kendall county board agenda adjourned september meeting

kendall county board agenda adjourned september meeting

kendall county board agenda adjourned september meeting


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The 5th day of November, 2007, a duly certified copy of Bond Ordinance 07-49 was filed in the office of the County<br />

Clerk of the County (the “County Clerk”); also<br />

The 5(h day of August, 2008, a duly certified copy of Bond Ordinance 08-29 was filed in the office of the County Clerk<br />

of the County (the “County Clerk”); also<br />

The 17th day of March, 2009, a duly certified copy of Bond Ordinance 09-11 was filed in the office of the County Clerk<br />

of the County (the “County Clerk”); and<br />

WHEREAS, the County has Pledged Revenues (as defined in the Bond Ordinances) available for the<br />

purpose of paying debt service on the Bonds heretofore imposed by the 2009 levy; and<br />

WHEREAS, the Pledged Revenues are hereby directed to be deposited into the “Debt Service Fund”<br />

established pursuant to the Bond Ordinances for the purpose of paying the debt service on the Bonds; and<br />

WHEREAS, it is necessary and in the best interests of the County that the taxes heretofore levied for the<br />

year 2009 to pay the debt service on the Bonds be abated:<br />

NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Ordained by the County Board of The County of Kendall, Illinois, as follows:<br />

Section 1. Abatement of Tax for the Bonds. The tax heretofore levied for the year 2009 in Bond<br />

Ordinances 02-17, 02-18, 02-32, 02-33, 07-49, 08-29 and 09-11 shall be abated in its entirety.<br />

Section 2 Filing of Ordinance. Forthwith upon the adoption of this ordinance, the Clerk of the Board<br />

shall file a certified copy hereof with the County Clerk and it shall be the duty of the County Clerk to abate said taxes<br />

levied for the year 2009 in accordance with the provisions hereof.<br />

Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect forthwith upon its adoption<br />

Labor & GrIevance<br />

Member Martin reported that the FOP Clerk’s contract is in their hands now.<br />

JudiclallLeglslative<br />

Member Petrella informed the Board that the next <strong>meeting</strong> is on 3/25/I 0.<br />

Animal Control<br />

Member Purcell stated that everything is going well.<br />

Health and Environmental<br />

Member Flowers moved to approve the RC&D Application for USDA Program Assistance. Member Wehrli seconded<br />

the motion. Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a voice vote on the motion. All members oresent voting aye. MotIon<br />

carried.<br />

cow<br />

Member Martin moved to approve the agreement for the sale of the old iail. Member Wehrli seconded the motion.<br />

Member Martin expressed concern about the timeline and price for the renovations.<br />

Member Davidson made a motion to amend the motion to sell the old iail and accept the street easements as<br />

designed and omit the $5,000 sewer improvement to the old fire barn. Member Hafenrichter seconded the motion.<br />

Discussion on the amendment involved the right of way easement.<br />

Member Hafenrichter withdraws second on the amendment motion. Motion denied.<br />

Member Davidson made a motion to amend the original motion to add the revenue from the sale to the Capital<br />

Improvement Fund. Member Wehrli seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a voice vote on the<br />

amendment. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.<br />

Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a roll call vote on the original motion. Members voting ave include: Davidson.<br />

Hafenrichter. Parr. Petrella. Purcell, Shaw and Wehrli. Members voting nay include: Flowers and Martin. Motion<br />

carrIed 7-2.<br />

Member Hafenrichter made a motion to approve the resolution authorizing the aoolication for Public Transportation<br />

Financial Assistance. Member Wehrli seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a voice vote on the<br />

amendment. All members present voting ave. Motion carried.<br />

Co.Board3/16/10 -6-

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