ramsey Veterans of Foreign Wars.<br />

Rev. Michael Carrier, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, gave the invocation.<br />

The oaths of office were administered to re-elected Councilman Jeffrey Heller by<br />

Peter Scandariato, Esq., and to newly elected Councilman Arthur Nalbandian by his father,<br />

Honorable Martin Nalbandian.<br />

Mayor Muti officially called the meeting to order and read the Open Public Meetings Law.<br />

ROLL CALL:<br />

Present: Mayor Muti, Councilmembers Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien,<br />

Ratto, Borough Administrator Nicholas Saros, Borough Clerk Nancy Ecke-Hohmann,<br />

and Borough Attorney Peter Scandariato.<br />

Absent: None<br />

Mayor Muti presented an engraved clock/plaque to outgoing Councilman Cantor. Mayor Muti<br />

stated that he had the greatest respect for Howard and each of the Councilmembers expressed<br />

their appreciation to Howard Cantor and wished him well in his future endeavors. Councilman<br />

Cantor wished everyone a Happy New Year and expressed his appreciation to the residents<br />

and to former Mayor John Scerbo for the opportunity to volunteer. Councilman Cantor also<br />

expressed his appreciation to Cynthia Porter and Rudy Iorio, as well as former<br />

Councilmembers Lehr, Lesica, and Smith for their support and advice. Councilman Cantor<br />

complimented the Ramsey employees and expressed his appreciation to the current council and<br />

to Mayor Muti. Councilman Cantor acknowledged his wife, Pam, and thanked her for sharing<br />

his zeal for community service. Mr. Cantor indicated that he would like to be remembered as a<br />

statesman, not just a politician. (Applause).<br />

Mayor Muti presented his annual Mayor’s Awards to Emil Porfido, Mayor Emeritus, who was<br />

instrumental in obtaining many good things for the Borough of Ramsey including Green Acres<br />

parkland, federal funding for sanitary sewers, the overpass at Route 17/Lake Street, improved<br />

commuter parking, and HUD funding for senior citizens housing. Mr. Porfido expressed his<br />

appreciation for this award and wished everyone a Happy New Year. (Applause).<br />

Mayor Muti presented additional awards later in the meeting.<br />

Resolution Number One – Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Heller<br />

Be It Resolved that the By-Laws of the Borough Council of the Borough of Ramsey,<br />

New Jersey dated 1984, and as subsequently amended, be and are hereby adopted as the By-<br />

Laws for the year 2005:<br />

Ayes: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto Nays: None<br />

Mayor opened the nominations for Council President. Councilman Bisaillon nominated

Christopher Botta, seconded by Councilman Heller. Mayor asked if there were any other<br />

nominations. Councilman Bisaillon moved that the nominations be closed, seconded by Heller.<br />

Carried. Mayor instructed the Clerk to cast one ballot for Councilman Botta for Council<br />

President. Councilman Botta is declared and elected as Council President.<br />

Remarks from Newly Elected Council Members<br />

Councilman Heller stated that we should all remember the members of our armed forces<br />

especially those in Iraq. My thanks to the members of the VFW and to my wife, Martha, for<br />

her support. The value of public office is important and I deeply appreciate the benefit of that<br />

honor. I thank you for being re-elected. We need clearly to have greater expectations for<br />

ourselves without the help of our legislators in Trenton. We will have to re-examine our<br />

spending. Our public employees are our assets, not liabilities, and we have to try to balance<br />

government as a service business and it is extremely important that employees feel respected<br />

and fairly treated. I wish everyone a very Happy New Year.<br />

Councilman Nalbandian thanked everyone for being here on this special day and expressed his<br />

appreciation to his wife, Debra, for her support. Councilman Nalbandian stated that his father<br />

is a judge in Old Tappan and he is his role model. His mother was a councilwoman for nine<br />

years in Old Tappan and he is dedicating his service in her memory. He also mentioned his<br />

younger brother, Matthew, and his grandmother, who lived with him for a while. Council-<br />

man Nalbandian congratulated Howard Cantor and his wife, Pam, and thanked him for his<br />

many years of volunteering to the Borough. Congratulations to Jeff Heller on his re-election.<br />

He looks forward to working with all of his colleagues on the Council. We may not always<br />

agreed on every issue, but I will keep an open mind. Ramsey is a great town and there are<br />

many challenges ahead. Happy New Year to everyone.<br />

Remarks from newly elected Council President<br />

Councilman Botta expressed his appreciation for being elected Council President. We have<br />

divisions on the Council but we must have some consensus and move forward in the best<br />

interests of the Borough. It has been a pleasure to serve with Howard Cantor and I will miss<br />

his professionalism. The Finch Park project, the Downtown Main Street Project and the<br />

Wyckoff Avenue project and the viability of a community center are all very important<br />

projects. Priorities on spending must be established and adhered to; I call on the head of every<br />

committee to take the first 30 days of this year to establish priorities for the new year and<br />

present them to our council in February so that we can explore those priorities for each<br />

committee. Congratulations to Art and Jeff for their elections. I look forward to working with<br />

them and I congratulate all the volunteers and public safety officials who will be sworn in<br />

today. Without them, our community would not be great. It is our duty to improve the<br />

condition of society and we must use our God-given talents. Thank you for electing me as<br />

your Council President.<br />

Mayor Muti opened the nominations for Class III member of the Planning Board.<br />

Councilwoman O’Brien nominated Councilman Nalbandian, seconded by Ratto.<br />

Motion by Heller, seconded by Botta, to close the nominations. Carried. Mayor<br />

instructed the Clerk to cast one ballot for the unanimous election of Councilman Nalbandian as<br />

the Class III member of the Planning Board.

Resolution Number Two Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Heller<br />

Be It Resolved that the regular meeting of the Borough Council of the Borough of<br />

Ramsey for the Year 2005 be the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 8:30 p.m. at<br />

the Borough Hall in the Council Chambers. Agenda Work Sessions will precede the Council<br />

Meetings at 7:30 p.m. with the exception of the Work Session that is scheduled for the Council<br />

Meeting that follows the monthly Work Session will begin at 8:00 p.m. The regular Monthly<br />

Work Session will be held at 7:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of each month. All meetings will<br />

be held in the Council Chambers unless otherwise announced. The Mayor and Council will<br />

hold its first meeting of 2006 on Sunday, January 01, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. at the Municipal<br />

Building for the purpose of reorganizing and conducting other business that may come before it<br />

and formal action may be taken on such matters.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Three Introduced by Bisaillon, seconded by Ratto<br />

Be It Resolved that the following list of Ramsey Volunteer Fire Department Officers be<br />

approved for the Year 2005:<br />

Line Officers: Chief Thomas Lanning<br />

Assistant Chief Michael Scalione<br />

Deputy Chief Joseph Kerr<br />

Captain Carl Held<br />

Captain Doug Harvey<br />

Lieutenant Steven Forbes<br />

Lieutenant Pierre Gauthier<br />

Lieutenant Robert Shoemaker<br />

Lieutenant James Kennedy<br />

Lieutenant John Davis<br />

Administrative Officers:<br />

President Kenny Bell<br />

Vice President Joseph Lehr<br />

Treasurer Jane Zuroff<br />

Recording Secretary Miryam Fonken<br />

Financial Secretary Gary Tonnon<br />

Trustees Donald Heidt<br />

Jason Klein<br />

John Pasichnyk<br />

George Rough<br />

Randall Sterbinsky<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Mayor asked the officers to come forward for the oath of office.

Resolution Number Four Introduced by Bisaillon, seconded by Botta<br />

Be It Resolved that the following list of Ramsey Volunteer Rescue Squad Officers be approved<br />

for the Year 2005:<br />

Line Officers: Chief Kevin Spence<br />

Deputy Chief Brian Behrmann<br />

Captain Chris Hoffman<br />

Lieutenant Alex Gill<br />

Lieutenant Rich Muser<br />

Lieutenant Paul Bazaz<br />

Administrative Officers:<br />

President Erik Endress<br />

Secretary Kathryn Tuttle<br />

Treasurer Kimberly Michel<br />

Trustee Adrien Dent<br />

Trustee Joseph Jurewicz<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Members of the Rescue Squad came forward for the oath of office. .<br />

Resolution Number Five Introduced by Bisaillon, seconded by Nalbandian<br />

Be It Resolved that the following list of Ramsey Volunteer Ambulance Corps Officers be<br />

installed for the Year 2005:<br />

Line Officers: Chief Steven Ahlstedt<br />

1st Lieutenant Stephen Notte<br />

2nd Lieutenant Jan Notte<br />

3rd Lieutenant Peter Gonzalves<br />

Administrative Officers:<br />

Trustees: Holly Walker<br />

Larry Warner<br />

Jane Simon<br />

Jan Notte<br />

Don Evans<br />

President Larry Warner<br />

Vice President Jane De Piero<br />

Corresponding Secretary Colleen Gubala<br />

Recording Secretary Peggy Warnet<br />

Treasurer Laura Genovese<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, O’Brien, Nalbandian, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Members of the Ambulance Corps came forward for the oath of office. .

Mayor presented special awards to Richard Strangfeld and William Lanning for their dedicated<br />

service to the Education Unit of the Fire Department. Councilman Bisaillon added that they<br />

provided very valuable education to the members of our community.<br />

Mayor continued with the presentation of Mayor’s Awards to the following recipients:<br />

C.B. Young – member of the Ramsey Ambulance Corps since 1973 and<br />

member of the Board of Health for more than 25 years.<br />

Mike Adams – life member of the Ambulance Corps and OEM Director since<br />

1975; life member of the Rescue Squad ; coordinator for the<br />

National Weather Service.<br />

Peter Del Vecchio – educator, musician, community volunteer, conductor and<br />

leader of the Ramsey Wind Symphony and member of the<br />

Fine Arts Council.<br />

Paul and Pat Huot – former Mayor and councilmembers; members of the<br />

Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment; trustee<br />

of the Ramsey Library.<br />

James Keeney - Chairman of the Ramsey Civic Association and member of OEM.<br />

Mayor Muti made the following appointments:<br />

Beautification Committee<br />

Mark Madsen<br />

Alice Fjotland<br />

Marianne Kaplan<br />

Beverly O’Hearn<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Christopher Botta<br />

Business Development Council<br />

Andrew Borglum<br />

Steve Duva<br />

Abe Sarkissian<br />

Andrew Siemsen<br />

Louise Van Osten<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman David Bisaillon<br />

Board Of Education Liaison: Councilman Christopher Botta<br />

Citizens’ Budget Advisory Task Force

Robert Patti, Chairman<br />

Pamela Bonan<br />

Stephen Daffron<br />

Tony Gasparovich<br />

Ken Graves<br />

Vincent Meyers<br />

Albert Radom<br />

Peter Ruel<br />

Robert Timmes<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Arthur Nalbandian<br />

Liaison To New Jersey Motion Picture & Television Commission<br />

Dean Cartier<br />

Public Advocate<br />

Harris Recht, Esq.<br />

Ramsey Centennial Committee<br />

John L. Scerbo, Chairman<br />

Mayor Richard Muti<br />

Rev. Msgr. Lawerence W. Cull. St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Church<br />

Nancy Boone, Ramsey Historical Association<br />

Thomas Larsen, Knights of Columbus, Ramsey Council #3962<br />

Ron Kase, Ramsey Historical Association<br />

Anita Cannata-Nowell<br />

Joe Carey<br />

Joann Carroll<br />

Dean Cartier<br />

Robert Cella<br />

Edie Kielch D’Andrea<br />

Thomas Dater<br />

Elaine Y. Fry<br />

Jackie Gersht<br />

Doris Griffin<br />

Jeffrey Herbert<br />

Christine Illes<br />

Kristen Illes<br />

Salome Price<br />

Sherman Price<br />

Peter Reganato<br />

Kenneth Reilly<br />

Chris Rotella<br />

Donna Schifano<br />

Gene Sobeck<br />

Lois Poxon Terrace<br />

Ann Surpless Webersinn<br />

Kathy Wild<br />

Rev. James Williams

Mary Wilson<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Jeffrey Heller<br />

Ramsey Historian<br />

Thomas E. Dater<br />

Ramsey Alliance Against Drug And Alcohol Abuse<br />

Mayor Richard Muti<br />

Sgt. Francis Alcaro<br />

Captain Raymond Bailey<br />

Karca Bahce<br />

Karen Barbato<br />

Lucille Bell<br />

Martha Carey<br />

Rebecca Cella<br />

Robert Cella<br />

Joan Hamilton<br />

Chris Haskel<br />

Anthony Kemps, Administrative Assistant to Superintendent of Schools<br />

Kris Lehr<br />

David Lindstrom<br />

Susan Lindstrom<br />

Mary McLaughlin, Coordinator<br />

Nicholas C. Saros, Borough Administrator<br />

Susan Schou<br />

Officer Timothy Shoemaker<br />

Karin Vohs<br />

Susan Wilson, Co-Coordinator<br />

Officer Kane Zuhone<br />

Council Liaison: Councilmen Joe Ratto/David Bisaillon<br />

Ramsey Day Committee<br />

Dr. John Cece, Chamber of Commerce President<br />

Michele Stecyna<br />

Nicholas C. Saros, Borough Administrator<br />

Ray Van Duren<br />

Council Liasion: Councilman Jeffrey Heller<br />

Ramsey Representative – Community Development Committee<br />

Douglas Rennie<br />

Harry Smith<br />

Recycling Committee<br />

Henry Schumacher, Chairman<br />

Stanley Rutkowski, Vice Chairman<br />

John Jordan<br />

Alex Stecyna

Recycling Coordinator: Rev. Richard Creadick<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Christopher Botta<br />

Technology Task Force<br />

Raegan Greenshields, Chairperson<br />

Walter Aumiller<br />

George Bumiller<br />

Philip Lambert<br />

Phil Schwartz<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman David Bisaillon<br />

Youth Guidance Council<br />

Lisa Van Horn, Co-Chair<br />

Helene Cohen, Co-Chair<br />

Corinne Chiu, Secretary<br />

Carol Brady<br />

Christine Corriston<br />

Karen Dey<br />

Karen Dougherty<br />

Evelyn Erli<br />

Patti Gurney<br />

Maureen Reynolds<br />

Maureen Sarkissian<br />

Ann Zwernemann<br />

Lori Drews, Teen Co-Chair<br />

Kelly Van Horn, Teen Co-Chair<br />

Julie Slorniy, Teen Secretary<br />

Danielle Ferrante, Teen Treasurer<br />

Justin Bodnar<br />

Kristen Charamis<br />

Michelle Erli<br />

Angela Garrido<br />

Yoonji Kim<br />

Kathy Neidzwski<br />

Cynthia Ratto<br />

Lauren Recchione<br />

Luke Taeschler<br />

Council Liaison: Councilwoman Julie O’Brien<br />

Veterans’ Affairs Committee<br />

Fred Swallow<br />

Anthony Galasso<br />

Mayor administered the oath to the foregoing appointees who were present.

Environmental Commission (Three-Year Term)<br />

Name Term Expires<br />

Thomas A. Bogle 1/05 12/31/07<br />

Dr. Judith Zelikoff 1/05 12/31/07<br />

Andrew Siemsen 1/05 12/31/07<br />

Alternate No. 2 (1 year term) 1/05 12/31/05<br />

Chris Rotella<br />

Council Liaison: Councilwoman Julie O’Brien<br />

Library Board<br />

Name Term Expires<br />

Richard Muti<br />

(1-year term) 1/05 12/31/05<br />

Arthur Nalbandian<br />

Mayor’s Alternate<br />

(1-year term) 1/05 12/31/05<br />

Marie O’Neill<br />

Supt. of Schools Liaison<br />

(1-year term) 1/05 12/31/05<br />

Russell Johnson<br />

(1-year term) 1/05 12/31/05<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Arthur Nalbandian<br />

Planning Board<br />

Name Term Expires<br />

Richard Creadick Class II 1/05 12/31/05<br />

(1-year term)<br />

Alternate No. 1<br />

Deirdre Dillon (2 year term) 1/05 12/31/06<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Nalbandian<br />

Recreation Commission (Five-Year Term)

Name Term Expires<br />


Council Liaison: Councilman Joe Ratto<br />

Shade Tree Commission (Five-Year Term)<br />

Name Term Expires<br />

Terrence Beltramini 1/05 12/31/09<br />

(5-year term)<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Joe Ratto<br />

Mayor administered the oath to those foregoing appointees who were present.<br />


Councilman Bisaillon stated that we must keep our armed forces in our prayers.<br />

Congratulations to Art Nalbandian and Jeff Heller. I will miss Howard Cantor’s<br />

integrity. Congratulations to Chris Botta as Council President and congratulations<br />

to all the new appointees. I promise to do what I can to support the citizens of<br />

Ramsey; we have a lot to do this year and I am delighted to have the opportunity<br />

to serve again. My thanks to my wife, my children and grandchildren. Happy New<br />

Year to everyone and God bless us. (Applause).<br />

Councilwoman O’Brien expressed her congratulations and thanks to the newly elected<br />

officers. Former Mayor Porfido has been a constant source of inspiration and<br />

support , as are the Huots. C.B.Young and his wife have been friends of my<br />

parents for many years and I am very proud to know them. My thanks to Mike Adams<br />

and Jim Keeney. Congratulations to Art Nalbandian and I look forward to working with<br />

him next year. I will miss Howard Cantor. My thanks to Peter Del Vecchio and the<br />

members of the Fine Arts Council. My thanks to Gina Ratto for her work and the<br />

countless angels who give of themselves to make the holidays special for so many<br />

people. We also need to appreciate the people who work to keep this town running.<br />

They come to work every day and do the business of Ramsey and all they ask in return<br />

is enough money to take care of their families and insurance, if they get sick. I have<br />

heard these very people called “crybabies” because they want to be treated fairly and<br />

in some cases have had to move out of this town because they cannot afford the added<br />

expense of paying for their health insurance. I firmly believe that happy employees are<br />

productive employees. I have never believed that the first place to save money is on the<br />

backs of our workforce. When we fail to look at the big picture and see our employees<br />

as people, not just bodies that can be replaced, we lose irreplaceable people like<br />

Nancy Ecke-Hohmann. This body needs to work harder in 2005 to focus on what<br />

is not only smart, but also right. (Applause).

Councilman Ratto wished everyone a Happy New Year and welcomed Councilman<br />

Art Nalbandian. Congratulations to Chris Botta as Council President. During the last<br />

two years, we have had sever new police officers. We will be adding a new ballfield<br />

at MacFarran Field and we will add 70 new parking spaces at Finch Park. I would like<br />

to thank Howard and wish him the best in his retirement. The Rescue Squad will be<br />

having a fund raiser for the tsunami. (Applause).<br />

Remarks from Mayor Richard Muti (attached to this set of minutes).<br />

At this point, there was a five minute intermission in the meeting.<br />

The Following Appointments All Require Council Confirmation<br />

Board Of Adjustment (Four-Year Term)<br />

Name Term Expires<br />

William Buckley 1/05 12/31/08<br />

Nancy Hall 1/05 12/31/08<br />

Alternate No. 1<br />

Clifford Decker 1/05 12/31/06<br />

(2-year term)<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Joe Ratto<br />

Resolution Number Six Introduced by Ratto, seconded by O’Brien<br />

Be It Resolved that the above captioned appointments hereby be confirmed:<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Board Of Health (Three-Year Term)<br />

Name Term Expires<br />

Donna Sprunger-Mader 1/05 12/31/07<br />

C.B. Young 1/05 12/31/07<br />

Dr. Albert Tartini 1/05 12/31/07<br />

Alternate No. 2<br />

Denise Chetaitis 1/05 12/31/06<br />

(2-year term)<br />

Council Liaison: Councilwoman Julie O’Brien<br />

Resolution Number Seven Introduced by O’Brien, seconded by Nalbandian<br />

Be It Resolved that the above captioned appointments hereby be confirmed:<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None

Board Of Public Works (Three-Year Term)<br />

Name Term Expires<br />

Joanne Lehr 1/05 12/31/07<br />

James Franco 1/05 12/31/07<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman David Bisaillon<br />

Resolution Number Eight Introduced by Bisaillon, seconded by Heller<br />

Be It Resolved that the above appointments are hereby confirmed:<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Design Review Board (Three-Year Term)<br />

Name Term Expires<br />

Alex Ghiz 1/05 12/31/07<br />

Beverly O’Hearn 1/05 12/31/07<br />

Carol Brady 1/05 12/31/07<br />

Jane DePiero 1/05 12/31/06<br />

(Filling un-expired term of A. Nalbandian)<br />

Alternate No. 2<br />

Bonnie Waterman 1/05 12/31/05<br />

(Filling un-expired term of J. DePiero)<br />

Councilman Joe Ratto 1/05 12/31/05<br />

(1-year term)<br />

Liaisons And Professional Support: Nicholas C. Saros, Borough Administrator; Richard<br />

Mathieson, Finance Officer; Harold Reed, Borough Engineer; Robert Connell, Construction<br />

Code Official<br />

Resolution Number Nine - Introduced by O’Brien, seconded by Botta<br />

Be It Resolved that the above appointments hereby be confirmed:<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Fine Arts Council

Name Term Expires<br />

Robert Trupiano<br />

(2-year term) 1/05 12/31/06<br />

Council Liaison: Councilwoman Julie O’Brien<br />

Resolution Number Ten Introduced by O’Brien, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Be It Resolved that the above appointments hereby be confirmed:<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Pool Commission (Three-Year Term)<br />

Name Term Expires<br />

Paul Miller 1/05 12/31/07<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Jeffrey Heller<br />

Resolution Number Eleven Introduced by Heller, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Be It Resolved that the above appointments hereby be confirmed:<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Mayor administered the oath to the foregoing appointees.<br />

Resolution Number Twelve - Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Be It Resolved that the following newspapers be designated as the official legal<br />

newspapers for the Borough of Ramsey for the year 2005:<br />

The Ridgewood News<br />

The Bergen Record<br />

The Star Ledger<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Thirteen Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Be It Resolved that Frederick J. Tomkins, CPA, RMA of Donohue, Gironda & Doria<br />

be appointed as the Auditor of the Borough of Ramsey for the year 2005:<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None

Resolution Number Fourteen Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

WHEREAS, the Borough of Ramsey requires professional services, and<br />

WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the expenditures for such professional services will<br />

exceed the sum of $17,500.00 in said calendar year, and<br />

WHEREAS, it is contemplated that the 2005 budget will contain the necessary<br />

appropriations estimated to be reasonable required for each of such professional services;<br />

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough<br />

of Ramsey that the following appointments be made and are hereby made for the year 2005:<br />

Appraisal Systems<br />

Tax Appraisers<br />

Dean Boorman and Associates,<br />

Planning Consultants<br />

Capital Alternatives<br />

Grant Consultants<br />

Crew Engineers, Inc.<br />

Consulting Engineers<br />

Jeffrey Doolittle, L.S.<br />

Hatch Mott MacDonald<br />

Infrastructure and Environment<br />

Andrew O’Sullivan,<br />

Architects<br />

Paulus, Sokolowski & Sartor, Inc.,<br />

Consulting Engineers<br />

Frederick J. Tomkins, CPA, RMA<br />

Donohue, Gironda & Doria<br />

PMK Industries Inc.,<br />

Engineers<br />

Dewberry-Goodkind, Inc.,<br />

Engineers<br />

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the aforesaid appointments were made without<br />

competitive bidding under the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5 which exempts from<br />

competitive bidding “professional services” rendered by persons authorized by law to practice a<br />

recognized professional and whose practice is regulated by law;<br />

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be published in a<br />

newspaper within ten (10) days of its passage as required by law.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None

Resolution Number Fifteen Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Be It Resolved that the interest will be charged at the rate of eight percent per annum on<br />

all delinquent taxes and six percent per annum on all delinquent assessments except that the<br />

rate will be one thousandth of one percent per annum of the taxes for any current quarter if the<br />

taxes for any current quarter if the taxes are paid during the first ten days of the same current<br />

quarter.<br />

Be It Further Resolved that the interest be charged by the Tax Collector in accordance<br />

with the provisions of Section 54:4-67 of the New Jersey Revised Status that effective<br />

immediately, the rate of interest to be charged on delinquent tax or assessment payments shall<br />

be 8 percent per annum of the first $1,500.00 of delinquency, and 18 percent per annum on any<br />

amount in excess of $1,500.00 to be calculated from the date the tax was payable until the date<br />

of actual payment.<br />

Be It Further Resolved if the Office of the Tax Collector is closed on the 10 th of<br />

February, May, August or November; then the rate of one thousandth of one percent per annum<br />

above described shall be extended to include the first business day thereafter.<br />

Be It Further Resolved that the interest rate shall revert to the rate of eight percent per<br />

annum for the first day of any current quarter unless the taxes of the same quarter are paid<br />

during the first 10 days of the same quarter or as otherwise provided in this resolution.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Sixteen Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Be It Resolved that the Tax Assessor be and is hereby authorized to defend County<br />

Board of Taxation and State Tax Court Appeals and to retain experts in connection therewith<br />

with the approval of the governing body; and<br />

Be It Further Resolved that any stipulations of settlement in connection with such<br />

matters or any reduction in tax assessments including non-litigation matters may be subject to<br />

the review, approval and authorization by the governing body.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Seventeen Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Whereas, 40A:4-19 Local Budget Act provides that (where any contracts, commitments<br />

or payments are to be made prior to the final adoption of the 2005 budget) temporary<br />

appropriations be made for the purposes and amounts required in the manner and time therein<br />

provided;<br />

Whereas, the date of this resolution is within the first 30 days of 2005, and<br />

Whereas, the total appropriations in the 2004 budget, less appropriations made for<br />

capital improvement fund, debt service and relief of the poor (public assistance) are as follows:

General $16,774,781.94<br />

Water-Sewer Utility $ 4,818,865.00<br />

Pool Utility $ 220,500.00<br />

Whereas, 26.25 percent of the total appropriations of the 2004 Budget, less<br />

appropriations for capital improvement fund, debt service and relief of the poor (public<br />

assistance), in the said 2004 Budget is as follows:<br />

General $4,403,380.26<br />

Water-Sewer Utility $1,264,952.07<br />

Pool Utility $ 57,881.25<br />

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Mayor and Borough Council of the Borough of<br />

Ramsey, County of Bergen that the following temporary appropriations be made and that a<br />

certified copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Chief Financial Officer for his records.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Eighteen Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Be It Resolved that the Borough Treasurer and the other Borough Officials required to<br />

sign Borough checks be and they are hereby authorized to sign such checks for the payment of<br />

the following remaining expenses: Insurance, Payroll, School Tax, County Tax, Trust Account<br />

Checks, Refunds, Postage and<br />

Be It Further Resolved that such persons may sign and disburse such checks prior to<br />

governing body approval of the subject voucher covering such items provided the voucher is<br />

properly completed by the claimant, and<br />

Be It Further Resolved that all vouchers covering such payments shall be presented to<br />

the governing body for formal approval at the next ensuing meeting of the governing body.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Nineteen Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Whereas, by directive of the County Board of Taxation, under Rule 18:12A-16 (C), any<br />

and all tax appeals and stipulations for increase and decrease shall be submitted to the County<br />

Board of Taxation by the local Tax Collector and/or Tax Assessor on behalf of the Borough of<br />

Ramsey for the year 2005 and are hereby authorized by this governing body for disposition by<br />

the County Board of Taxation.

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Ramsey,<br />

County of Bergen and State of New Jersey, that this resolution as heretofore stated shall be<br />

approved by this governing body, and<br />

Be It Resolved that the Borough Clerk be instructed to submit a certified copy of this<br />

resolution to the Borough Tax Assessor, Tax Collector, and Bergen County Board of Taxation.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Twenty Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Be It Resolved that the Borough Administrator be and he is hereby authorized to<br />

purchase goods, equipment, materials and services through the State Purchasing programs<br />

during the year 2005:<br />

AYES; Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Twenty-One Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Be It Resolved that in addition to all interest charges, a six percent penalty shall be<br />

charged to a taxpayer with a tax delinquency in excess of $10,000.00 who fails to pay the<br />

delinquency prior to the end of the calendar year, and that such six percent penalty shall be<br />

computed on the amount of the delinquency.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Twenty-Two Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Be It Resolved that the Collector of Taxes for the Borough of Ramsey be and is hereby<br />

authorized to conduct the annual sale of delinquent taxes for the calendar years 2004-2005 in<br />

accordance with N.J.S.A. 54:5-19.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Twenty-Three Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

BE IT RESOLVED that the following appointments be and are hereby confirmed for<br />

the year 2005:<br />

Borough Administrator Nicholas C. Saros<br />

*Borough Clerk Nancy M. Ecke-Hohmann<br />

Deputy Borough Clerk Sherry Richards<br />

Borough Attorney Peter A. Scandariato, Esq.<br />

**Municipal Court Judge Vincent N. Marino<br />

*Court Administrator Mary J. Pasichnyk<br />

Prosecutor Christopher E. Martin, Esq.<br />

Public Defender Robert Welch, Esq.<br />

Assistant Prosecutors Patrick Nerney, Esq.<br />

David Lafferty, Esq.<br />

Assistant Public Defenders Daniel McNerney, Esq.<br />

Steve Scheffers, Esq.<br />

**Tax Collector Hope Kotlarich

*Chief Financial Officer Richard Mathieson<br />

Treasurer Richard Mathieson<br />

*Tax Assessor Angela Mattiace<br />

Tax Search Officer Hope Kotlarich<br />

Assessment Search Officer Ann Davaris<br />

Assistant Assessment Search Officer Richard Mammone<br />

Borough Atlas Search Officer Sally Wiegand<br />

Assistant Borough Atlas Search Officer Richard Mammone<br />

**Borough Engineer Harold Reed<br />

Superintendent of Public Works William H. Horton, Jr.<br />

Temporary Housing Officer Richard Mammone<br />

Zoning Officer Richard Mammone<br />

Recycling Coordinator Richard Creadick<br />

*Fire Sub-Code Official Robert Connell<br />

**Fire Official Frank Agatielli<br />

Electrical Sub-Code Official/Inspector Brian Vanore<br />

Construction Code Official Robert Connell<br />

Plumbing Field Inspector James Zaconie<br />

Human Resources Coordinator Gina Ratto<br />

Special Officers/Matrons Tina Lanning<br />

Gail Lawson<br />

Gina Leonard<br />

Gladys Terry<br />

School Marshal Lawrence Borst<br />

James Bollenbacher<br />

Rita Bowerfind<br />

Elizabeth Checklick<br />

Dave Getlin<br />

Nancy Giuliano<br />

Francine Grieco<br />

Dennis Johnston<br />

Andrew Kelly<br />

Laurita Lanning<br />

Eileen Malestein<br />

Elizabeth Mariani<br />

Beatrice Masquelier<br />

Lisa Neiman<br />

Charles O’Rourke<br />

Ruth Puccia<br />

Ignazio Stravato<br />

Jean Strysko<br />

Tara Sutherland<br />

Charles Thompson<br />

George Tice<br />

Richard Tully<br />

Peggy Warnet<br />

Cheryl White<br />

Ellen Wyse

Substitutes Barbara Alberse<br />

Helen Ahlstedt<br />

Maryann Haight<br />

Gisele Johnson<br />

Carl Olb<br />

Patrick Passero<br />

*Tenure<br />

**Serving Term Appointment<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Mayor administered the Oaths Of Office to the foregoing appointees.<br />

Resolution Number Twenty-Four Introduced by Heller, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Be It Resolved that Harry D. Norton, Jr., Esq. of Norton, Arpert, Sheehy and Higgins,<br />

P.C.; 1 Garret Mountain Plaza West, West Paterson, NJ 07424-3396 be and he is hereby<br />

appointed as Special Counsel for the Borough of Ramsey at the rate of $100.00 per hour.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Twenty-Five Introduced by Bisaillon, seconded by Ratto<br />

Be It Resolved that the following appointment is hereby confirmed for the year 2005:<br />

Richard Silvia as fire inspector for the Fire Prevention Bureau under the following<br />

terms and conditions:<br />

1. Silvia shall be responsible for approximately 190 life-hazard inspections (and any<br />

re-inspections that are necessary) and approximately 335 non-life hazard fire inspections (and<br />

any re-inspections that are necessary) under the direction of the Fire Official of the Borough of<br />

Ramsey. He shall also perform any other duties falling within the job description of Fire<br />

Inspector as assigned by the Fire Official without additional compensation.<br />

2. Silvia shall be paid $24,000.00 for such inspections and other duties in the usual biweekly<br />

method of payment. It is expressly understood that this is a part-time position not<br />

subject to any employee benefits, and Silvia waives any claims to benefits of any kind. Silvia<br />

shall work an average of three (3) 7-hour days per week.<br />

3. Silvia will be called upon to participate in one meeting per month with senior<br />

officers of the Ramsey Fire Department to help coordinate activities between the fire<br />

department and the Fire Prevention Bureau. There shall be no extra compensation for such<br />

meetings.<br />

4. This appointment is contingent on Silvia’s written acceptance of the above terms<br />

and conditions within ten days of the enactment of this resolution.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None

Resolution Number Twenty-Six Introduced by Bisaillon, seconded by Ratto<br />

Be It Resolved that the following appointment is hereby confirmed for the year 2005:<br />

Bruce Greenwood as fire inspector for the Fire Prevention Bureau under the following<br />

terms and conditions:<br />

1. Greenwood shall be responsible for approximately 150 non-life hazard fire<br />

inspections (and any re-inspections that are necessary) under the direction of the Fire Official<br />

of the Borough of Ramsey. He shall also perform any other duties falling within the job<br />

description of Fire Inspector as assigned by the Fire Official.<br />

2. Greenwood shall be paid $4,634.24 for such inspections and duties in the usual biweekly<br />

method of payment. Any increase or decrease in the number of inspections assigned to<br />

Greenwood by the Fire Official shall result in a pro rata increase or decrease in Greenwood’s<br />

compensation as Fire Inspection, except that there shall be no change to compensation if the<br />

number of inspections assigned falls within the range of 140 to 160. The pro rata amount shall<br />

be $30.09 per inspection.<br />

3. This appointment is contingent on Greenwood’s written acceptance of the above<br />

terms and conditions within ten days of the enactment of this resolution.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Twenty-Seven Introduced by Bisaillon, seconded by Ratto<br />

Be It Resolved that the following appointment is hereby confirmed for the year 2005:<br />

Yuri Metelow as fire inspector for the Fire Prevention Bureau under the following terms<br />

and conditions:<br />

1. Metelow shall be responsible for all smoke alarm and carbon monoxide alarm<br />

inspections (and any reinspections that are necessary) in the Borough of Ramsey under the<br />

direction of and as assigned by the Fire Official of the Borough of Ramsey. He shall also<br />

perform any other duties falling within the job description of Fire Inspector as assigned by the<br />

Fire Official.<br />

2. Metelow shall be paid $4,634.24 for such inspections and duties in the usual biweekly<br />

method of payment.<br />

3. This appointment is contingent on Metelow’s written acceptance of the above terms<br />

and conditions within ten days of the enactment of this resolution.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Resolution: Number Twenty-Eight Introduced by Bisaillon, seconded by Ratto<br />

Be It Resolved that the following appointment is hereby confirmed for the year 2005:<br />

Tanis LaManna as fire inspector for the Fire Prevention Bureau under the following<br />

terms and conditions:<br />

1. LaManna shall be responsible for approximately 150 non-life hazard fire inspections<br />

(and any reinspections that are necessary) under the direction of the Fire Official of the

Borough of Ramsey. She shall also perform any other duties falling within the job description<br />

of Fire Inspector as assigned by the Fire Official<br />

2. LaManna shall be paid $4,634.24 for such inspections and duties in the usual biweekly<br />

method of payment. Any increase or decrease in the number of inspections assigned to<br />

LaManna by the Fire Official shall result in a pro rata increase or decrease in LaManna’s<br />

compensation as Fire Inspector, except that there shall be no change to compensation if the<br />

number of inspections assigned falls within the range of 140 to 160. The pro rata amount shall<br />

be $30.90 per inspection.<br />

3. This appointment is contingent on LaManna’s written acceptance of the above terms<br />

and conditions within ten days of the enactment of this resolution.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Twenty-Nine Introduced by Bisaillon, seconded by Ratto<br />

2005:<br />

Be It Resolved that the following appointments be made and confirmed for the year<br />

Office of Emergency Management, Dir. Michael Adams<br />

Office of Emergency Management, Deputy Dir. Bruce Greenwood<br />

Office of Emergency Management, Deputy Dir. Glen Karpovich<br />

Office of Emergency Management, Deputy Dir. Sgt. Angelo LaManna<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

The aforementioned members of the Office of Emergency Management Local Emergency<br />

Planning Committee come forward for the oath of office..<br />

Resolution Number Thirty Introduced by Bisaillon, seconded by Nalbandian<br />

Be It Resolved that the following members of the Office of Emergency Management<br />

Local Emergency Planning Committee be appointed for 2005:<br />

Mayor Richard Muti, Chief Executive<br />

Councilman David Bisaillon, Public Safety Chairman<br />

Michael Adams, OEM & OCT Coordinator, LEPC Chairman, CERT Team Leader, Citizens<br />

Corps Director<br />

Bruce Greenwood, OEM Deputy Coordinator, RTK & ICS Officer<br />

Glen Karpovich, OEM Deputy Coordinator, EOC Officer<br />

Sgt. Angelo LaManna, OEM Deputy Coordinator, Public Safety Officer<br />

Wayne Lemme, OEM RADEF Officer<br />

Louis Janicek, OEM RACES Officer<br />

Michael Greenshields, OEM Shelter Management & Mitigation Officer<br />

Nicholas C. Saros, Borough Administrator

Peter A. Scandariato, Esq., Borough Attorney<br />

Nancy M. Ecke-Hohmann, Borough Clerk<br />

Chief Bryan Gurney, Ramsey Police Department<br />

Chief Thomas Lanning, Ramsey Fire Department<br />

Chief Kevin Spence, Ramsey Rescue Squad<br />

Chief Steven Alhstedt, Ramsey Ambulance Corps<br />

William Horton, Public Works Superintendent<br />

Leo Egan, Health Sanitarian<br />

Lt. William Nussbaum, RPD, Phoenix C.S.M. Team<br />

Sgt. Francis Alcaro, RPD, Youth and Senior Citizen Liaison<br />

Bruce De Young, Superintendent of Schools<br />

Eleanor Harmon, City Editor, Home and Store News<br />

Mona Bookman, Disaster Chairman, American Red Cross<br />

Michael Grant, Liaison, Rockland Electric<br />

James Keeney, OEM Government Liaison<br />

Claudia Monteith, OEM Bio-Terrorism Consultant<br />

Lt. Kenneth Wiren, PPD, OEM Alert, Warning & Communications Officer<br />

Sgt. Enrico Gnassi,HPD, OEM Traffic & Evacuation Officer<br />

Det. Robert Novakowski, RPD, Bergen County Terrorism Liaison<br />

Ptl. Brian Lyman, RPD, Disaster Drill Officer<br />

Linda Daffron, Civilian Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.)<br />

Daniel T. Deas, Civilian Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.)<br />

Donald Evans, CERT & Citizen Corps Officer<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None<br />

The foregoing appointees came forward for the oath of office.<br />

Resolution Number Thirty-One Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Heller<br />

Be It Resolved that the following financial institutions be designated as the official<br />

depositories for the Borough of Ramsey for its fund for the year 2005:<br />

Commerce Bank<br />

Hudson United Bank<br />

State Of New Jersey Management Fund<br />

World Savings Bank<br />

Bank of America<br />

Valley National Bank<br />

The Trust Company Of New Jersey<br />

Bank Of New York<br />

Interchange Bank<br />

Washington Mutual<br />

North Fork Bank<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, O’Brien, Ratto NAYS: None

Council Committee Responsibilities Council Members___________<br />

Committee Chairman Members<br />

Finance and Administration Nalbandian Heller, Ratto<br />

Public Safety Bisaillon Ratto, Nalbandian<br />

Health, Education and Social Services O’Brien Botta, Nalbandian<br />

Committee<br />

Building and Zoning Ratto Botta, O’Brien<br />

Public Governmental Relations Heller Bisaillon, O’Brien<br />

Utilities, Building and Grounds Botta Bisaillon, Heller<br />

Council Liaison Responsibilities Council Members______<br />

Building And Zoning<br />

Design Review Board Ratto<br />

Shade Tree Ratto<br />

Board of Adjustment Ratto<br />

Public & Governmental Relations<br />

Civic Organizations Heller<br />

Business Development Council Bisaillon<br />

Ramsey Senior Citizens Heller<br />

& Ramsey Senior Center, Inc.<br />

Youth Guidance O’Brien<br />

Utilities, Buildings & Grounds<br />

Recycling Botta<br />

Beautification Botta<br />

Board of Public Works (Water Board) Bisaillon<br />

Health, Education & Social Services<br />

Board of Health O’Brien<br />

Environmental O’Brien<br />

Fine Arts O’Brien

Finance & Administration<br />

Citizens Budget Advisory Task Force Nalbandian<br />

Recreation Commission Ratto<br />

Pool Commission Heller<br />

Library Board Nalbandian<br />

School Board Botta<br />

Public Safety<br />

Office of Emergency Management Bisaillon<br />

Drug Alliance Ratto/Bisaillon<br />

Traffic Safety Committee Bisaillon<br />

Other Liaison Responsibilities<br />

Ramsey Centennial Committee Heller<br />

Ramsey Day Committee Heller<br />

Technology/Web Design Task Force Bisaillon<br />

New Business - None<br />

Public Comment<br />

Kevin Boyle, President of United Public Service Employees Union, 3555 Veterans Highway,<br />

Ronkonkoma, N.Y. spoke on behalf of the Borough’s white collar unit employees, which<br />

includes crossing guards. Mr. Boyle indicated that the main issue is health care and the Mayor<br />

is committed to a “win at all costs” strategy which is destructive to any bargaining process. We<br />

read the Mayor’s articles and he has said that he has nothing to lose. The Council has the final<br />

say and we have been willing to work with the Mayor. The Mayor clearly targets the least paid<br />

employees who are predominantly women. The Mayor recently negotiated with two<br />

bargaining units. In fact, to drive his point home, the Mayor convened a mandatory meeting a<br />

few weeks ago for all police officers to attend. In short, the Mayor offered a nearly $100,000<br />

increase to the Police Department to get health care changes which would save far less. The<br />

morale is at an all time low. We are asking the Council for help. We hope you will agree that<br />

they deserve better. Let’s try to make this a Happy New Year.<br />

Peter Del Vecchio expressed his appreciation to the many citizens who live their entire lives<br />

not knowing what it means to have all the things we take for granted. On behalf of the citizens,<br />

I want to thank all of you for taking on this huge job. I would like to thank all of the<br />

employees in town hall and the DPW. I would hope that all of you can work together.<br />

Motion To Adjourn<br />

Motion by Botta, seconded by Heller, to adjourn the meeting. Carried.<br />

/ad<br />

Nancy Ecke-Hohmann<br />

Borough Clerk

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