New - Zum goldenen Hirschen

New - Zum goldenen Hirschen

New - Zum goldenen Hirschen


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Overview<br />

ApproAch<br />


clIeNts<br />

cAses<br />

berlIN<br />

hAMburG<br />

coloGNe<br />

MuNIch<br />

stuttGArt / NYc<br />

THe GOLdeN deer iNC., <strong>New</strong> YOrk<br />

ZUm GOLdeNeN HirSCHeN HAmBUrG<br />


ZUm GOLdeNeN HirSCHeN BerLiN<br />


ZUm GOLdeNeN HirSCHeN mUNiCH<br />


355<br />

eQUivALeNT BiLLiNGS<br />

210 Mio. €<br />

CLieNTS<br />

62<br />

rANkiNG<br />

· Germany’s second most creative<br />

agency (handelsblatt ranking)<br />

· Fifth-largest owner-managed<br />

agency in Germany<br />

· ‘Agency heads of the Year’<br />

(<strong>New</strong> business)<br />

PArTNer AGeNCieS<br />

wiTHiN THe HirSCHeN GrOUP<br />

· My Deer – Data, Dialog + Design<br />

· Deer hunter – strategy consulting<br />

· ressourcenmangel – Agency for convergent<br />

communication<br />

BOArd OF direCTOrS<br />

· Martin blach, ceo<br />

· bernd heusinger, Founder / cco<br />

· Marcel loko, Founder / cco

overvIew<br />

APPrOACH<br />


clIeNts<br />

cAses<br />

berlIN<br />

hAMburG<br />

coloGNe<br />

MuNIch<br />

stuttGArt / NYc<br />

mAde BY deerS, FOr PeOPLe<br />

since 1995, <strong>Zum</strong> <strong>goldenen</strong> <strong>Hirschen</strong> has stood for unusual<br />

ideas, public awareness and for understandable and effective<br />

communications for quite normal people.<br />

At present, over 350 staff are working for the hirschen Group at<br />

our berlin, hamburg, cologne, stuttgart, Munich and <strong>New</strong> York<br />

locations, making hirschen the fifth-largest owner-managed<br />

agency in Germany. handelsblatt ranks us as one of the best<br />

and most creative agencies in the country.<br />

Integrated campaigning teams made up of strategy, advertising,<br />

pr and online specialists cover the entire field of communications,<br />

developing targeted, creative solutions with a<br />

high level of personal and public relevance. the variety of over<br />

60 clients ranges from consumer goods manufacturers such<br />

as beiersdorf and Ferrero, retail chains such as Metro/real,-,<br />

financial services such as bank of scotland, media clients<br />

such as Axel springer verlag, utilities such as rheinenergie<br />

and hamburg energie, to associations such as GDv (‘General<br />

Association of Insurers’) and institutional clients such as the<br />

state Ministry of baden-württemberg and the Federal Ministry<br />

of labour and social Affairs.

overvIew<br />

ApproAch<br />

CAmPAiGNiNG<br />

clIeNts<br />

cAses<br />

berlIN<br />

hAMburG<br />

coloGNe<br />

MuNIch<br />

stuttGArt / NYc<br />

what is the most important thing to be said<br />

about <strong>Zum</strong> <strong>goldenen</strong> <strong>Hirschen</strong>?<br />

we believe there are too many campaigns<br />

that are simply placed in the media. we create<br />

campaigns that get talked about.<br />

that’s what we call Campaigning.<br />

campaigning<br />

Campaigning means being at the right place<br />

with the right story at the right time.<br />

Good Campaigning emerges from the topics that<br />

really interest people, and places them at the<br />

centre of communications.<br />

modern Campaigning thinks in terms of 365<br />

days and not just 360 degrees. today, our clients<br />

are faced with the challenge of needing to<br />

communicate with their customers around the<br />

clock. we help them meet this challenge with<br />

intelligent staging and relevant content.<br />

Successful Campaigning generates added value<br />

over and beyond simple placement in the media.<br />

which is why our teams aren’t just made up of<br />

advertising experts, but also bring strategic,<br />

creative, pr and online specialists together.

overvIew<br />

ApproAch<br />


CLieNTS<br />

cAses<br />

berlIN<br />

hAMburG<br />

coloGNe<br />

MuNIch<br />

stuttGArt / NYc<br />


overvIew<br />

ApproAch<br />


clIeNts<br />

CASeS<br />

berlIN<br />

hAMburG<br />

coloGNe<br />

MuNIch<br />

stuttGArt / NYc<br />

eiNmAL HiN. ALLeS driN. (ONe STOP. ALL YOU Need.)<br />

shopping at real,- means first and foremost excellent products at<br />

excellent prices. with the claim “einmal hin. Alles drin.”, coupled<br />

with its associated campaigns, <strong>Zum</strong> <strong>goldenen</strong> <strong>Hirschen</strong> has contributed<br />

to a sustained strengthening of the retailer’s profitability<br />

and image since 2008.<br />

currently real,- is targeting the internet and social networks with<br />

the promotion “Das beste Jahr Ihres lebens” (the best year of your<br />

life). And what is there to win? everything one could wish for. true<br />

to the motto “one stop. All you need.”<br />

eNerGY iS NOw A mATTer OF TASTe<br />

how does one launch a new energy drink in an apparently saturated<br />

market? our answer: with style, poise and reduction.<br />

Away from the red bulls’ world of experience, to a market launch<br />

that hasn’t been seen previously in the energy-drinks market.<br />

Focusing on the essentials – 28 black and its unique taste. In all<br />

the channels: classic advertising, pr, social media and online.<br />

result: 5 million cans sold already in the 1st quarter of 2011.<br />

iCH HAB eiN kiNd im OHr (i’ve GOT A ‘CHiLd’ iN mY eAr)<br />

what is special, is that the testimonials talk without a pre-agreed<br />

text about their personal experiences with hearing protection and<br />

hearing aids, and about how being able to hear properly has enriched<br />

their lives. KIND, Germany’s leading hearing-aid specialists,<br />

raises awareness for the meaning of good hearing with a campaign<br />

and a completely new visual identity, promotes the importance of<br />

hearing protection, demonstrates the benefits of modern hearing<br />

aids and thus firmly establishes its market leadership.

overvIew<br />

ApproAch<br />


clIeNts<br />

CASeS<br />

berlIN<br />

hAMburG<br />

coloGNe<br />

MuNIch<br />

stuttGArt / NYc<br />

HAmBUrG eNerGie<br />

the city of hamburg has its own energy utility again. citizens are<br />

to be won back as customers with ecologically clean electricity<br />

from sustainable sources at affordable prices, plus a special<br />

involvement in the interests of the city. our campaigning concept<br />

involved the new communal energy utility becoming a citizens’<br />

movement themed “I’m joining in!”. In the current campaign<br />

phase, hamburg’s citizens are demanding an immediate chan-<br />

geover to green electricity following Fukushima.<br />

SIE<br />


ÜBER<br />


ZUKUNFT!<br />

www.hamburgenergie.de<br />


Klaus-Günter J., Schiffsingenieur<br />

Most Germans are happy with their insurer, bur very rarely convey this<br />

positive image to the sector as a whole. the GDv (‘General Association<br />

of Insurers’) wanted to change that by talking directly to its consumers.<br />

closer to people? No problem.<br />

under the umbrella concept of “Your German insurers oN tour”, <strong>Zum</strong><br />

<strong>goldenen</strong> <strong>Hirschen</strong> re-branded an old english double-decker bus and<br />

made sure that the sector really got close to the German consumers. A<br />

team made up of film crew, photographers and independent insurance<br />

advisers visited over 25 German towns in 238 days and carried out<br />

571 interviews around the insurance subject. spontaneously, genuine<br />

and without scripts.<br />

And the result of the campaign approach consisting of classic and<br />

online advertising plus a special focus on regional publicity? More than<br />

50 spots, over 4 million readers reached via press articles, more than<br />

300 million banner ad-impressions and 357,347 views on Youtube. In<br />

the end it all came down to: “It’s good to be insured”.

overvIew<br />

ApproAch<br />


clIeNts<br />

CASeS<br />

berlIN<br />

hAMburG<br />

coloGNe<br />

MuNIch<br />

stuttGArt / NYc<br />

THe reiNveNTiON OF A STrONG BrANd –<br />

CLASSiCAL, diGiTAL ANd virAL<br />

how can one create awareness in the German election<br />

landscape for the politics of the Green party, and significantly<br />

improve their election results?<br />

easy: by promoting the programme and the leaders of<br />

the Green party to an intelligent, critical, humorous, selfconfident<br />

and positively-minded target group in just the<br />

way they deserve it - intelligently, critically, humorously,<br />

self-confidently and positively!<br />

the result: election advertising in a form never seen before;<br />

and since <strong>Zum</strong> <strong>goldenen</strong> <strong>Hirschen</strong> took over the<br />

account in 2001, gains in votes have supported the Green<br />

party on their way up into the top rank of German political<br />

parties.<br />


Federal securities are seen as being reliable, safe and long-lasting. And that’s<br />

how the financial expert Günther schild has been seen since 2009. like no<br />

other expert, ‘tortoise’ stands for the brand values of the product portfolio of<br />

the German Finance Agency: safety, transparency, guaranteed returns – and<br />

the possibility of earning money in the most relaxed way. No wonder then,<br />

that Günther schild does a perfect job as an advertising medium.<br />

thanks to his unique character, the relevance of his message and his perfect<br />

timing, he generates awareness and increased demand in various channels<br />

for Federal securities. perfectly coordinated, our measures turned an apparently<br />

outdated product into a number one topic in all consumer classes. A<br />

prime example of successful campaigning: so successful in fact, that more<br />

and more investors opt for Federal securities – just as the German Finance<br />

agency opts for Günther schild.

overvIew<br />

ApproAch<br />


clIeNts<br />

CASeS<br />

berlIN<br />

hAMburG<br />

coloGNe<br />

MuNIch<br />

stuttGArt / NYc<br />


Ne LAUNCH iN THe LAST 30 YeArS<br />

since the launch in 2004 of tv DI-<br />

GItAl, <strong>Zum</strong> <strong>goldenen</strong> hirschen and<br />

Axel springer verlag have created<br />

a success story, which hasn’t been<br />

seen in the German press for a long<br />

time: After only three years, tv DIGItAl<br />

had overtaken the previous top dogs<br />

tv spielfilm and tv Movie and has by<br />

now achieved the highest circulation<br />

in the segment of higher-priced fortnightly<br />

programme magazines.<br />

mOvie PirACY iS A Crime<br />

the story of how apparently harmless copiers became movie pirates. A real classic. Already<br />

a provocation for three years: a chuckle for some, an extreme annoyance for others. but<br />

all in all a prime example of how maximum impact can be achieved in the population and<br />

the media with a minimum of media deployment. At the cinema, in the internet and with<br />

lots of real-life promotions.

overvIew<br />

ApproAch<br />


clIeNts<br />

cAses<br />

BerLiN<br />

hAMburG<br />

coloGNe<br />

MuNIch<br />

stuttGArt / NYc<br />

BERLin<br />

staff: 90<br />

Managing Director, consulting: Julian scholl<br />

Managing Director, creative: bernd heusinger<br />

Managing Director, pr + political Affairs: hans-h. langguth<br />

clients include:<br />

For many, berlin is perhaps not the nicest, but certainly the most creative city. our<br />

staff enjoy a noble view of the river spree, which on some days tempts one to forget<br />

that this city is not situated in tuscany – an inspiration for freedom of thought and<br />

action. this creates campaigns that are closely aligned and coordinated, creating<br />

relevance throughout all channels, reaching and touching people.<br />

· Federal Ministry of labour and social Affairs<br />

· eins – energie in sachsen<br />

· GDv – Gesamtverband der Deutschen versicherungswirtschaft<br />

· lightcycle<br />

· 28black<br />

· census 2011<br />

· veolia<br />

<strong>Zum</strong> <strong>goldenen</strong> hirschen berlin Gmbh<br />

schlesische str. 26 · 10997 berlin<br />

phone: +49 30 / 6 10 02-0<br />

e-mail: berlin@hirschen.de

overvIew<br />

ApproAch<br />


clIeNts<br />

cAses<br />

berlIN<br />

HAmBUrG<br />

coloGNe<br />

MuNIch<br />

stuttGArt / NYc<br />

the gateway to the world, the sinful mile, Zur ritze, <strong>Zum</strong><br />

<strong>goldenen</strong> <strong>Hirschen</strong>: hamburg. this is where it all started.<br />

we’ve been working here since 1995 for a variety of clients<br />

and institutions, delighting them with extraordinary ideas and<br />

campaigns, and successfully treading new ground with them.<br />

staff: 85<br />

Managing Director, consulting: Klaus sielker<br />

Managing Director, creative: Marcel loko<br />

clients include:<br />

· ArD Fernsehlotterie<br />

· Axel springer verlag<br />

· bank of scotland<br />

· beiersdorf AG<br />

· hamburg energie<br />

· hvv (hamburger verkehrsbetriebe)<br />

· KIND hörgeräte<br />

· Nutella<br />

HamBuRg<br />

<strong>Zum</strong> <strong>goldenen</strong> hirschen hamburg Gmbh<br />

An der Alster 85 · 20099 hamburg<br />

phone: +49 40 / 2 84 55-0<br />

e-mail: hamburg@hirschen.de

overvIew<br />

ApproAch<br />


clIeNts<br />

cAses<br />

berlIN<br />

hAMburG<br />

COLOGNe<br />

MuNIch<br />

stuttGArt / NYc<br />

cOLOgnE<br />

staff: 68<br />

Managing Director, consulting: Jost Köllner<br />

Managing Director, creative: philipp Keller<br />

clients include:<br />

cologne. Art and media metropolis. Italy’s northernmost city. home of cheerful<br />

souls. A natural counterbalance to Düsseldorf. Germany’s only town with an alter-<br />

native concept to proper beer. but with the right agency since 2003: <strong>Zum</strong> <strong>goldenen</strong><br />

<strong>Hirschen</strong> cologne. the modernisation of the rhenish communications scene.<br />

· Asb<br />

· central Krankenversicherung<br />

· Deutsche Finanzagentur<br />

· Ip Deutschland<br />

· homann<br />

· real supermärkte<br />

· rheinenergie<br />

<strong>Zum</strong> <strong>goldenen</strong> hirschen cologne Gmbh<br />

lichtstraße 43 c · 50825 cologne<br />

phone: +49 221 / 33 77 19-0<br />

e-mail: koeln@hirschen.de

overvIew<br />

ApproAch<br />


clIeNts<br />

cAses<br />

berlIN<br />

hAMburG<br />

coloGNe<br />

mUNiCH<br />

stuttGArt / NYc<br />

Munich. Isar metropolis, capital with a heart, and successful hirschen<br />

location since the beginning of 2011, from which time the southern part<br />

of the republic has gained its rightful status with its favourite agency.<br />

let’s get going!<br />

staff: 15<br />

Managing Director, consulting: thomas lissner<br />

Managing Director, creative: stefan rappel<br />

Managing Director, Internet: Marcus Kikisch<br />

clients include:<br />

· bMw<br />

· campari<br />

· Glen Grant<br />

· Mini<br />

· sportscheck<br />

municH<br />

<strong>Zum</strong> <strong>goldenen</strong> hirschen Munich Gmbh<br />

landwehrstr. 60 – 62 · 80336 Munich<br />

phone: +49 89 / 767 563-0<br />

e-mail: muenchen@hirschen.de

overvIew<br />

ApproAch<br />


clIeNts<br />

cAses<br />

berlIN<br />

hAMburG<br />

coloGNe<br />

MuNIch<br />


STuTTgaRT<br />

stuttgart. here, where the river Neckar flows, where one enjoys<br />

lunches of Maultaschen with trollinger wine, where one prefers to<br />

gossip rather than just talk – this is where one can find the newest<br />

hirschen location: <strong>Zum</strong> <strong>goldenen</strong> <strong>Hirschen</strong> stuttgart.<br />

<strong>Zum</strong> <strong>goldenen</strong> hirschen stuttgart<br />

theodor-heuss-straße 10 · 70174 stuttgart<br />

phone: +49 711 / 88 88 86-0<br />

e-mail: stuttgart@hirschen.de<br />

<strong>New</strong><br />

since November 2011<br />

nEw yORk<br />

the world’s most exciting city. the city that never sleeps.<br />

the world capital for creatives, artistes, musicians,<br />

painters and drinkers. A generous loft in east village is<br />

hirschen’s trendy <strong>New</strong> York office.<br />

the Golden Deer Inc.<br />

29 e 19th street · <strong>New</strong> York, <strong>New</strong> York 10003<br />

e-mail: new-york@hirschen.de

ZuM GolDeNeN hIrscheN berlIN GMbh<br />

schlesische str. 26 · 10997 berlin<br />

phone: +49 30 / 6 10 02-0 · e-mail: berlin@hirschen.de<br />

ZuM GolDeNeN hIrscheN coloGNe GMbh<br />

lichtstraße 43c · 50825 cologne<br />

phone: +49 221 / 33 77 19-0 · e-mail: koeln@hirschen.de<br />

ZuM GolDeNeN hIrscheN stuttGArt<br />

theodor-heuss-straße 10 · 70174 stuttgart<br />

phone: +49 711 / 888886-0 · e-mail: stuttgart@hirschen.de<br />

ZuM GolDeNeN hIrscheN hAMburG GMbh<br />

An der Alster 85 · 20099 hamburg<br />

phone: +49 40 / 2 84 55-0 · e-mail: hamburg@hirschen.de<br />

ZuM GolDeNeN hIrscheN MuNIch GMbh<br />

landwehrstr. 60 – 62 · 80336 Munich<br />

phone: +49 89 / 767 563-0 · e-mail: muenchen@hirschen.de<br />

the GolDeN Deer INc.<br />

29 e 19th street · <strong>New</strong> York, <strong>New</strong> York 10003<br />

e-mail: new-york@hirschen.de

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