L ' I N F E R N O

L ' I N F E R N O

L ' I N F E R N O


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216<br />

VIRGIL:<br />

INF C34 1-3 / DANTE INF C34 1-3 / KLINE<br />

«Vexilla regis prodeunt inferni Vexilla Regis prodeunt inferni, the banners of the<br />

verso di noi; però dinanzi mira», King of Hell advance towards us: so look in front<br />

disse 'l maestro mio, «se tu 'l discerni». of you to see if you discern him,’ said my Master.<br />

♫INFERNAL: A SINGLE LOUD NOTE * * * * * * * * * *<br />

INF C34 2<br />

INF C34 4-27 / KLINE<br />

I seemed to see a tall structure, as a mill, that the wind turns, seems from a distance, when a dense mist breathes, or<br />

when night falls in our hemisphere, and I shrank back behind my guide, because of the wind, since there was no<br />

other shelter. I had already come, and with fear I put it into words, where the souls were completely enclosed, and<br />

shone through like straw in glass. Some are lying down, some stand upright, one on its head, another on the soles of<br />

its feet, another bent head to foot, like a bow. When we had gone on far enough, that my guide was able to show me<br />

Lucifer, the monster who was once so fair, he removed himself from me, and made me stop, saying: ‘Behold Dis,<br />

and behold the place where you must arm yourself with courage.’ Reader, do not ask how chilled and hoarse I<br />

became, then, since I do not write it, since all words would fail to tell it. I did not die, yet I was not alive. Think,<br />

yourself, now, if you have any grain of imagination, what I became, deprived of either state.<br />

INF C34 28-33<br />

The emperor of the sorrowful kingdom stood, waist upwards, from the ice, and I am nearer to a giant in size than the<br />

giants are to one of his arms: think how great the whole is that corresponds to such a part. If he was once as fair, as<br />

he is now ugly, and lifted up his forehead against his Maker, well may all evil flow from him. O how great a wonder<br />

it seemed to me, when I saw three faces on his head! The one in front was fiery red: the other two were joined to it,<br />

above the centre of each shoulder, and linked at the top, and the right hand one seemed whitish-yellow: the left was<br />

black to look at, like those who come from where the Nile rises. Under each face sprang two vast wings, of a size fit<br />

for such a bird: I never saw ship’s sails as wide. They had no feathers, but were like a bat’s in form and texture, and<br />

he was flapping them, so that three winds blew out away from him, by which all Cocytus was frozen. He wept from<br />

six eyes, and tears and bloody spume gushed down three chins. He chewed a sinner between his teeth, with every<br />

mouth, like a grinder, so, in that way, he kept three of them in torment.<br />


INF C34 68-81 / KLINE<br />

But night is ascending, [6 PM Sat] and now we must go, since we have seen it all.’ I clasped his neck, as he wished,<br />

and he seized the time and place, and when the wings were wide open, grasped Satan’s shaggy sides, and then from<br />

tuft to tuft, climbed down, between the matted hair and frozen crust. When we had come to where the thigh joint<br />

turns, just at the swelling of the haunch, my guide, with effort and difficulty, reversed his head to where his feet had<br />

been, and grabbed the hair like a climber, so that I thought we were dropping back to Hell.<br />



VIRGIL: or VIRGIL:<br />

INF C34 82-84 / DANTE INF C34 82-84 / KLINE<br />

Attienti ben, ché per cotali scale», Hold tight., said my guide, panting<br />

disse 'l maestro, ansando com' uom lasso, like a man exhausted, ‘since by these stairs,<br />

«conviensi dipartir da tanto male». we must depart from all this evil.’

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