L ' I N F E R N O

L ' I N F E R N O

L ' I N F E R N O


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CANTO 23<br />

160<br />

INF C23 1-18 / KLINE<br />

Silent, alone, and free of company, we went on, one in front, and the other after, like minor friars journeying on their<br />

way. My thoughts were turned, by the recent quarrel, to Aesop’s fable of the frog and mouse, since ‘Si’ and ‘Yes’<br />

are not better matched, than the one case with the other, if the thoughtful mind couples the beginning and end. And<br />

as one thought springs from another, so another sprang from that, redoubling my fear. I thought of this: ‘Through us,<br />

these are mocked, and with a kind of hurt and ridicule, that I guess must annoy them. If anger is added to their<br />

malice, they will chase after us, fiercer than snapping dogs that chase a leveret.’<br />



♫INFERNAL: SOFT, BECOMING LOUDER * * * * * * * * * *<br />

Before INF C23-19<br />

DANTE:<br />

INF C23 19-21 / DANTE INF C23 19-21 / KLINE<br />

Già mi sentia tutti arricciar li peli I felt my hair already lifting in fright,<br />

de la paura e stava in dietro intento, and was looking back intently, as I said:<br />

quand' io dissi: Maestro, se non celi Master, if you do not hide us<br />

INF C23 22-24 / DANTE<br />

te e me tostamente, i' ho pavento both, quickly, I am afraid of the<br />

d'i Malebranche. Noi li avem già dietro; Malebranche the Evil-clawed: they are<br />

io li 'magino sì, che già li sento». already behind us. I imagine I can hear them now.<br />

VIRGIL:<br />

INF C23 25-27 / DANTE INF C23 25-27 / KLINE<br />

E quei: «S'i' fossi di piombato vetro, And he: If I were made of silvered glass,<br />

l'imagine di fuor tua non trarrei I could not take up your image from outside<br />

più tosto a me, che quella dentro 'mpetro. more rapidly than I fix that image from within.<br />

INF C23 28-30 / DANTE<br />

Pur mo venieno i tuo' pensier tra ' miei, Even now your thoughts were entering mine,<br />

con simile atto e con simile faccia, with similar form and action, so that, from both,<br />

sì che d'intrambi un sol consiglio fei. I have made one decision.<br />

INF C23 31-33 / DANTE<br />

S'elli è che sì la destra costa giaccia, If the right bank slopes enough,<br />

che noi possiam ne l'altra bolgia scendere, that we can drop down, into the next chasm,<br />

noi fuggirem l'imaginata caccia». we will escape this imaginary pursuit.<br />

INF C23 34-57 / KLINE<br />

He had not finished stating this resolve, when I saw them, not far off, when I saw them, coming with extended<br />

wings, with desire to seize us. My guide suddenly took me up like a mother, wakened by a noise, seeing flames<br />

burning in front of her eyes, who takes her child and runs, and caring more about him than herself, does not even<br />

wait to look around her. Down from the ridge of the solid bank, he threw himself forward on to the hanging cliff that<br />

dams up the side of the next chasm. Water never ran as fast through the conduit, turning a mill-wheel on land, when<br />

it reaches the paddles, as my Master, down that bank, carrying me, against his breast, like a son, and not a<br />

companion. His feet had hardly touched the floor, of the depth below, before the demons were on the heights above<br />

us, but it gave him no fear, since the high Providence, that willed them to be the guardians of the fifth moat, takes,<br />

from all of them, the power to leave it.

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