L ' I N F E R N O

L ' I N F E R N O

L ' I N F E R N O


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DEMONS<br />


DANTE:<br />

from end of segment INF C21 16-18 / DANTE INF C21 16-18 / KLINE<br />

tal, non per foco ma per divin' arte, so, a A dense pitch boiled down there,<br />

bollia là giuso una pegola spessa, not melted by fire, but by divine skill,<br />

che 'nviscava la ripa d'ogne parte. and glued the banks over, on every side.<br />

DANTE:<br />

INF C21 7-9 / DANTE INF C21 7-9 / KLINE<br />

Quale ne l'arzanà de' Viniziani As, in the Venetian Arsenal, the glutinous<br />

bolle l'inverno la tenace pece pitch boils in winter,<br />

a rimpalmare i legni lor non sani, that they use to caulk the leaking boats<br />

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INF C21 10-12 / DANTE<br />

ché navicar non ponno--in quella vece they cannot sail; and so, instead one man<br />

chi fa suo legno novo e chi ristoppa builds a new boat, another plugs the seams of his,<br />

le coste a quel che più vïaggi fece; that has made many voyages,<br />

INF C21 13-15 / DANTE<br />

chi ribatte da proda e chi da poppa; one hammers at the prow, another at the stern,<br />

altri fa remi e altri volge sarte; some make oars, and some twist rope,<br />

chi terzeruolo e artimon rintoppa--: one mends a jib, the other a mainsail;<br />

INF C21 16-18 / DANTE<br />

tal, non per foco ma per divin' arte, so, a dense pitch boiled down there,<br />

bollia là giuso una pegola spessa, not melted by fire, but by divine skill,<br />

che 'nviscava la ripa d'ogne parte. and glued the banks over, on every side.<br />

DANTE:<br />

INF C21 7-9 / DANTE INF C21 7-9 / KLINE<br />

Quale ne l'arzanà de' Viniziani As, in the Venetian Arsenal, the glutinous<br />

bolle l'inverno la tenace pece pitch boils in winter,<br />

a rimpalmare i legni lor non sani, that they use to caulk the leaking boats<br />

INF C21 10-12 / DANTE<br />

ché navicar non ponno--in quella vece they cannot sail; and so, instead one man<br />

chi fa suo legno novo e chi ristoppa builds a new boat, another plugs the seams of his,<br />

le coste a quel che più vïaggi fece; that has made many voyages.,<br />

INF C21 13-15 / DANTE<br />

chi ribatte da proda e chi da poppa; one One hammers at the prow, another at the stern.,<br />

altri fa remi e altri volge sarte; some Some make oars, and some twist rope.,<br />

chi terzeruolo e artimon rintoppa--: one One mends a jib, the other a mainsail;<br />

INF C21 16-18 / DANTE<br />

tal, non per foco ma per divin' arte, so So, a dense pitch boiled down there,<br />

bollia là giuso una pegola spessa, not melted by fire, but by divine skill,<br />

che 'nviscava la ripa d'ogne parte. and glued the banks over, on every side.<br />

INF C21 19-21 / KLINE<br />

I saw it, but nothing in it, except the bubbles that the boiling caused, and the heaving of it all, and the cooling part’s<br />


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