Electrophysiological Evidence for Sentence Comprehension - Wings

Electrophysiological Evidence for Sentence Comprehension - Wings

Electrophysiological Evidence for Sentence Comprehension - Wings


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5.2.4. Children with SLI<br />

Behavioral results. Children with SLI were tested on a number of variables to determine<br />

their language status. The results are given in Tables 20, 21 and 22 (phonology,<br />

morphology & syntax and lexicon & semantics). Boys are labeled B1, B2 and B3, while<br />

the girl is marked as G1. As explained in the Materials & Method section, the results are<br />

given descriptively, on a poor-moderate-good scale. The reason is, as mentioned above,<br />

that these tests are working materials designed primarily <strong>for</strong> pre-school age. The<br />

materials have a simple scoring system based on the number of correct answers. In<br />

addition, incorrect answers are recorded <strong>for</strong> the interpretation of child’s error. No age-<br />

tuning of a kind developed <strong>for</strong>, <strong>for</strong> example, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test is<br />

possible. Some tests are there<strong>for</strong>e too easy <strong>for</strong> TLD children between 9 and 11 and they<br />

usually reach ceiling. However, SLI children of the appropriate age do not show the<br />

ceiling effect on these materials. Phonological analysis and synthesis test is a good<br />

example <strong>for</strong> this: while this task is far too easy <strong>for</strong> the TLD children, SLI children still<br />

make errors on this test.<br />

TLD children of age between 9 and 11 still make errors on some of the test materials:<br />

case and number markings that involve morphonological changes, <strong>for</strong> example, persist to<br />

be problematic even <strong>for</strong> school-age children. However, while committing<br />

morphonological errors, TLD children of age between 9 and 11 generally do not mix<br />

cases (e.g. Dative instead of Genitive), in other words, they have acquired the case<br />

system of Croatian. SLI children do commit this sort of error. The test material that<br />

includes various Croatian noun paradigms with various morphonological rules is thus<br />


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