Electrophysiological Evidence for Sentence Comprehension - Wings

Electrophysiological Evidence for Sentence Comprehension - Wings

Electrophysiological Evidence for Sentence Comprehension - Wings


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Figure 10. The presentation of the stimulus sentences<br />

Each sentence (i.e. the last word of the preceding sentence and the first word of the<br />

following sentence) was separated by the 1700 ms interval. Each computer slide<br />

consisted of one word. However, in the first slide the auxiliary verb came together with<br />

the noun, the subject of the sentence. As the clitic has to come right after the first word in<br />

a sentence, the canonical position of the auxiliary verb was thus preserved. It is<br />

pronounced together with the first word as one word (a word with its clitic is one<br />

phonological word). If the auxiliary were on a separate slide, it would have been read<br />

with an accent, which is ungrammatical and unnatural even when the reader reads<br />

silently. There<strong>for</strong>e, throughout the stimulus sentences the clitics were always presented<br />

together with the word which carried the accent. Every 20 – 25 sentences a pause was<br />

inserted (a yellow circle on the screen followed by the cross (+) to prepare the subject <strong>for</strong><br />

the continuation of the experiment). Each pause lasts 10 seconds during which the<br />

participants were instructed to blink freely or move head. This was necessary because it<br />

took 25 minutes to complete the experiment and, initially, without the pauses the<br />

participants felt friction and the loss of concentration. The participants were asked to<br />

make grammaticality judgments by pressing one of two buttons on the response pad.<br />


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