L ' I N F E R N O

L ' I N F E R N O

L ' I N F E R N O


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INF C17 82-84 / DANTE<br />

Omai si scende per sì fatte scale; Now we must descend by means of these stairs:<br />

monta dinanzi, ch'i' voglio esser mezzo, you climb in front: I wish to be in the centre,<br />

sì che la coda non possa far male». so that the tail may not harm you.<br />

VIRGIL :<br />

INF C17 85-87 / DANTE INF C17 85-87 / KLINE<br />

Qual è colui che sì presso ha 'l riprezzo Like a man whose fit of the quartan fever is<br />

de la quartana, c'ha già l'unghie smorte, so near, that his nails are already pallid,<br />

e triema tutto pur guardando 'l rezzo, and he shakes all over, by keeping in the shade,<br />

INF C17 88-90 / DANTE<br />

tal divenn' io a le parole porte; so I became when these words were said:<br />

ma vergogna mi fé le sue minacce, shame in me, that makes the servant brave<br />

che innanzi a buon segnor fa servo forte. in the presence of a worthy master.<br />

DANTE: & DANTE:<br />

INF C17 91-93 / DANTE INF C17 91-93 / KLINE<br />

I' m'assettai in su quelle spallacce; I set myself on those vast shoulders.<br />

sì volli dir, ma la voce non venne I wished to say: “See that you clasp me tight.”<br />

com' io credetti: `Fa che tu m'abbracce'. but my voice did not come out as I intended.<br />

DANTE:<br />

INF C17 94-96 / DANTE INF C17 94-96 / KLINE<br />

Ma esso, ch'altra volta mi sovvenne He, who helped me in other difficulties,<br />

ad altro forse, tosto ch'i' montai at other times, embraced me,<br />

con le braccia m'avvinse e mi sostenne; as soon as I mounted, and held me upright.<br />

INF C17 97 / DANTE INF C17 97-99 / KLINE<br />

e disse: «Gerïon, moviti omai: Then he said: Now move, Geryon!<br />

134<br />

VIRGIL:<br />

INF C17 97-99 / DANTE INF C17 97 / KLINE<br />

e disse: «Gerïon, moviti omai: Then he said: Now move, Geryon!<br />

le rote larghe, e lo scender sia poco; Make large circles, and let your descent be gentle:<br />

pensa la nova soma che tu hai». think of the strange burden that you carry.<br />



INF C17 98<br />

DANTE: & VIRGIL:<br />

INF C17 100-102 / DANTE INF C17 100-102 / KLINE<br />

Come la navicella esce di loco As a little boat goes backwards, backwards,<br />

from<br />

in dietro in dietro, sì quindi si tolse; its mooring, so the monster left the cliff, and<br />

when<br />

e poi ch'al tutto si sentì a gioco, he felt himself quite free, he turned his tail<br />

around,<br />

INF C17 103-105 / DANTE<br />

là 'v' era 'l petto, la coda rivolse, to where his chest had been, and stretching,<br />

e quella tesa, come anguilla, mosse, flicked it like an eel, and gathered<br />

e con le branche l'aere a sé raccolse. the air towards him with his paws.

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