kendall county board agenda adjourned september meeting

kendall county board agenda adjourned september meeting

kendall county board agenda adjourned september meeting


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Kendall County Office Building, Rooms 209 & 210<br />

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 9:00 a.m.<br />

1. Call to Order<br />

2. Roll Call<br />

3. Determination of a Quorum<br />

4. Approval of Minutes<br />

5. Approval of Agenda<br />

6. Correspondence and Communications — County Clerk<br />

7. Special Recognition<br />

8. Citizens to be Heard<br />

A. Nick Hettinger<br />

B. Brian LeClercq<br />

C. Todd Milliron<br />

9. Old Business<br />

10. New Business<br />

11. Elected Official Report and Other Department Reports<br />

A. Sheriff<br />

B. County Clerk<br />

C. Treasurer<br />

D. Clerk of the Court<br />

E. State’s Aftorney<br />

F. Coroner<br />

G. Health Dept.<br />

H. Supervisor of Assessments<br />

12. Executive Session<br />

13. Standing Committee Reports<br />

A. Planning, Building & Zoning<br />

1. 09-22 Zoning Fees<br />

2. 05-43 Schaefer Glen Extension<br />

3. Camelot Farms — Plat Extension<br />

B. Public Safety<br />

1. Expenditure of Jail Bond Funds for Hallway Cameras<br />

C. Administration, FIR, Revenue<br />

D. Highway<br />

1. Bid from DeKane Equipment Corp for $19,700 for Kubota mowing tractor<br />

2. Bid from Lite Construction, Inc. for $814,678 for construction of storage building<br />

3. Bid from TBS Construction for $212,960 for foundation walls for Salt Storage bldg.<br />

4. Bid from Elmco Eng. for $201,159.34 for fabric roof on Salt Storage bldg.<br />

5. Resolution approving low bidders for 2010 County & Township road projects<br />

E. Facilities Management<br />

F. Economic Development<br />

G. Finance Committee<br />

1. Approval of Claims<br />

2. Set Elected Officials Salaries for FY2O1 1-2014<br />

H. Labor & Grievance Committee<br />

I. Judicial/Legislative<br />

J. Animal Control<br />

K. Health and Environment<br />

L. Committee of the Whole<br />

M. Standing Committee Minutes Approval<br />

14. Special Committee Reports<br />

A. Public Building Commission<br />

B. VAC<br />

C. County Stormwater Committee<br />

D. Courthouse Ad-Hoc<br />

1. Change Orders<br />

E. UCCI<br />

F. Historic Preservation Commission

15. Other Business<br />

16. Chairman’s Report<br />

A. Appointments<br />

Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary District — Mark A. Luettlch —3 year term — expires May 2013<br />

Newark Sanitary District — Vacancy-s year term — expires May 2013<br />

Lisbon- Seward Fire District — Robert Vickery -3 year term — expires May 2013<br />

Little Rock-Fox Fire District — Donald Brummel - 3 year term — expires May 2013<br />

Little Rock-Fox Fire District — Randall Scott Wade - 3 year term — expires May 2013<br />

Bristol-Kendall Fire District —Richard W. Dickson -3 year term — expires May 2013<br />

Newark Fire District — Bradley Mathre -3 year term expires May 2013<br />

Board of Review — Pamela Gegenheimer —2 year term — expires May 2012<br />

Board of Review — Darell Gaar —2 year term — expires May 2012<br />

Kendall County Preservation Commission — Whitney French —2 year term — expires May 2012<br />

Kendall County Preservation Commission — Ken Boyer —2 year term — expires May 2012<br />

Kendall County Preservation Commission — Vacant —2 year term — expires May 2012<br />

Ken Corn Executive Board — Alderperson Melody Herreid, Alternate — City of Piano<br />

Ken Com Executive Board — Marty Munns, Alternate, United City of Yorkville<br />

Ken Corn Executive Board — James A. Mccarty — Alternate Bristol-Kendall Fire District<br />

17. Citizens to be Heard<br />

18. Questions from the Press<br />

19. Adjournment

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Kendall County Calendar<br />

1st<br />

May2010 June2010<br />

sMT~~;Fs<br />

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday<br />

Mafl<br />

9:00am<br />

-<br />

ZPAC; County Board Room<br />

4<br />

6:00pm County Board ; CUR<br />

5<br />

6:30pm RPC & ZBA; County Board Room<br />

6<br />


7<br />

4:00pm Facilities Mgt; County Board Room 6:00pm Forest Preserve; County Board Roo, 4:00pm Adminlsfltlon - HRA; County Board<br />

10 11 12 13 14<br />

4:00pm Public Safety; PSC 9:00am Admlnlsnuon Revenue; 3rd Floor 2:00pm KenCom Operations Board ; PSC 2:30pm Finance Committee; County Board F<br />

6:30pm PBZ; County Board Room 4’OOpm Highway; ~hghway Dept 4:30pm PUC; County Board Room 4:00pm COW; County Board Room<br />

5:30pm Forest Preserve; County Board Roor<br />

17 18 19 20 21<br />

9:00am County Board; County Board Room 9:00am &,lmal Conbol; Fac Mgt Conference VOUCHERS DUE<br />

9:00am F~est Preserve; County Board Roof 3:30pm Health & Environment; County Boar<br />

7:00pm Board of Health; Health Dept. 7:00pm Historic Preservation; County Board<br />

24 25 26 27 28<br />

1:00pm Stormwater Tech; County Board Ro 3:00pm Jud/Legis; Courthouse - Jury Assem 8:00am Finance; County Board Room<br />

5:30pm FP Fin & Oper; County Board Room 3:30pm Courthouse Ad Hoc; Courthouse - ii 5:30pm KenCom Exec Board; PSC<br />

~ 7:00pm ZBA; County Board Room 5:00pm Zoning Ad Hoc; County Board Roo,r<br />

z 7:00pm RPC; County Board Room<br />

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Mimi Bryan 1 4/15/2010 8:11 AM



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arch 6,2010<br />

The Kendall County Board Meeting was held at the Kendall County Office Building, Room 209, in the City of Yorkville<br />

on Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. The Clerk called the roll. Members present: Elizabeth Flowers, Jessie<br />

Hafenrichter, Nancy Martin, Pam Parr, Suzanne Petrella, John Purcell, John Shaw, and Jeff Wehrli. Member absent:<br />

Bob Davidson. Member absent: Anne Vickery.<br />

The Clerk reported to the Vice Chairman that a quorum was present to conduct business.<br />


Member Hafenrichter moved to apørove the submitted minutes from the Adiourned County Board Meeting of<br />

February 16, 2010. Member Flowers seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a voice vote on the<br />

motion. All members oresent voting aye. Motion carried.<br />


Member Petrella moved to anorove the <strong>agenda</strong>. Member Martin seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Purcell asked<br />

for a voice vote on the motion. All members oresent voting ave. Motion carrIed.<br />


Vice Chairman Purcell wanted to recognize Nancy Martin’s birthday on Thursday, March 18,2010.<br />


Thomas J. Casey, 13161 Grove Rd, Minooka extended an invitation to the Forest Preserve Board to have a<br />

spring/summer <strong>meeting</strong> in his home. They have property available — 50 acres split by Au Sable Creek, Young Forest<br />

Preserve as well as prairie land.<br />

County Clerk<br />


Revenue Report 21112010-212812010<br />

Line Item Fund Revenue<br />

County Clerk Fees $ 814.00<br />

County Clerk Fees - Marriage License $ 510.00<br />

County Clerk Fees - Misc $ 3,242.04<br />

County Clerk Fees - Recording $ 27,258.00<br />

01010061205 Total County Clerk Fees $ 31,824.04<br />

01010001185 County Revenue $ 19,258.25<br />

38010001320 Doc Storage $ 16,655.00<br />

01010071205 Election -<br />

51010001320 GIS Mapping 28,044.00<br />

37010001320 GIS Recording 3,518.00<br />

01010001135 Interest 173.26<br />

01010001170 Raffle License<br />

01010061210 Recorder’s Misc 4,199.15<br />

81010001320 RHSP/Housing Surcharge $ 14,652.00<br />

01010001160 St Comp - Elec Judge<br />

Co. Board 3/16/10 -1-

CK # 16444 To KC Treasurer $ 118,323.70<br />

Death Certificate Surcharge sent from Clerk’s office $300.00 ck # 16443<br />

Marr License Surchrge/Dom Viol Fund sent from Clerk’s office $85.00 ck 16442<br />

Treasurer<br />

Office of Jill Ferko<br />

Kendall County Treasurer & Collector<br />

111 W. Fox Street Yorkville, IL 60560<br />

Kendall County General Fund<br />


FOR THREE MONTHS ENDED 02/28/2010<br />

Annual 2O1OYTD 2O1OYTD 2009Y1D 2009 D<br />

REVENUESt Budget Actual % t<br />

Personal Property RepI. Tax $355000 $60,170 16.95% $61! 9 14.10%<br />

State Income Tax $1,700,000 $265,736 15.63% $599,477 28.55%<br />

Local Use Tax $340,000 $60,615 17.83% $113,201 37.48°<br />

State Sales Tax $1,250,000 $218,120 17.45% $363,427 31.60%<br />

County Clerk<br />

Fees $410,000 $104,320 25.44% $137. 0 28.65%<br />

Circuit Clerk Fees $1,200,000 $324,406 27.03% 297,468 27.04%<br />

Fines & Foreits/St<br />

My. $550,000 $127,333 23.15% $133,156 22.38%<br />

Building and<br />

Zoning $30,000 $7,732 25.77% $4,944 5.49%<br />

Interest Income $250,000 $19,948 7.98% $68 713 19.63%<br />

Health Insurance - Empi. Ded. $628,989 $185,526 22.38% $170,045 24.16%<br />

1/4 Cent Sales<br />

Tax $2,150,000 $556,165 25.87% $5 7,146 22. 9%<br />

County Real Estate Transi Tax $200,000 $59,373 29.69% $101,557 31..25/~<br />

Correction Dept. Board & Care $438,000 $32,580 7.44% $4 2 40 63.4 %<br />

Sheriff Fees $475,000 $156,668 32.98% 134 596 35.89%<br />

TOTALS $10,176,989 $2,178,692 21.41% 31 92 2 .37%<br />

Public Safety Sales Tax $4,000,000 $1,025,922 25.65% 1 0 4 .63%<br />

Transportation Sales Tax $4,000,000 $1,025,922 25.65% 1 0 469 25.82%<br />

Co. Board 3/16/10 -2-

Coroner<br />

2010 Statistics Stats for Same Period in 2009<br />

2010 Total Deaths 49 Total Deaths 61<br />

Autopsies to Date 6 Autopsies 10<br />

Toxicology Samples. 6 Toxicology Samples.. 12<br />

Cremation Permits.... 17 Cremation Permits... 27<br />

Deputy Purcell met with the representative from Gift of Hope on February 5, to discuss the donation programs.<br />

*Comner Toftoy presented at Oswego High School and Oswego East High School on February 4 & February 5<br />

to discuss driving awareness to the driver’s education students as part of Operation<br />

Impact.<br />

*Coroner Toftoy presented to the Oswego High School Forensic Sciences Class.<br />

Coroner Toftoy held inquests at the Kendall County Courthouse on February 25.<br />

Supervisor of Assessments<br />

Member Hafenrichter summed up the report in the packet from Andy Nicoletti.<br />

Planning, BuildIng & Zoning<br />


Member Martin made a motion to send the Land Cash Ordinance back to the PBZ Committee. Member Petrella<br />

seconded the motion.<br />

Discussion involved the need to get developers into the County and the purpose of the land cash ordinance being<br />

used to generate funds to purchase land for the School District and Forest Preserve. State’s Attomey, Eric Weis told<br />

the Board that right now in the Land Cash Ordinance it says that they have to adjust by the index; if the Board doesn’t<br />

want to do this it is fine, the ordinance needs to be amended to allow this to happen.<br />

Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a roll call vote on the motion. Members voting aye include: Davidson. Hafenrichter,<br />

Martin. Parr, Petrella. Purcell. and Shaw. Members voting nay include: Flowers and Wehrli. Motion passes 7-2.<br />

Public Safety<br />

Member Shaw reported that the public is safe. Deputy Brian Harl was awarded the Officer of the Year by the Kendall<br />

County Chiefs of Police and the Optimist Club. Two new dispatchers were hired at KenCom.<br />

Administration — Human Resources & Revenue<br />

Member Hafenrichter reported that they were notified that President Obama has signed the temporary Extension Act<br />

which extends COBRA coverage. Supervisor of Assessment is expecting a 1.0 multiplier.<br />

Highway<br />

Member Davidson made a motion to instruct the County Board Chairman to sign the addendum agreement for Illinois<br />

126 at Plainfield Rd. Member Martin seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a roll call vote on the<br />

motion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.<br />

Member Davidson made a motion to accept the bid from Central Salt in the amount of $68.12 per ton for 13.500 tons.<br />

Member Martin seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a roll call vote on the motion. All members<br />

present voting aye. Motion carried.<br />

Member Davidson made a motion to go into a ioint venture with Big Grove Road District for Aoakesha Road<br />

imorovements not to exceed $30,000 County contribution $15,000 with a loan of $1 0.000 to the Road District.<br />

Co. Board 3/16/10 -3-

Member Wehrli seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a roll call vote on the motion. All members<br />

present voting ave. Motion carried.<br />

Member Davidson made a motion to accept the resolution setting the County Engineer’s salary from May 20. 2010 to<br />

May 19. 2011. Member Flowers seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a roll call vote on the<br />

motion. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.<br />


Resolution No 10-07<br />

A Resolution setting forth the salary of the County Engineer<br />

and disposition of funds used for said salary<br />

WHEREAS, Kendall County has sufficient Surface Transportation Program Funds available and desires to use said<br />

funds to pay a portion of the County Engineer’s salary in accordance with the County Engineer’s Salary Program;<br />

and,<br />

WHEREAS, the County desires to appropriate funds for the purpose of payment of the County Engineer’s salary for<br />

the period beginning May 20, 2010 and ending May 19, 2011.<br />

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the sum of $100,130 be hereby appropriated for payment of the<br />

Kendall County Engineer’s salary for the period aforementioned. Said appropriation shall be taken from the County<br />

Highway Fund Account of Kendall County.<br />

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Kendall County hereby authorizes the sum of $50,065 of their Surface<br />

Transportation Program Funds be made available to the Illinois Department of Transportation for the State’s use in<br />

exchange for an equal amount of State funds. The State funds shall equal fifty percent (50%) of the County<br />

Engineer’s annual salary and shall be used to reimburse the County Highway Fund Account of Kendall County.<br />

This resolution approved by the County Board of Kendall County, State of Illinois.<br />

Anne Vickery — Kendall County Board Chair<br />

I, Debbie Gillette, County Clerk in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, and keeper of the records and files<br />

thereof, as provided by statute, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution<br />

adopted by the Kendall County Board, at its regularly scheduled <strong>meeting</strong> in Yorkville, Illinois, on the j~ffi day of<br />

March, A.D. 2010.<br />

Debbie Gillette — County Clerk<br />

Facilities Management<br />

Member Wehrli reported that the group is looking at antenna sites for Kendall Area Transit. Additional Courthouse<br />

furniture is needed to fill out the Courthouse. Lawn Firm was selected to handle grounds maintenance.<br />

Economic Development<br />

Member Flowers informed the Board that there are two loans that are outstanding and they are both current.<br />

Finance<br />

CLAIMS<br />

Member Martin moved to approve the claims submitted in the amount of $929,147.08. Member Flowers seconded<br />

the motion.<br />

COMBINED CLAIMS: FCLT MGMT $61,694.08, 882 $5,209.12, CO CLK & RCDR $844.82, ELECTION $58,460.06,<br />

ED SRV REG $5,555.46, SHRFF $6,042.36, CRRCTNS $24,295.26, ESDA $65.50, CRCT CT CLK $959.95, JURY<br />

COMM $3,771.32, CRCT CT JDG $6,521.19, CRNR $1,720.79, CMB CRT SRV $1,311.11, PUB DFNDR $674.93,<br />

ST ATTY $2,871.12, SPRV OF ASSMNT $108.18,TRSR $826.76, UNEMPLY CMP $12,529.00, EMPLY HLTH INS<br />

$30,890.12, PPPOST $15,000.00, OFF OF ADM SRV $11,653.69, CO BRD $830.80, TECH SRV $931.95,<br />

KENCOM $6,870.92, CAP EXPEND $5,506.40, CAP IMPRV FND $75,219.91, CO HWY $91,210.15, CO BRDG<br />

$22,344.00, HWY $30,054.11, TRNSPRT SALES TX $222,030.23, HLTH & HMN SRV $128,176.07, BLD FND<br />

$11,596.03, FRST PRSRV $8,164.18, ANML CNTRL $1,687.44, CO RCDR DOC STRG $8,605.92, DRG ABS EXP S<br />

2,641.41, PRBTN SRV $5,404.04, ENGR CNSUL $182.22, CO RSRV $4,852.00,TOTAL $540.00, ANMI. CNTRL<br />

CONT $40.00, ECO $2,260.00, VAC $5,386.88, FP BOND PROCEEDS 2007 $26,699.81, CRTHSE EXPNSN<br />

$16,907.79<br />

Co. Board 3/16/10 -4-

Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a roll call vote on the motion. All members Present voting aye. Motion carried.<br />

Member Martin moved to approve the Ordinance providing for issuance of not to exceed $10,000.000 General<br />

Obligation Refunding Bonds. Member Parr seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a roll call vote on<br />

the motion. All members oresent voting aye exceot Petrella who abstained. Motion carried.<br />

A copy of Ordinance 10-05 Issuance of not to exceed $10,000,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate<br />

Revenue Source), Series 2010, is on file in the Office of the County Clerk.<br />

Member Martin moved to approve the Ordinance abating General Obligation Bonds. Member Flowers seconded the<br />

motion. Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a roll call vote on the motion. All members oresent voting ave. Motion<br />

carried.<br />

County of Kendall, Illinois<br />

ORDINANCE NO 10-06<br />



2002B, 2007A, 2007B, 2008 AND 2009 OF THE COUNTY OF KENDALL, ILLINOIS.<br />

WHEREAS, the County Board (the “Board’) of The County of Kendall, Illinois (the “Countf), by ordinance<br />

adopted:<br />

Ordinance 02-18 (the “Bond Ordinance”) on the l9~ day of November, 2002 which did provide for the issue of Not To<br />

Exceed $7,000,000 General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2002A (the “Bonds”), and the levy<br />

of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay debt service on the Bonds; also<br />

Ordinance 02-32 (the “Amendment to the Bond Ordinance”) on the it’ day of December, 2002 which did amend an<br />

ordinance adopted by the County Board of the County on November 19, 2002 entitled: “Supplemental Ordinance<br />

Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds, Alternate Revenue Source Series 2002A, of The County of<br />

Kendall, Illinois” (the Bond Ordinance); also<br />

Ordinance 02-17 (the “Bond Ordinance”) on the jgth day of November, 2002 which did provide for the issue of<br />

$4,500,000 General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2002B (the “Bonds”), and the levy of a<br />

direct annual tax sufficient to pay debt service on the Bonds; also<br />

Ordinance 02-33 (the “Amendment to the Bond Ordinance”) on the 17t~~ day of December, 2002 which did amend an<br />

ordinance adopted by the County Board of the County on November 19, 2002 entitled: “Supplemental Ordinance<br />

Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds, Alternate Revenue Source Series 20028, of The County of<br />

Kendall, Illinois” (the Bond Ordinance): also<br />

Ordinance 07-49 (the “Bond Ordinance”) on the I6~’ day of October, 2007 which did provide for the issue of Not To<br />

Exceed $10,000,000 General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), of The County of Kendall, Illinois (the<br />

“Bonds”), and the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay debt service on the Bonds; also<br />

Ordinance 08-29 (the “Bond Ordinance”) on the 5~ day of August, 2008 which did provide for the issue of $10,00,000<br />

General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2008 (the “Bonds”), and the levy of a direct annual tax<br />

sufficient to pay debt service on the Bonds; also<br />

Ordinance 09-11 (the “Bond Ordinance”) on the l7hl~ day of March, 2009 which did provide for the issue of $1 0,00,000<br />

General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2009 (the “Bonds”), and the levy of a direct annual tax<br />

sufficient to pay debt service on the Bonds; and<br />

WHEREAS, on:<br />

The 19th day of November, 2002, a duly certified copy of Bond Ordinance 02-18 was filed in the office of the County<br />

Cleric of the County (the “County Clerk”); also<br />

The 19th day of November, 2002, a duly certified copy of Bond Ordinance 02-17 was filed in the office of the County<br />

Clerk of the County (the “County Clerk”): also<br />

The 171h day of December, 2002, a duly certified copy of Bond Ordinance Amendment 02-32 was filed in the office of<br />

the County Clerk of the County (the “County Clerk”): also<br />

The it’ day of December, 2002, a duly certified copy of Bond Ordinance Amendment 02-33 was filed in the office of<br />

the County Clerk of the County (the “County Clerk”): also<br />

Co. Board 3/16/10 -5-

The 5th day of November, 2007, a duly certified copy of Bond Ordinance 07-49 was filed in the office of the County<br />

Clerk of the County (the “County Clerk”); also<br />

The 5(h day of August, 2008, a duly certified copy of Bond Ordinance 08-29 was filed in the office of the County Clerk<br />

of the County (the “County Clerk”); also<br />

The 17th day of March, 2009, a duly certified copy of Bond Ordinance 09-11 was filed in the office of the County Clerk<br />

of the County (the “County Clerk”); and<br />

WHEREAS, the County has Pledged Revenues (as defined in the Bond Ordinances) available for the<br />

purpose of paying debt service on the Bonds heretofore imposed by the 2009 levy; and<br />

WHEREAS, the Pledged Revenues are hereby directed to be deposited into the “Debt Service Fund”<br />

established pursuant to the Bond Ordinances for the purpose of paying the debt service on the Bonds; and<br />

WHEREAS, it is necessary and in the best interests of the County that the taxes heretofore levied for the<br />

year 2009 to pay the debt service on the Bonds be abated:<br />

NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Ordained by the County Board of The County of Kendall, Illinois, as follows:<br />

Section 1. Abatement of Tax for the Bonds. The tax heretofore levied for the year 2009 in Bond<br />

Ordinances 02-17, 02-18, 02-32, 02-33, 07-49, 08-29 and 09-11 shall be abated in its entirety.<br />

Section 2 Filing of Ordinance. Forthwith upon the adoption of this ordinance, the Clerk of the Board<br />

shall file a certified copy hereof with the County Clerk and it shall be the duty of the County Clerk to abate said taxes<br />

levied for the year 2009 in accordance with the provisions hereof.<br />

Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect forthwith upon its adoption<br />

Labor & GrIevance<br />

Member Martin reported that the FOP Clerk’s contract is in their hands now.<br />

JudiclallLeglslative<br />

Member Petrella informed the Board that the next <strong>meeting</strong> is on 3/25/I 0.<br />

Animal Control<br />

Member Purcell stated that everything is going well.<br />

Health and Environmental<br />

Member Flowers moved to approve the RC&D Application for USDA Program Assistance. Member Wehrli seconded<br />

the motion. Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a voice vote on the motion. All members oresent voting aye. MotIon<br />

carried.<br />

cow<br />

Member Martin moved to approve the agreement for the sale of the old iail. Member Wehrli seconded the motion.<br />

Member Martin expressed concern about the timeline and price for the renovations.<br />

Member Davidson made a motion to amend the motion to sell the old iail and accept the street easements as<br />

designed and omit the $5,000 sewer improvement to the old fire barn. Member Hafenrichter seconded the motion.<br />

Discussion on the amendment involved the right of way easement.<br />

Member Hafenrichter withdraws second on the amendment motion. Motion denied.<br />

Member Davidson made a motion to amend the original motion to add the revenue from the sale to the Capital<br />

Improvement Fund. Member Wehrli seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a voice vote on the<br />

amendment. All members present voting aye. Motion carried.<br />

Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a roll call vote on the original motion. Members voting ave include: Davidson.<br />

Hafenrichter. Parr. Petrella. Purcell, Shaw and Wehrli. Members voting nay include: Flowers and Martin. Motion<br />

carrIed 7-2.<br />

Member Hafenrichter made a motion to approve the resolution authorizing the aoolication for Public Transportation<br />

Financial Assistance. Member Wehrli seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a voice vote on the<br />

amendment. All members present voting ave. Motion carried.<br />

Co.Board3/16/10 -6-

Kendall County Board Resolution<br />

(Revised 1/05) Number 10-08<br />

Resolution authorizing application for Public Transportation Financial Assistance under Section 5311 of the Federal<br />

Transit Act of 1991, as amended (49 U.S.C. § 5311).<br />

WHEREAS, the provision of public transit service is essential to the transportation of persons in the nonurbanized<br />

area: and<br />

WHEREAS, Section 5311 of the Federal Transit Act of 1991, as amended (49 U.S.C. § 5311), makes funds<br />

available to help offset certain operating deficits and administrative expenses of a system providing public transit<br />

service in non-urbanized areas; and<br />

WHEREAS, grants for said funds will impose certain obligations upon the recipient, including the provision<br />

by it of the local share of funds necessary to cover costs not covered by funds provided under Section 5311 of the<br />

Federal Transit Act of 1991, as amended (49 U.S.C. § 5311).<br />


Section 1. That an application be made to the Division of Public Transportation, Department of<br />

Transportation, State of Illinois, for a financial assistance grant under Section 5311 of the Federal Transit Act of 1991,<br />

as amended (49 U.S.C. § 5311), for the purpose of off-setting a portion of the Public Transportation Program<br />

operating deficits of KENDALL COUNTY.<br />

Section 2. That while participating in said operating assistance program the KENDALL COUNTY will<br />

provide all required local matching funds.<br />

Section 3. That County Administrator of KENDALL COUNTY is hereby authorized and directed to execute<br />

and file on behalf of the KENDALL COUNTY such application.<br />

Section 4. That the County Administrator of KENDALL COUNTY is authorized to furnish such additional<br />

information as may be required by the Division of Public Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration in<br />

connection with the aforesaid application for said grant.<br />

Section 5. That County Administrator of KENDALL COUNTY is hereby authorized and directed to execute<br />

and file on behalf of KENDALL COUNTY all required Grant Agreements with the Illinois Department of<br />

Transportation, in order to obtain grant assistance under the provisions of the Section 5311 of the Federal Transit Act<br />

of 1991, as amended (49 U.S.C. § 5311).<br />

Section 6. That County Administrator of KENDALL COUNTY is hereby authorized to provide such<br />

information and to file such documents as may be required to perform the Grant Agreement and to receive the grant.<br />

PRESENTED and ADOPTED this 16th day of March, 2010<br />

Anne Vickenj, County Board Chairman Attest Debbie Gillette, County Clerk and Recorder<br />

Member Davidson had questions about the employees of the Action Center. Member Martin had questions if the<br />

<strong>county</strong> was locked into this.<br />

Member Hafenrichter made a motion to anprove the special warranty. Member Wehrli seconded the motion. Vice<br />

Chairman Purcell asked for a voice vote on the amendment. All members Dresent voting aye. Motion carried.<br />

Acceptance of the Special Warranty<br />

WHEREAS, Section 5311 of the Federal Transit Act of 1964, as amended, makes funds available to help<br />

offset certain operating deficits of a system providing public transit service in non-urbanized areas; and<br />

WHEREAS, 49 U.S.C. § 5333(b) requires that fair and equitable arrangements must be made to protect the<br />

interests of employees affected by such assistance as a condition of receipt of funds under Section 5311; and<br />

WHEREAS a simplified process for assuring employee protections that accommodates the needs of<br />

participants in the Section 5311 program has been agreed upon by the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S.<br />

Department of Transportation by allowing execution of a Special Section 5333(b) Warranty for Section 5311 projects<br />

(Special Warranty), which the Secretary of Labor certified on May31. 1979;<br />

Co. Board 3/16/10 -7-


Section 1. That an application be made to the Division of Public Transportation, Department of Transportation,<br />

State of Illinois, for a financial assistance grant under Section 5311 of the Federal Transit Act of 1964, as amended.<br />

Section 2. As a condition of the receipt of Section 5311 funds, KENDALL COUNTY hereby agrees in writing to<br />

the terms and conditions of the Special Warranty (attached) regarding fair and equitable arrangements to protect the<br />

interests of employees affected by such assistance.<br />

PASSED by KENDALL COUNTY BOARD on the 16th day of March, 2010.<br />

Anne Vickery<br />

County Board Chairman<br />


Member Martin moved to approve all of the Standing Committee Minutes and ReDorts as submitted. Member<br />

Petrella seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a voice vote on the motion. All members oresent<br />

voting aye. MotIon carried.<br />

Courthouse Ad Hoc<br />


Member Wehrli reported that they have spent under contingency. Gilbane is in the process of moving out of the<br />

facility. They are looking at finishing some areas with carpeting.<br />

Public Building Commission<br />

Member Wehrli reported that they talked about the fact that Copley Hospital has been approved for an emergency<br />

center and that could possibly require them to do additional stormwater outflow work.<br />

VAC<br />

Member Martin reported that there was not a <strong>meeting</strong>.<br />

County Stormwater Committee<br />

Member Wehlri informed the Board that this is a new committee formed out of PBZ that is <strong>county</strong>wide made up of<br />

equal representation between the County and Municipalities. There is also a Technical Committee. They are<br />

planning on sending out a survey to see what rules others have.<br />

Historical Preservation Commission<br />

Member Wehrli reported that they working on setting up a Certificate of Appropriateness for buildings to be<br />

considered of historic significance.<br />

UCCI<br />

Member Petrella informed the Board that the next <strong>meeting</strong> is 3/22/10. Topics to be discussed include legislative<br />

update regarding Governor Quinn’s budget and health insurance coverage for County employees.<br />


Appointments<br />

Kendall County Preservation Commission<br />

Key Boyer — replace vacancy — Expires May 2010<br />

Member Wehrli moved to approve the appointment. Member Flowers seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Purcell<br />

asked for a voice vote on the motion. All members oresent voting aye. Motion carried.<br />


Co. Board 3/16/10 -8-

Todd Milliron, 61 Cotswold Dr, Yorkville, asked about the Abatement of Alternate Revenue Bonds and if Public Safety<br />

Tax dollars were used.<br />

BREAK<br />


Vice Chairman Purcell reconvened the County Board Meeting into regular session.<br />


Member Davidson made a motion to go into Executive session for the ouroose of litigation, when an action against.<br />

affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative<br />

tribunal. Member Martin seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a roll call vote on the motion. All<br />

members oresent voting aye. Motion carried.<br />


Member Davidson moved to adiourn the County Board Meeting until the next scheduled <strong>meeting</strong>. Member Flowers<br />

seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Purcell asked for a voice vote on the motion. All members present voting ave.<br />

Motion carried.<br />

Approved and submitted this 14th day of April, 2010.<br />

Respectfully submitted by.<br />

Debbie Gillette<br />

Kendall County Clerk<br />

Co. Board 3/16110


Personal Property RepI. Tax<br />

State Income Tax<br />

Local Use Tax<br />

State Sales Tax<br />

County Clerk Fees<br />

Circuit Clerk Fees<br />

Fines & Foreits/St Atty.<br />

Building and Zoning<br />

Interest Income<br />

Health Insurance - EmpI. Ded.<br />

114 Cent Sales Tax<br />

County Real Estate Transf Tax<br />

Correction Dept. Board & Care<br />

Sheriff Fees<br />

Public Safety Sales Tax<br />

Transportation Sales Tax<br />

Annual 2010 YTD 2010 YTD 2009 YTD<br />

Budget Actual % Actual _____<br />

$77,010<br />

$810,574<br />

$148,825<br />

$469,479<br />

$179,238<br />

$417,036<br />

$176,365<br />

$8, 67<br />

$89,5 2<br />

$227,248<br />

$783,679<br />

$118,964<br />

$483,720<br />

$ 83 03<br />

*lncludes major revunue line items excluding real estate taxes which are<br />

to be collected later. To be on Budget after 4 months the revenue and expense should at 33.32%<br />


All General Fund Offices/Categories<br />

Office of Jill Ferko<br />

Kendall County Treasurer & Collector<br />

111 W. Fox Street Yorkvffle, IL 60560<br />

Kendall County General Fund<br />


FOR FOUR MONTHS ENDED 03/31/2010<br />

$355,000 $77,527 21.84%<br />

$1,700,000 $387,157 22.77%<br />

$340,000 $92,435 27.19%<br />

$1,250,000 $301,967 24.16%<br />

$410,000 $136,144 33.21%<br />

$1,200,000 $442,955 36.91%<br />

$550,000 $187,683 34.12%<br />

$30,000 $9,601 32.00%<br />

$250,000 $27,685 11.07%<br />

$828,989 $247,213 29.82%<br />

$2,150,000 $785,172 36.52%<br />

$200,000 $78,631 39.32%<br />

$438,000 $72,420 16.53%<br />

$475,000 $245,246 51.63%<br />

TOTALS $10,176,989 $3,091,837 30.38%<br />

$4,000,000<br />

$4,000,000<br />

$1,458,678<br />

$1,458,678<br />

36.47%<br />

36.47%<br />

4,173 221<br />

$1 644917<br />

•1 91<br />

2009 D<br />

%<br />

7.70%<br />

38.60%<br />

49.28%<br />

40.82%<br />

37.29%<br />

37.91%<br />

29.%<br />

9A%<br />

5. 7%<br />

32 .28%<br />

3 .35%<br />

36.60%<br />

74.42°<br />

4B.83%<br />

7.41%<br />

36.73%<br />

40.12%<br />

$23,638,179 $7,238,737 30.62% $6 473 166 27.04%

Kendall County Clerk<br />

Revenue_Report 311 12010-313112010<br />

u1;iii1~~~ Fund Revenue<br />

County Clerk Fees $ 1,044.50<br />

County Clerk Fees - Marriage License - $ 750.00<br />

County Clerk Fees - Misc $ 4,733.81<br />

County Clerk Fees - Recording $32,356.00<br />

01010061205 Total CountyClerk Fees $ 38,884.31<br />

01010001185 CountyRevenue $ 14,855.00<br />

38010001320 — Doc Storage $ 21,221.50<br />

01010071205 Election $ -<br />

51010001320 GIS Mapping - $ 35,756.00<br />

37010001320 GIS Recording $ 4,484.00<br />

01010001135 Interest $ 191.12<br />

01010001170 RaffleLicense<br />

~ .55<br />

0 10001320 —- RHS P/Hous g Surcharge $ 18,801.00<br />

01010001160 — St Comp-Elec Ju4g_____<br />

~~zz3~ Treasurer $138,484.48<br />

Death Certificate Surcharge sent from Clerk’s office $460.00 ck # 16479<br />

MarrLicense Surchrge/Dom Viol Fund sentfrom Clerk’s office $125.00 ck 164~

* Denotes death which occurred outside normal business hours.<br />

2010 Statistics<br />

2010 Total Deaths<br />

Autopsies to Date<br />

Toxicology Samples.<br />

Cremation Permits....<br />


March 2010 Monthly Report<br />

CASE<br />


Tuesday. March 02, 2010 1003050 * 1:35 AM Natural Residence<br />

Tuesday, March 02, 2010 1003051 * 2:00 AM Natural Residence<br />

Friday, March 05, 2010 1003052 * 4:15 AM Natural Residence<br />

Sunday. March 07, 2010 1003053 * 1:40 AM Natural Nurs. Home<br />

Sunday, March 07, 2010 1003054 * 7:25 PM Natural Residence<br />

Sunday, March 07, 2010 1003055 * 7:35 AM Accident Residence<br />

Monday, March 08, 2010 1003056 10:10 AM Natural Residence<br />

Monday, March 08, 2010 1003057 2:15 PM Natural Nuts. Home<br />

Wednesday. March 10, 2010 1003058 * 6:20 PM Accident Residence<br />

Thursday, March 11 • 2010 1003059 * 1:15 AM Natural Ntis. Home<br />

Sunday, March 14, 2010 1003060 * 11:54 AM Natural Residence<br />

Monday, March 15, 2010 1003061 * 8:15 AM Natural Residence<br />

Monday, March 15, 2010 1003062 * 6:20 PM Natural Residence<br />

Tuesday. March 16, 2010 1003063 * 10:27 PM Natural Residence<br />

Thursday, March 18, 2010 1003064 * 7:15 PM Natural Residence<br />

Friday, March 19, 2010 1003065 * 8:42 AM Accident Residence<br />

Sunday, March 21, 2010 1003066 * 6:16 AM Natural Residence<br />

Sunday. March 21, 2010 1003067 * 6:35 PM Natural Residence<br />

Sunday, March 21, 2010 1003068 * 7:56 PM Natural Residence<br />

Monday, March 22, 2010 1003069 * 5:10 AM Natural Residence<br />

Tuesday, March 23, 2010 1003070 * 7:26 AM Natural Residence<br />

Friday, March 26, 2010 1003071 * 6:16 PM Natural Residence<br />

Saturday, March 27, 2010 1003072 * 3:50 PM Natural Residence<br />

Monday, March 29, 2010 1003073 * 8:30 AM Natural Nuts. Home<br />

Monday, March 29, 2010 1003074 2:15 PM Natural Nuts. I-tome<br />

74<br />

10<br />

10<br />

26<br />

Stats for Same Period In 2009<br />

Total Deaths<br />

Autopsies....<br />

Toxicology Samples..<br />

Cremation Permits...<br />

Deputy Purcell provided a presention and morgue tour to the Law Enforcement Class of Oswego High School<br />

on March 10.<br />

78<br />

11<br />

14<br />


Program Report Year to Date<br />

Units Leased<br />

KHA Units Authorized<br />

KHA Units Leased<br />

Percent Lease-up<br />

Port-in<br />

Total Units Leased<br />

Outstanding Vouchers<br />

KHA<br />

Port-in<br />

Annual Reexams<br />

interim Reexams<br />

Move-IniTransfers<br />

1:1:<br />

191 I.iil<br />

-1.1<br />

‘I<br />

.1<br />

I •1<br />

1.1<br />

~~irflfl<br />

‘I •1 ‘1 ii ii II II ‘1 ‘1<br />

-<br />

Waiting List (2008)<br />


HAP Payments $ 123,776<br />

URP Payments 2,246<br />

Port-Out HAP & URP 5,466 ~raa ---<br />

FSS Hap 439<br />

HAP Received 103,010<br />

Net HAP over/(under) (28,917)<br />

% HAP Utilization 12807%<br />


HAP Port-in Receipts 57,313<br />

Port-in HAP Expense 64,109<br />

Net Port over/(under) (6,796)<br />


Port-Out Admin Fees 411<br />

Port-In Admin Fee 3,297<br />

Net income to KHA 2,886



Kendall County Office Building<br />

Rooms 209 & 210<br />

111 W. Fox Street, Yorkuille, Illinois<br />

6:30 p.m.<br />

Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2010<br />


The <strong>meeting</strong> was called to order by Chairman Nancy Martin at 6:30 p.m.<br />


Present: Chairman Nancy Martin, John Shaw, Jeff Wehrli, and John Purcell<br />

Also present. ASA Brian LaBardi, Director Jerry Dudgeon, Senior Planner Angela Zubko, and Max Bianchini of<br />

Camelot Farm Oswego, LLC.<br />

Excused: Elizabeth Flowers, Bob Davidson<br />


Director Jerry Dudgeon requested that the matter of Camelot Farms to the top of the <strong>agenda</strong>. John<br />

Purcell made a motion to approve the <strong>agenda</strong> as revised. Jeff Wehrli seconded the motion. All agreed and the<br />

<strong>agenda</strong> was approved as revised.<br />


Jeff Wehrli made a motion to approve the minutes from March 8, 2010. John Purcell seconded the<br />

motion. All agreed and the minutes were approved.<br />


There is one bill in the amount of $52.50 for recording services for the March <strong>meeting</strong>. Jeff Wehrli<br />

made a motion to approve payment and forward to the Board. John Purcell seconded the motion. All agreed<br />

and the motion was approved.<br />


Camelot Farms — Plat Extension<br />

Director Jerry Dudgeon briefly explained this matter and stated that about two years ago Camelot<br />

Farms came to PBZ to rezone a portion of their property and get a Conditional Use approval for another A-i<br />

building permit. They were going to separate the large home, which is an old dairy barn that was converted<br />

into a residence a number of years ago, from the rest of the property, rezone that portion of the property to<br />

R-i, and keep the horse farm and the stables as A-i Special Use. The plan was, down the road, they would<br />

eventually build another house under the A-i building permit and sell off the R-i property. They filed a<br />

subdivision plat to split the R-1 with the dairy barn off their property and they were granted an additional A-i<br />

building permit. They have had that R-i property on the market now for just under a year. Max Bianchini

from Camelot Farms stated that he waited to put the property on the market until he made sure there<br />

were no conditions from the engineers left to complete on the site development plan.<br />

Director Dudgeon stated that plat approvals typically last only about six months, following the date of<br />

approval of a final subdivision plat. Since all of this was taking some time, last year Mr. Bianchini asked for at<br />

least a one year extension on the plat approval, because he anticipated it was going to take some time,<br />

especially in this market to conclude a sale. Once he had a perspective purchaser and everything lined up to<br />

proceed with the sale, they were going to go forward with the recording of the plat at that time. To date they<br />

have be unsuccessful in their attempts to obtain a purchaser, so they are asking for an additional extension to<br />

June, 2011. John Purcell made a motion to recommend the approval of the extension and send this to the<br />

County Board. John Shaw seconded the motion. Everyone agreed and the motion was approved.<br />


09-22 Zoning Fees<br />

Director Jerry Dudgeon explained that this is to correct an oversight that happened when we brought<br />

the fees forward before. When we put together the ordinance in the revised schedule, we had all the new<br />

changes listed in there. Somehow in doing the editing, we left off the fact that we were not changing the<br />

previous $375 fee that was charged for the A-i building permits. When the new fees got adopted, it looked<br />

like we had eliminated the A-i building permit category in its entirety. Director Dudgeon explained that that<br />

was never the intent so this is being brought back to reinstitute it so that it shows there is a fee and it will<br />

remain the same as it was previously. John Purcell made a motion to move this to the Board for approval.<br />

Jeff Wehrli seconded the motion. Everyone agreed and the motion was approved.<br />


Tanglewood Trails — FDIC update<br />

Senior Planner Angela Zubko stated that this was discussed last month and that the subdivision had<br />

been taken over by the FDIC. She explained that she had written to the FDIC trying to get money totaling the<br />

claim of $614. She received a letter back from the FDIC stating that they would pay $504 of that amount and<br />

that it would be a lien on the property and cannot be collected at this time.<br />

Land Cash Donation Fee Increase (continued)<br />

Director Jerry Dudgeon explained that when this was discussed last month, it was suggested that staff<br />

work on trying to compile some information to take a look at what current fair market values are and come<br />

back to the committee with a report. He met with Andy Nicholetti last week. He started pulling some<br />

preliminary figures together on costs of raw land. Director Dudgeon has to follow up with WBK to get some<br />

information on improvement costs, and then Andy and Jerry will sit down and go over the figures before bring<br />

a formal recommendation back to the committee.

Building Permit Extensions<br />

Permit U 14-2005-223 — George Webber<br />

Director Dudgeon explained that this is a permit for a new home. They were going to keep the old<br />

home on the site until the new home was completed and then they were going to demolish the old home.<br />

The new home was completed and a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued as of last winter. The old home<br />

has not yet been demolished, however, it is vacant and unoccupied. They have indicated that they have been<br />

doing some interior demolition work and a lot of items have been removed. Since they are doing the<br />

demolition themselves, winter was very cold with no heat in the building, they have had some financial<br />

problems with their business, it has taken longer than they had hoped it would. They are hoping to complete<br />

the demolition within the next 6 months, so they are asking for a 6 month extension to October 12, 2010, to<br />

finish. Jeff Wehrli made a motion to approve the extension. John Purcell seconded the motion. All were in<br />

favor and the motion passed.<br />

Permit U 0343-414-015 and 5123-01 (Lot 42) - Lueck Construction, Inc.<br />

Director Dudgeon explained that all of the inspections, except the final and the Certificate of<br />

Occupancy, have been done. The last inspection was done in 2005. This is a spec home, not occupied. They<br />

are asking for a 6 month extension. John Purcell made a motion to approve this extension. John Shaw<br />

seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.<br />

Permit # 12-2005-315 - Bretthauer<br />

Director Dudgeon explained that this is an accessory structure permit for a deck. Inspections that have<br />

been done to date are the site inspection and the footings. They are requesting another 6 month extension.<br />

John Purcell made a motion to grant them a 3 month extension until July 31, 2010. John Wehrli seconded the<br />

motion. All were in favor and the motion was approved.<br />


Schaefer Glen extension<br />

Senior Planner Angela Zubko explained that they came to PBZ almost a year ago requesting an<br />

extension to finish their public improvements. They only have one or two more things to do. They want<br />

another year extension since they have not been able to sell a lot yet. John Purcell made a motion to approve<br />

the extension and forward to the County Board. John Wehrli seconded the motion. All were in favor and the<br />

motion was approved.<br />

Process Improvements — Ideas for Shortening Petition Process<br />

Director Dudgeon explained that he handout an outline and some background information. He stated<br />

that this is at it primarily pertains to the rezoning requests, zoning map amendments, zoning text<br />

amendments, variances and Special Use requests. It also affects requests for A-i Conditional Uses for building<br />

permits, and he has an additional alternative idea for this that he will bring up later. He went on to explain<br />

that right now the minimum statutory process for a zoning text amendment or a zoning map amendment is<br />

they are required to go to the Zoning Board of Appeals, who conducts the finding of fact and forwards their

ecommendation to the County Board who typically approves those by an ordinance. The time frame<br />

on those is an average of 3 months, from the time they submit a request to approval. There is a staff review,<br />

usually done by ZPAC, which is done before it is scheduled with for the ZBA. He stated that if you take a look<br />

at our current process, if someone were to submit an application in January, the first <strong>meeting</strong> would be with<br />

ZPAC. Normally, before going to Planning Commission, we would recommend that they go to the township<br />

and any municipality that is within a mile and a half. Technically, under the State statute all that is required to<br />

be done is for a notice to be sent to any municipality that is within a mile and a half. They can either object to<br />

it or submit comments on it. If they file an objection to it, the County Board has to approve it by a ¼ majority<br />

vote (except for Special Use).<br />

Director Dudgeon explained that he is suggesting that, to shorten the process, Planning Commission be<br />

taken out of this process and have Planning Commission focus purely on planning related issues, and anything<br />

that would not affect or change the LRMP. Senior Planner Zubko stated that they are also suggesting that<br />

ZPAC be modified to be a staff <strong>meeting</strong> instead of being a part of the process, setting <strong>meeting</strong>s on a weekly or<br />

biweekly basis; not be a formal <strong>meeting</strong>, just whenever it needs to be. Director Dudgeon stated that they<br />

would like to use ZPAC as a pre application <strong>meeting</strong>. Director Dudgeon explained that Kane County only sends<br />

those requests to their Plan Commission if it is something that is not consistent with the LRMP. Petitions that<br />

are consistent with the plan go straight to ZBA. Director Dudgeon does not believe the A-i Building Permits<br />

need to go through the entire process. The committee thought this was a great idea; however, it was<br />

suggested that the different areas be separated, broken down, and reworked, instead of lumping all of them<br />

together. The committee decided to further review and discuss this matter next month.<br />


PERMIT REPORT - Reviewed<br />

REVENUE REPORT - Reviewed<br />



Knutson<br />

Senior Planner Angela Zubko stated that Atty Kramer replied to her letter regarding the Knutson Farm.<br />

Director Dudgeon explained that what they wanted to do was build a 2000 sq ft building that would serve as<br />

their sales center. They were bringing in items from off site to sell. This triggered the requirement for them to<br />

obtain a Special Use permit. Senior Planner Angela Zubko explained that two years ago we did a text<br />

amendment specifically for them. Once the text amendment went through, they never decided to submit an<br />

application for a Special Use permit. She wrote to them stating that it was about time for them to apply for a<br />

Special Use permit. Atty Dan Kramer replied stating that he will get around to it when he gets around to it,<br />

our process is too long, and we should not keep them in violation. Senior Planner Angela Zubko stated that<br />

she did not send this to the State’s Attorney’s Office.

7176 Roberts Ct.<br />

Director Jerry Dudgeon explained that he received a letter regarding a charity gambling event to be<br />

held on this property on May 8, 2010. They contacted PBZ to see if there were any licenses they need to get.<br />

All the departments said there are no permits required. He directed them to the Illinois Dept of Revenue.<br />




John Purcell made a motion to adjourn the <strong>meeting</strong>. Jeff Wehrli seconded the motion. All agreed.<br />

Chair Martin <strong>adjourned</strong> the <strong>meeting</strong> at 7:30 p.m.<br />

Submitted by,<br />

Christine Paulan<br />

Recording Secretary

THE cout~ 0? KENDALL<br />

19, 1841<br />

To: County Board<br />

From: John H. Sterrett,<br />

Date: April 12, 2010<br />


111 West Fox Street • Room 316<br />

Yorkville, IL • 60560<br />

(630) 553-4141 Fax (630) 553-4179<br />


Re: Revision to Ordinance 201 0-01 —A-i Building Permit Fee — Petition 09-22<br />

On February 16, 2010, the County Board approved Ordinance 2010-01 to amend the Zoning<br />

Fee Schedule for all Map Amendments, Special Uses, Variances, Appeals, Text Amendments<br />

and Site Plan Reviews. When this matter was brought forward to the County Board for action,<br />

the fee for an A-i Conditional Use for a Single Family Dwelling (also known as an A-I Building<br />

Permit, or A-I BP) was inadvertently left out of the ordinance that was approved by the Board.<br />

Consequently, the revised fee schedule, as approved by the Board, does not include a fee for<br />

this type of zoning request. The fee for an A-i Building Permit, which was not proposed to be<br />

revised, will need to be reinstated into the Zoning Fee Schedule through action by the County<br />

Board in order to maintain this fee requirement. This fee of $375 was initially grouped in the<br />

same category as Variances. When the variance fee was revised in February, the A-i BP fee<br />

was erroneously deleted from the overall fee schedule.<br />

Since there are no proposals at this time to revise the A-i Building Permit fee from what it<br />

currently is, Staff recommends that the A-I BP fee of $375 be reinstated into the Zoning Fee<br />

Schedule. On April 12th the PBZ Committee concurred with Staff’s recommendation, and<br />

directed us to forward this matter onto the County Board for action.<br />

If the Board concurs with the recommendation of the PBZ Committee, they should reinstate the<br />

fee for the A-i building permit and adopt the attached ordinance amending the fee schedule by<br />

reinstating this fee.<br />

J HS<br />

Attachment<br />

Draft Ordinance

STATE OF ILLINOIS Zoning Petition<br />

COUNTY OF KENDALL #09-22<br />

Ordinance 2010-<br />


WHEREAS, the County of Kendall on September 21, 1999 by Ordinance 99-30 adopted<br />

ordinances, regulations, and maps which regulate the development and use of land and<br />

structures; and<br />

WHEREAS, the County adopted amendments to the Development Fee Ordinance by Ordinance<br />

00-5 1 passed on December 19, 2000 and further amended by Ordinance 04-17 on May 18, 2004;<br />

and<br />

WHEREAS, from time to time property owners or agents representing landowners request<br />

changes in the ordinances as they affect their property and approval of various development<br />

proposals; and<br />

WHEREAS, it is the policy of Kendall County to have those persons requesting changes in the<br />

ordinances, regulations, and maps and the approval of development requests pay for the costs<br />

associated with their requests; and<br />

WHEREAS, from time to time the County of Kendall revises the development fees as costs<br />

change and desire to change the Development Fee Ordinance as it relates to Special Uses, Map<br />

Amendments, Variances, Administrative Appeals, Text Amendments, and Site Plan Reviews.<br />








TEXT AMENDMENT $500.00<br />


~ acres $750<br />

5-10 acres $1,500.00<br />

~0acres $1,500.00 + $50/acre<br />

or part of an acre<br />


All acreage zoned as A-l (Agricultural) $750 + Cost for

Hearing Officer at a<br />

rate of $350 for the<br />

first hour and $100.00<br />

for each additional<br />

hour.<br />

All Other Zoning Districts<br />

0.0-5.00 acres $750 + Cost for<br />

Hearing Officer at a<br />

rate of $350 for the<br />

first hour and $100.00<br />

for each additional<br />

hour.<br />

5.01-10.00 acres $1,500 + Cost for<br />

Hearing Officer at a<br />

rate of $350 for the<br />

first hour and $100.00<br />

for each additional<br />

hour.<br />

10.01-50.00 acres $1,850 + $50/acre or<br />

part thereof.<br />

50.01-100.00 acres $4,350 + $35/acre or<br />

part thereof over 50<br />

acres.<br />

100.0 1-500.00 acres $6,100 + $20/acre or<br />

part thereof over 100<br />

acres.<br />

500.01 $14,100 + $15/acre or<br />

part thereof over 500<br />

acres.<br />


Not part of Special Use $375 for first<br />

Variance Request of a<br />

petition and $50 for<br />

each additional<br />

request to be included<br />

in the same petition.<br />

As part of Special Use $100







No waiver and no refund shall be made for any fee paid pursuant to this Ordinance without the<br />

approval of the Planning Building and Zoning Committee of the County Board, EXCEPT all fees<br />

for actions or activities by Kendall County or the Kendall County Forest Preserve District are<br />

hereby waived and all fees for non-profit organizations shall be charged half of the normal fees<br />

for zoning petitions; provided they show proof of non-profit status and that the permit be used<br />

only by the organizations itself.<br />


This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon approval.<br />

APPROVED TillS 20TH DAY OF APRIL, 2010<br />

ATTEST:<br />

Debbie Gillette, Kendall County Clerk<br />

Anne Vickery, County Board Chairman

To: County Board<br />

From: Jerry A. Dudgeon, Director<br />

Date: April 15, 2010<br />


111 West Fox Street • Room 316<br />

Yorkville, IL • 60560<br />

(630) 553-4141 Fax (630) 5534179<br />


Re: Schaefer Glen — Extension to Complete the Required Subdivision Improvements<br />

Last year the developers of the Schaffer Glen Subdivision came to the PBZ Committee and the<br />

County Board requesting a one year extension to finish the public improvements within this 6 lot<br />

subdivision. They still have one or two more items to complete before we can proceed with the<br />

acceptance of the improvements and close out of this project. Since they have not yet been<br />

able to sell a lot, they are requesting an additional one year extension to complete these<br />

remaining items. They currently have a valid letter of credit in place to ensure the completion of<br />

the remaining improvements and punch list items.<br />

This request was discussed by the PBZ Committee at their April 12, 2010 <strong>meeting</strong> at which time<br />

a motion was made to recommend approval of the extension to the County Board for action. All<br />

members in attendance were in favor and the motion was approved y a vote of 4-0.<br />

If the Board concurs with the recommendation of the PBZ Committee, they should grant the<br />

developers one additional year to complete the reamaining items and acceptance of these<br />

improvements.<br />


March 30,2010<br />

Camelot Farm Oswego, LLC<br />

55 Chippewa Drive• Oswege, IL 60543 • Tel 630-5514145 • Fax 630-551-0146<br />

Mr. Jetty Dudgeon Transmitted Via E-Mail<br />

Director<br />

Kendall County Planning, Building & Zoning<br />

Ill WestFox Street, Room 316<br />

Yorkville, IL 60560-1498<br />

Re: Camelot Farm Subdivision, Na-Au-Say Township, Kendall County, illinois<br />

Dear Jerry,<br />

Last year, on June 2, 2009, we sent you a letter requesting that an extension be granted to delay the<br />

recording of the subdivision until June 1, 2010, approximately one year, which was intended to provide us<br />

with a reasonable amount of time to effect the sale of our large dairy barn home. In fact, at the time we<br />

were concerned about placing the home formally on the market until all the site development work was<br />

completed to the satisfaction of Strand Associates since the potential existed that we would need to make a<br />

change and did not want to put the home on the market until all site issues were resolved. Justin Miller met<br />

with us to review and close out the site development late in the summer of 2009 and approved aLl the site<br />

work at that time and we put the home on the market,<br />

As you know, the residential home market, while it is beginning to show sirs of life, is still very sluggish<br />

and our home, in particular, requires a unique buyer looking for a unique, energy efficient, Green home.<br />

We are asking for an additional one year extension on recording the subdivision at Camelot Farm in order<br />

to give us more time to sell the home. As we mentioned in our previous correspondence last year, the f~mi<br />

is owned as our primary residence by Tenants of the Entirety. A subdivision would nullify this legal<br />

protection. It is also our understanding that our liability insurance rates would go up significantly if we are<br />

no longer residents of the agricultural portion of the property.<br />

As we previously discussed, the delay in recording would have no physical impact on the <strong>county</strong>, the<br />

property or our neighbors and would only assist us in properly sequencing the sale and final development<br />

of the approved changes.<br />

Thank you in advance for your assistance in this regard. If you have any comments, questions or concerns,<br />

please feel free to call, email or write.<br />

Respectfully submitted,<br />

Massimo Bianchini and Susan Kovalik<br />

Massimo_bianchini@mac.com - www.camelotfannoswego.org

Minutes of the Kendall County Public Safety Committee Meeting<br />

Held Monday, April 12, 2010<br />

At the Kendall County Public Safety Center Conference Room<br />

1600 hours<br />

Present were Chairman John Shaw, members Nancy Martin, Jesse Hafenrichter, Pam<br />

Parr. Also present were Sheriff Richard Randall, Chief Deputy Terry Tichava, KenCom<br />

Director Dave Farris, Deputy Coroner Purcell, and Facilities Management Director Jim<br />

Sm iley.<br />

Shaw called for the KenCom Report. Farris stated that they presently have one position<br />

open, as one of the new hires resigned. He continued that now that one of the<br />

municipalities has amended the amount of calls into KenCom, they were not planning to<br />

hire the three new dispatchers that were budgeted for May of this year until they<br />

reassess the call volume. He continued that wireless calls were 75% for the month of<br />

March 2010.<br />

Shaw called for the Coroner’s Report. Purcell stated that the deaths for March were up<br />

from February and that there were 25 deaths with all natural except for 3 accidental<br />

overdoses.<br />

Shaw called for the EMA report. Tichava stated that there was a siren test on March 2,<br />

a Kickoff <strong>meeting</strong> with police and fire department, PB&Z, KenCom and Southern Illinois<br />

University for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Plan on March 10, IEMA Meeting at Aurora<br />

Police Department March 11, they assisted the KCHHS Department with Strategic<br />

National Stockpile Drill March 15, a business/training <strong>meeting</strong> hosted a basic weather<br />

spotter class put on by the National Weather Service on March 16th~ Tichava said that<br />

there were four major projects going on for the rest of year for EMA.<br />

Shaw called for the Corrections Report. Randall stated that they had 422 new intake<br />

bookings on a total of 551 charges. He continued that they released 488 inmates on<br />

637 charges and 89 inmates were held over from the month before. He stated that the<br />

average daily population was 107, they served 8,656 meals with an average of $1.26<br />

per meal and logged 7,974 miles during the month and transported 233 inmates, 35 of<br />

which were Juveniles. Randall stated that the medical staff saw 148 inmates and he<br />

continued that they housed 60 inmates from other counties and billed out $35,160.00<br />

for 586 days of confinement. Randall added that there were 24 video bond call days<br />

with 75 inmates.<br />

Shaw called for the Operations Division Report. Randall stated that the Sheriff’s Office<br />

had 737 calls for service, 2,109 officers initiated for activity, 489 police reports, 27<br />

felony, 182 misdemeanors, and 87 warrants with a total of 296 total arrests. Randall<br />

continued that there were 1168 traffic contacts, 553 traffic citations, 7 DUI arrests, 0<br />

zero tolerance, 30 property damage, 5 personal injuries, and 0 fatal accidents. Randall<br />

stated that the Operations Division drove 51,313 miles in the month of March.<br />

Shaw called for the Support Services Report. Randall stated that Court Security had<br />

20,240 entries, they X-rayed 7,991 articles, 39 arrests with 308 contraband seized.<br />

Randall stated that there were 78 at bond call and 136 prisoner transports. Randall

stated that Support Services went to 754 hours of training in the month of March. He<br />

continued that the Auxiliary volunteered 239 hours in the month of March, there were<br />

102 new items taken into the Property room, 50 items disposed of, 7 items sent to the<br />

Crime Lab, 3 items processed by the Evidence Custodian. Randall stated that the<br />

Community Oriented Policing had been busy with many things as well as assisted the<br />

investigators with many cases.<br />

Randall continued that Court Security ran a total of 769 security clearance checks on<br />

tradesmen over the 23 month construction period of the new courthouse. He stated<br />

that Gilbane has packed up their office at the Courthouse as the construction of the<br />

expansion is completed. He stated that Court Security is experiencing problems with<br />

duress alarms in the new office spaces of the courthouse and Gilbane and EO<br />

Integrated Systems is working on this. He continued that a 65 year old woman<br />

reported falling on the Courthouse steps on March 8, but she had no visible injuries and<br />

refused medical treatment. Video footage of the fall is being saved and weather<br />

conditions did not appear to be a factor.<br />

Randall stated that the Auxiliary volunteered at the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics on<br />

March 7 and assisted with the preparation of the funeral ceremony for retired Sheriff’s<br />

Office Commander Speenburgh.<br />

Randall continued that the detectives were working on many cases and have charged<br />

an Elburn man with one felony count of Deceptive Practice as a result of their<br />

investigation into a report from the Kendall Hill Nursery that the man had purchased<br />

over $2,000.00 worth of trees from the business with a bad check. They were also<br />

investigating an Aggravated Battery that occurred in Boulder Hill where the victim was<br />

attacked by multiple offenders who beat him with their hands, feet and a paving brick.<br />

The investigators have identified the offenders, although the victim has stopped<br />

cooperating in the investigation. The investigators feel that this is gang related and it<br />

may not be possible to charge the offenders without the victim’s cooperation.<br />

Shaw called for the Administrative Report. Randall stated that they served 139 papers<br />

and 165 defendants were served. He stated that there were 32 evictions scheduled<br />

with 15 cancelled. He said that there were 199 Sheriff’s Sales scheduled and 124 were<br />

accomplished. Randall stated that there were 191 warrants issued, 147 warrants<br />

served and there were 1598 total warrants on file. The total fees were $91,641.32.<br />

Randall stated that the mileage for the Administrative division was 2847 for the month<br />

of March.<br />

Randall stated that one squad was damaged in an accident and one possible new<br />

Workman’s Comp claims in the month of March.<br />

Randall stated that they were looking to add some cameras to the facility to help with<br />

some additional security and blind spots. He said that the quotation was for<br />

$11,937.00. He stated that SSgt. Gillespie and facilities management were going to run<br />

the cabling and the materials would be approximately $1,000.00. Randall stated that<br />

they felt that this would be an appropriate expenditure from the jail expansion building<br />

fund. Martin made a motion to forward the recommendation to the Finance Committee,<br />

seconded by Parr. All ayes approved the motion.

At 1630 hours the <strong>meeting</strong> went into Executive Session. The regular <strong>meeting</strong> resumed<br />

at 1643. Martin made a motion to adjourn the <strong>meeting</strong>, seconded by Hafenrichter. All<br />

ayes approved the motion. The <strong>meeting</strong> was <strong>adjourned</strong> at 1643 hours.<br />

The next Public Safety Committee <strong>meeting</strong> will be May 10, 2010 at 1600 hours at the<br />

Public Safety Center.<br />

Respectfully Submitted,<br />

Jiate uliaoonuann<br />

Recording Secretary


April 1, 2010<br />


The <strong>meeting</strong> was called to order by Jessie Hafenrichter, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 209 County<br />

Board Room.<br />


Committee members present by roll call and constituting a quorum in addition to Jessie<br />

Hafenrichter were: Nancy Martin, Suzanne Petrella and Jeff Wehrli<br />

Also present were: Anne Vickery, Bob Davidson, Jeff Wilkins, Jim Pajauskas, Becki<br />

Rudolph, Cliff Kosoff and Todd Greer,<br />

III CBIZ — Jim Pajauskas — Change Health Insurance Renewal Date<br />

Jim discussed May 14, 2010 as the date for the employee health screening with CHC<br />

Wellness. The posters have been distributed to all the buildings and all employees who<br />

participate in the Blue Cross Medical Plans received a personal brochure. For all who<br />

participate there will be a $5.00 Target Gift Card paid for by CHC Wellness and CBIZ.<br />

Jim explained the options regarding the Blue Cross contract year. Currently we are able<br />

to obtain our renewal rates in advance for the Budget Process. If, we wait until the first<br />

of the year, it will take longer to negotiate with the underwriter as this is a very busy<br />

renewal time for Blue Cross. Jim does not recommend changing the contract date. The<br />

Committee was asked to think about the contract year and be prepared to discuss this<br />

topic at their May <strong>meeting</strong>.<br />


Property, Liability, Casualty Presentation — I.C.R.M.T.<br />

Todd Greer from the I.P.M.G. (Insurance Program Managers Group) explained the<br />

I.C.R.M.T. (Illinois Counties Risk Management Trust) provides a broad array of tailored<br />

services to Kendall County. Claims Management is provided by Claims One, a specialist<br />

in Illinois public entity with over 200 entities served. Personalized Legal Counseling is<br />

available throughout the year. O’Halloran, Kosoff, Geitner & Cook consult regularly with<br />

the County on a variety of issues. The primary difference between I.C.R.M.T. and<br />

insurance companies is their legal team is a risk management resource that the County<br />

can consult with, prior to taking an action, eliminating or minimizing liability and the<br />

cost of lawsuits. Kendall County receives custom risk management training, consulting<br />

and reviews Method Management brings the best practices to their members. They work<br />

with real issues faced by their peers and offer solutions that have been implemented with<br />

other clients, no theory or template policies. I.C.R.M.T. provides seminars directed

towards Kendall County’s individual needs and has conducted numerous seminars and<br />

training session on site. These services are provided to Kendall County at no additional<br />

cost as members of the I.C.R.M.T. A commercial insurer has a wide range of customers<br />

and may lack the expertise to service the diverse risks that can occur in Kendall County.<br />

Kendall County is an owner in the I.C.R.M.T., we have an investment in the program and<br />

over the years I.C.R.M.T. has paid dividends to their members.<br />

Cliff Kosoff discussed the litigation matters that he and his law firm have handled for<br />

Kendall County along with the legal services which his firm has provided over the last<br />

several years as the I.C.R.M.T. General Council without charge to Kendall County.<br />

O’Halloran Kosoff Geitner & Cook, LLC provide general legal advice to I.C.R.M.T.<br />

<strong>county</strong> members regarding liability exposure issues. Cliff and his law firm deals directly<br />

with the State’s Attorney with regards to specific civil liability legal questions,<br />

sometimes there is dialog with <strong>county</strong> officials regarding potential liability issues, often<br />

relating to employment practices. These services are not billed to the member, but paid<br />

by the I.C.R.M.T. directly. In many instances where the legal issue is simple and<br />

requires no significant research or fUrther inquiry, they do not bill the I.C.R.M.T. for their<br />

services, but view them as part of their overall responsibility as legal advisor to the<br />

I.C.R.M.T. Cliff also discussed the seminars and training sessions they provide on a<br />

variety of legal liability topics free of charge to Kendall County.<br />

Amendments to Board Rules of Order for Public Comment during Board Meetings<br />

The Committee discussed the proposed “Statement of Policy” for the Kendall County<br />

Board Conduct of Public Meetings. The Committee has decided to look at other<br />

Counties Board Rules and be prepared to discuss at their May <strong>meeting</strong>.<br />

Ordinance to Operate a Public Transit Project<br />

Discussion took place regarding an Ordinance to provide for Public Transportation in<br />

Kendall County, Illinois.<br />

Nancy Martin moved to forward to the County Board a onetime Ordinance to establish a<br />

Jurisdictional Boundary Grant for providing Public Transportation in Kendall County,<br />

Illinois. Jeff Wehrli seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved by a<br />

voice vote.<br />

V MONTHLY REPORT — Linda Meyer - See attached report<br />

VI MONTHLY REPORT - Jeff Wilkins<br />

Jeff gave an overview on the Grundy-Kendall Regional Office of Education-Region #24<br />

report from Regional Superintendent of Schools, Paul Nordstrom.


A onetime Ordinance to establish a Jurisdictional Boundary Grant for providing Public<br />

Transportation in Kendall County, Illinois.<br />



Nancy Martin moved to adjourn the <strong>meeting</strong> at 5:35 P.M. Suzanne Petrella seconded the<br />

motion. The motion was unanimously approved by a voice vote.<br />

The next regularly scheduled <strong>meeting</strong> will be held on May 6, 2010 at 4:00 P.M. in the<br />

County Office Building.<br />

Submitted by:<br />

Linda D. Meyer<br />



41112010<br />

New Hires (12/1/09-11/30/10) New Hires 10<br />

Workers’ Camp. Claims (12/1/09-11/30/10)<br />

States’ Attorney<br />

Forest Preserve<br />

Health 2<br />

Sheriff 3<br />

TOTAL 7<br />

Property Claims 12/1/09-11/30/10)<br />

Probation 12/4/2009 gas tank $983.94<br />

Probation 12/4/2009 tow $91.00<br />

Squad #38 12/7/2009 slid in ditch $1,634.33<br />

Squad #16 12/8/2009 hit curb $559.20<br />

Squad #22 12/9/2009 Rockford Mut $1,895.55<br />

Squad #10 12/15/2009 Liberty Mut. $1.51 8.59<br />

Probation 12/18/2009 deductible $500.00<br />

Health 1/19/2010 Backed into $1,172.72<br />

Health 1/26/2010 Rental Car $134.60<br />

Squad #29 1/21/2010 ice slide $1,221.38<br />

Health 2/23/2010 rear ended $869.12<br />

Grady Auto 2/24/2010 rear ended deductible<br />

TOTAL $6,297.17<br />

FY10 Education Reimbursements Submitted<br />

Budgeted $9,000.00<br />

(12/1/09-11/30/10) $3,919.21<br />

Year End $5,080.79<br />

EAP/ComPsych<br />

1/1/06 6/30/06 3 participants 2006=7<br />

7/1/06-12/31/06 4 participants<br />

1/1/07-6/30/07 9 partic pants 2007=13<br />

7/1/07-12/31/07 4 participants<br />

1/1/08-6/30/08 4 participants 2008=9<br />

7/1/08-12/31/08 5 participants<br />

1/1/09-6/30/09 10 participants 2009= 11<br />

7/1/09-12/31/09 1 participant<br />

Total 11 for 2009<br />

24 Retirees currently on the Medical/Dental Plan<br />

Total Revenue from Retiree Premiums $ 14,807.72<br />

COBRA 3 Enrolled Total $7,500 06<br />

Total Rev. $22,307.78<br />

Resignations/Terminations 4<br />

Mellon HSA Solutions<br />

Date Deposit<br />

12/1/2009 9,875.00<br />

1/1/2010 10,250.00<br />

2/1/2010 9,874.00<br />

3/1 /20 10<br />

4/1/20 10<br />

9,626.00<br />

10,000.00<br />

Total 49,625.00

COBRA 3<br />

Ameritas Dental 359<br />

Fort Dearborn 346<br />

4/1/2010 BlueCross Monthly Premium<br />

4/1/2010 Ameritas Dental Monthly Premium<br />

4/1/2010 Fort Dearborn Monthly Premium<br />

e - MonthiyMedical Report<br />


41112010<br />

Blue Cross Feb-09 Mar-09 Feb-10<br />

±<br />

HMO Employee 57 55 35<br />

HMO Family 43 43 22<br />

± I<br />

I<br />

BAE Employee 5 6 23<br />

BAE Family 11 10 30<br />

PPO Employee 97 98 86<br />

PPO Family 48 49 45<br />

BlueEdge-E 13 14 30<br />

BlueEdge-F 12 12 24<br />

Total Enrolled 286 287 295<br />

I $265,652.52 I<br />

I $ 21,285.12 I<br />

I $899.60 I<br />

Mar-10<br />

35<br />

22<br />

24<br />

31<br />

86<br />

45<br />

31<br />

23<br />

297<br />

3<br />

I<br />


BlueCross Medical Premium<br />

Ameritas Dental Premium<br />

Fort Dearborn Life Premium<br />

Health Savings Account<br />

121112009 1/112010 211/2010<br />

265,701.85 263,489.23 264,938.56<br />

21,306.02 21,019.66 21,132.58<br />

876.20 878.80 889.20<br />

9,875.00 10,250.00 9,874.00<br />


3/1/2010<br />

261,819.62<br />

20,386.44<br />

897.00<br />

9.626,00<br />

4/1/2010 5/1/2010 6/1/2010 7/1/2010 8/112010 9/1/2010<br />

265, 652.52<br />

21,285.12<br />

899.60<br />

9,500.00<br />

101112010 111112010 Totals<br />

1,321,601.78<br />

I I 105,130.12<br />

.1. 1 4,440.80<br />

I I 49,125.00<br />

TOTALS I 297,759.07~ 295,637.691296,834.641 292,729.061 297,337.241 0.00! 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 1,480,297.70 I<br />


12/1/2008 1/112009 2/1/2009 3/112009 4/1/2009 5/1/2009 6/1/2009 7/1/2009 81112009 911/2009 1011/2009 1111/2009 Totals<br />

BlueCross Medical Premium 241,088.78 244,096.04 243,934.15 243,341.47 247,037.64 248,203.08 247,432,12 245,960,96 247,432.12 250,688.21 249,736.64 248,089.35 2,957,040.56<br />

Ameritas Dental Premium 19 908.16 20,054,84 19,743.48 19,986.28 20,252.68 20,507.28 20,719.16 20,541,56 17,793.24 21,249.72 20,618.56 20,419.60 241,794.56<br />

Fort Dearbom Life Premium 850,20 845.00 855.40 873.60 868.40 878.80 884.00 881.40 891.80 889.20 886.60 876.20 10,480.60<br />

Health Savings Account 4.375,00 4,125.00 4,125.00 5,875.00 4,750.00 5,750.00 5,250.00 5,250.00 5,250.00 5,500.00 5375.00 5375.00 61,000.00<br />

TOTALS I 266,222.141 269,120.881 268,658.03j 270,076.35! 272,908.721 275,339.16! 274,285.281272,633.921 271,367.161 278,327.131 276,616.801274,760.151 3,270,315.72 I<br />


12/ /2007 1/1/2005 21112008 311/2008 4/1/2008 5/1/2008 6/1/2008 7/1/2008 811/2008 9/1/2008 10/1/2008 11/1/2008 Totals<br />

Bluecross Medical Premium 231,373.55 237,664.07 229~939.22 235,060.56 239,410.55 232,503.97 230,216.69 223,823.09 226,929.89 235,059.66 229,644.94 235,120.06 2,786,746.25<br />

Ameritas Dental Premium 18,256.36 18,823.44 18,700.36 18,045.60 19,732.80 18,623.36 18,978.56 18,632.92 19,266.32 18,778.48 18,754.88 19,655.50 226,248.88<br />

Fort Dearbom Life Premium 829,40 829.40 824.20 826.80 819.00 821.60 813.80 813.80 829.40 832.00 834.60 555.40 9,929.40<br />

Health Savings Account 2, 25.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,875.00 2,875.00 3,000.00 2,625.00 3125.00 4125.00 31,250.00<br />

TOTALS I 252,584.311259,316,911251.463.781 255,932.961 262,212.351 254,198.931 252,884.051246,144.81 1250,025.611 257,295.141 252,359.421259,756,26I 3,054,174.53 I



April 13, 2010<br />

Call to Order: 9 AM Roll Call: Ms. Hafenrichter called the <strong>meeting</strong> to order with Ms. Parr and<br />

Ms. Martin attendance. Others present: Stan Laken, Jill Ferko, Debbie Gillette, and Andy<br />

Nicoletti.<br />

County Treasurer — Jill reported her office is preparing for the tax season. Shred X will be onsite<br />

today to shred material from her office.<br />

County Clerk)Recorder — Debbie Gillette reported she received notice the 2009 final<br />

equalization factor is 1.0.<br />

Chief County Assessor —Andy Nicoletti reported:<br />

• His office is working on minor glitches dealing with exemptions that should not be<br />

allowed.<br />

• Calculating the tentative multipliers for township assessors will begin<br />

GIS: Stan Laken for Don Clayton reported on current projects:<br />

• Don Clayton, Jonathan Oelschlager and Lori Staie are in training this week for<br />

certification in IAAO600 (tracking legals)<br />

• Don Clayton will be in training on April 14th on the New World System<br />

• Approximately Y2 of Kendall <strong>county</strong> has been flown for aerials<br />

• Map books — Cidwell and Bruce Harris & Assoc. have the information needed; the<br />

<strong>county</strong> will order 10-12 books<br />

• The pin numbers on the <strong>county</strong> website are not in working order<br />

• The building footprints for PBZ have been finished<br />

• IEMA has made a request of data from the Assessor and GIS in order to file for a grant<br />

Technology: Stan Laken reported:<br />

• A power backup will be done Sunday, April 18th from 8-lOAM and Monday, April l9hl~ in<br />

the evening<br />

• Stan will present findings about minimizing exposure to elements at Finance <strong>meeting</strong><br />

• Looking for ways to improve internet at COB<br />

• Debbie Gillette and Mimi Bryan will be at Sheriff’s Office Friday morning to observe<br />

their minute recording system<br />

Old Business: None to report.<br />

Other Business: None to report.<br />

Action Items: None<br />

Adjournment: Ms. Parr moved to adjourn at 9:47 AM. Ms. Martin seconded the motion.<br />

Mimi Bryan<br />

Administrative Assistant


DATE: April 13,2010<br />

LOCATION: Kendall County Highway Department<br />

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Davidson, Martin, Purcell & Wehrli. Absent Petrella.<br />

STAFF PRESENT: Klaas, Myers, McNelis & Burscheid<br />

ALSO PRESENT: John Shaw, Anne Vickery; Mike Mann of Morton Buildings;<br />

Bill Dunn of Engineering Enterprises; Kelly Farley of Crawford,<br />

Murphy & Tilly, Inc.; Tim Campbell of Lite Construction &<br />

Jeff Wilkins, County Administrator<br />

Vice Chair Martin convened the <strong>meeting</strong> at 4:04 P.M.<br />

A bid opening for a new mowing tractor was held on April 13, 2010 at 10:00 AM. The only bid<br />

submitted was from DeKane Equipment Corporation for a Kubota mowing tractor for a net price<br />

of $19,700, which included a trade-in on a John Deere mower. The Highway Department had<br />

budgeted for a net cost of $20,000. Motion Purcell; 2’~ Wehrli to forward a recommendation to<br />

the County Board to purchase the tractor from DeKane Equipment Corporation for a net price of<br />

$19,700.00. Motion carried unanimously.<br />

Bids were opened for new salt building and a storage building on March 26, 2010 at 2:00 PM.<br />

The County Highway Department received seven bids for the storage building. The low Bidder<br />

was R. Carlson & Sons for a Lester Building; second low bidder was Swedberg & Associates,<br />

Inc. for an EPS Energy Panel structure and third was Lite Construction, Inc. for a Morton<br />

Building. The low bid from R. Carlson & Sons did not include any building certifications along<br />

with the bid to show that the building would meet specifications, even though bid documents<br />

required that information. The County Engineer did not believe it was fair to other bidders to let<br />

Carlson supply that information after the fact and then claim that the building could meet all of<br />

our specifications. The County Engineer also did not believe that the second low bidder could<br />

meet project specifications for the building.<br />

The County Engineer made a recommendation to accept the bid from Lite Construction, Inc. in<br />

the amount of$814,678. Since this cost was considerably over the budgeted amount of<br />

$500,000, the Highway Department would be looking at ways to make some change orders that<br />

could potentially save between $40,000 and $50,000. A discussion ensued about the cost of the<br />

building and the merits of providing the additional space to house the KAT busses. Anne was<br />

concerned about the cost, which was considerably over budget. John Purcell also wondered how<br />

the extra cost would be funded when the Board is asking all other Departments to trim costs in<br />

next year’s budget. A couple of the Board members had some concerns about the capability of<br />

Lite Construction, considering the below average performance on Forest District projects. Tim<br />

Campbell of Lite Construction assured the Board that his company could complete this project<br />

on time and within budget. Bill Dunn gave Lite Construction a good review based on recent<br />

work that was inspected by EEl. The Committee talked about how the Highway Department<br />

would pay back the General Fund for the cost of the proposed buildings. There was general<br />

agreement that the payback would take longer now that the cost was more than what was<br />

anticipated. There was discussion about whether the Highway Department should pay for the

space that was going to be used by the busses. Jeff Wilkins discussed the possibility of obtaining<br />

some grant funds to pay for a lease of the space in the building for the KAT busses. The<br />

Committee also discussed the possibility of adding the alternate heat in the floor item to the<br />

contract. After considerable discussion, Motion Martin; 2~’ Wehrli to recommend approval of<br />

the contract with Lite Construction, Inc. in the amount of $814, 678 for the Storage Building.<br />

Motion carried with 3 ayes and Purcell not voting.<br />

The Salt Storage Building was divided into two groups; one for the concrete foundation walls<br />

and one for the fabric covered roof. The low bidder for the foundation walls was TBS<br />

Construction in the amount of $212,960. Motion Martin; 2~” Wehrli to recommend approval of<br />

the low bid from TBS Construction in the amount of $212,960. Motion carried unanimously.<br />

The County received 8 bids for the fabric covered roof for the Salt Storage building. The<br />

specifications required the steel framework for the roof to be hot-dip galvanized because of the<br />

corrosive nature of salt. For that reason, the County Engineer recommended that the first three<br />

low bids be rejected for non-conformance with the specifications. The lowest bidder <strong>meeting</strong><br />

specifications was Derrick Tyler Construction out of Michigan. However, Tyler Construction<br />

has never constructed an Accu-Steel building; whereas Elmco Engineering, the next low bidder,<br />

has constructed about 15 Accu-Steel Buildings. So the County Engineer recommended that the<br />

County Board approve the bid from Elmco at a cost of $201,159.34, just $7,500 more than the<br />

Tyler bid. He felt it was important to get this building constructed correctly, considering that up<br />

to 13 agencies will be storing salt in this building. The State’s Attorney had informed the<br />

County Engineer that the County would be on firm legal ground to award a bid to the second low<br />

bidder based on their expertise in that area of construction. Wehrli discussed how there were<br />

some contractors at the courthouse construction that had never done that type of work before but<br />

had performed very well. Martin also had concerns about that same issue. After careful<br />

consideration of the bids, Martin made a motion, with a 2~d from Purcell to recommend approval<br />

of the bid from Elmco Engineering O.H., Inc. at a cost of $201,159.34. Motion carried<br />

unanimously.<br />

A bid opening was held on Friday, April ~ for the 2010 County resurfacing projects and<br />

Township Motor Fuel projects. The County projects ranged anywhere from 5% to 22% under<br />

the engineer’s estimate of cost. Most of the township projects were below estimates as well.<br />

Ginger had prepared a resolution approving all of the low bidders for the County and Township<br />

projects. Motion Martin; 2~” Wehrli to recommend approval of the resolution awarding contracts<br />

to all of the low bidders for the County and Township projects for 2010. Motion carried<br />

unanimously.<br />

A discussion about constructing bike paths on or along County Highway roads was postponed<br />

until next month.<br />

Motion Martin; 2h1(~ Purcell to forward payroll and bills for the month of April to the Finance<br />

Committee. Motion carried unanimously.<br />

Next <strong>meeting</strong> is scheduled for May 11,2010 at 4:00 P.M.

Meeting <strong>adjourned</strong> at 5:10 PM.<br />

Respectfiully submitted,<br />

Francis C. Klaas, P.E.<br />

Kendall County Engineer<br />


• Bid from DeKane Equipment Corporation in the amount of $19,700 for a Kubota<br />

mowing tractor.<br />

• Bid from Lite Construction, Inc. in the amount of $814,678 for construction of a storage<br />

building at the Highway Department.<br />

• Bid from TBS Construction in the amount $212,960 for construction of foundation walls<br />

for a Salt Storage Facility at the Highway Department.<br />

• Bid from Elmco Engineering O.H., Inc. in the amount of $201,159.34 for construction of<br />

a fabric covered roof on the Salt Storage Facility at the Highway Department.<br />

• Resolution approving low bidders for 2010 County and Township road projects.


Resolution No.<br />

WHEREAS, bids were received at the County Highway Office on April 9, 2010 on the<br />

following listed projects:<br />

Sec. 09-00109-00-RS, Rock Creek Road, C. H. #13, Low bid of Aurora Blacktop, Inc. in<br />

the amount of $629,246.50.<br />

Sec. 10-00000-01-GM, Fox River Drive, C. H. #1, Low bid of Aurora Blacktop, Inc. in<br />

the amount of $817,708.55.<br />

Sec. 10-00000-02-GM, Grove Road, C. H. #16, Low bid of Aurora Blacktop, Inc. in the<br />

amount of $798,785.40.<br />

Sec. 10-001 10-00-RS, Eldamain Road, C.H. #7, Low bid of Aurora Blacktop, Inc. in the<br />

amount of $47,321.75.<br />

Sec. 10-00112-00-SD, Ridge Road Shoulders, C.H. #11, Low bid of D Construction,<br />

Incorporated in the amount $467,960.00.<br />

Sec. 10-03000-00-GM, Fox Road District. Low bid of Aurora Blacktop, Inc. in the<br />

amount of $58,672.00.<br />

Sec. 10-04000-00-GM, Kendall Road District. Low bid of Aurora Blacktop, Inc. in the<br />

amount of$150,155.00.<br />

Sec. 10-05000-00-GM, Lisbon Road District. Low bid of Glenn McCann Co. in the<br />

amount of $36,494.70.<br />

Sec. 10-06000-00-GM, Little Rock Road District. Gr. IV, low bid of Aurora Blacktop,<br />

Inc. in the amount of $52,191.25.<br />

Sec. 10-07000-00-GM, Na-Au-Say Road District. Gr. IV, low bid of Aurora Blacktop,<br />

Inc. in the amount of $96,985.00.<br />

Sec. 10-08000-00-GM, Oswego Road District. Low bid of Aurora Blacktop, Inc. in the<br />

amount of$144,396.70.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED, that the County Board of Kendall County award the<br />

above listed projects to the low bidder as listed above.<br />

This resolution approved by the County Board of Kendall County, State of Illinois.<br />

Anne Vickery - Kendall County Board Chairman<br />

I, Debbie Gillette, County Clerk in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, and keeper of the<br />

records and files thereof, as provided by statute, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true,<br />

perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Kendall County Board, at its regularly<br />

scheduled <strong>meeting</strong> in Yorkville, Illinois, on the 201h day of April , 2010.<br />

(SEAL)<br />

Debbie Gillette - County Clerk

Facilities Committee Minute<br />

A ril5 201<br />


Chairman Wehrli called the Facilities Management Committee <strong>meeting</strong>; located in the County<br />

Office Building at 111 W. Fox Street, Room 209 to order at 4:05 p.m. Chairman Wehrli asked<br />

for a roll call attendance. Present were Chairman Wehrli, Vice-Chair Hafenrichter, Member Parr<br />

& Member Davidson. Alternate member Martin was also present. County Administrator<br />

Wilkins & Facilities Management Director Smiley were also present. Member Flowers was on<br />

an excused absence.<br />

1) Approval of the March <strong>meeting</strong> minutes.<br />

Report from <strong>meeting</strong><br />

Chairman Wehrli asked for a motion to approve the March Committee Minutes. Vice-Chair<br />

Hafenrichter motioned to approve the March <strong>meeting</strong> minutes. Member Parr seconded the<br />

motion. All members voted aye.<br />


1) HIJS UPS System Replacement<br />

• Installation started March 26, 2010.<br />

• Conduit and temporary power circuits are in place.<br />

• UPS is due in Tuesday, April 6, 2010.<br />

• Tentative cutover date is April 15-16, 2010.<br />

Report from <strong>meeting</strong><br />

Jim Smiley explained that the plan is to shut down the servers and move them to temporary<br />

circuits early on the morning we decide to cutover the system. Then the electrician will do his<br />

work during the day and cut back over to the new UPS that same evening after hours. Chairman<br />

Wehrli said to make sure KenCom & the Sheriff’s office are notified in advance of the planned<br />

outage.<br />

2) Telephone Systems Numbering Plan<br />

• We were running out of new numbers that could be assigned at the Courthouse<br />

and the Administration building.<br />

• Jim Smiley checked into getting additional Direct Inward Dial (DID) numbers<br />

from Call One.<br />

• We were able to get additional fragmented non-sequential numbers for both<br />

facilities.<br />

• We are getting to the point that we should consider redoing our numbering plan so<br />

that we can assign unique sequential numbers for each facility.<br />

• If or when we do this Jim would plan to keep all existing main numbers and<br />

change most other numbers.<br />

• This will make the telephone network easier to manage in the future.<br />

Report from meetine<br />

Jim Smiley explained this would be a future project to make the management of telephone<br />

system easier. The plan would be to keep all departments’ current main numbers and then<br />

replace all the other numbers with unique sequential numbers for each facility. This would<br />

require the change of stationary and business cards when we decide to make the change.


1) LED Lighting Grant<br />

• After working with Illinois Clean Energy’s recommended vendor United Energy,<br />

Jim was able to get the payback period reduced to 14 months.<br />

• The paperwork shows that Kendall County should realize $56,000.00 in annual<br />

savings on our electric bills.<br />

• This was contingent on Illinois Clean Energy granting $139,000 towards the<br />

retrofit.<br />

• The reworked paperwork was turned back into Illinois Clean Energy and they<br />

have now said they will grant Kendall County $101,817.00.<br />

• Kendall would need to come up with around $60,000.00 to complete the project.<br />

• The facilities included are the County Office Building, Public Safety Center,<br />

Historic Courthouse and Facilities Management/Coroner Offices.<br />

Report from meetinE<br />

Jim Smiley explained that Kendall County would need to come up with General consensus from<br />

committee members was this was a project worth pursuing. Jeff Wilkins and Jim said that they<br />

have identified some possible funds that could be used to pay the Kendall County share of the<br />

project. The committee said to bring it to the Finance Committee when we know if the grant is<br />

approved.<br />

2) COB DDC update and ductwork modifications<br />

• Work has been completed on the main fan system which was the last major work<br />

to be done.<br />

• Double checking of the system programming and training is yet to be completed.<br />

• Other than these items the project is complete.<br />

3) Courthouse Fire Emergency Messages<br />

• A fill fire alarm test was initiated on March 18, 2010 to insure all courtrooms and<br />

jury assembly areas would get the MessageNet message of a fire in the<br />

Courthouse.<br />

• The message was verified to be heard in all areas required by the fire department.<br />

• Project complete.<br />

4) Capital Improvement (CIP) Handout<br />

• Jeff Wilkins presented an updated CIP schedule.<br />

• Jeff explained that all projects had been moved out 6 10 years.<br />

• Jeff also explained that new columns had been added to identify possible fUnding<br />

sources.<br />

• The new schedule also shows additional items that were not on the original plan.<br />

o The additional projects include building out courtrooms on the 2~ floor of<br />

the courthouse and courthouse support departments build outs.<br />


Not Needed.<br />


Ms. Parr made a motion to adjourn the <strong>meeting</strong> at 5:08 p.m. Alternate member Martin seconded<br />

the motion. All members voted aye.<br />

Submitted by,<br />

Suzette Sandford<br />

Facilities Management

Kendall County<br />

Budget and Finance Committee Meeting<br />

April 15, 2010 at 2:30 PM<br />


1. Call to Order The <strong>meeting</strong> was called to order at 2:30 PM by Chair John Purcell. Committee<br />

members present were Ms. Hafenrichter, Mr. Davidson and Ms. Martin. Ms. Vickery was also present<br />

along with Joe Trupiano, Jim Smiley, Debbie Gillette, Janet Kaiser, Latreese Caidwell, Jeff Wilkins,<br />

Stan Laken, Jerry Dudgeon, Cheryl Johnson, Matt Schury, Kate Rassmussen, Sheriff Randall, Jill Ferko<br />

and Dave Farris.<br />

2. Claims Review and Approval Ms. Hafenrichter moved to forward the April 20. 2010 Combined<br />

Claims of $961,527.17 to the County Board for payment. Ms. Martin made the second. Motion passed<br />

unanimously.<br />

3. Elected Officials & Department Head Comments<br />

Facilities Management Jim Smiley reported working on a foundation grant (Illinois Clean Energy) for<br />

LED lighting for the <strong>county</strong>. This is a matching grant request and if approved he may request up to<br />

$100,000 in matching funds. The LED lighting would be installed in the County Office Building,<br />

Public Safety Center, Historic Courthouse and Facilities Management.<br />

4. Items from Other Committees<br />

• Public Safety: Expenditure of Funds for hallway cameras — Ms. Martin reported on the request for<br />

11-12 hallway cameras in the PSC facility. This would help with some additional security and<br />

blind spots. Facilities Management is going to run the cabling for installation. Ms. Martin moved<br />

for the expenditure of jail bond funds to purchase the cameras in an amount not to exceed $ 13.000.<br />

Ms. Hafenrichter seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.<br />

5. Other Items of Business<br />

• Elected Officials Salaries FY2O1 1-2014 Mr. Purcell reminded the committee those salaries for<br />

Sheriff, Treasurer & County Clerk must be set by May 31~ for four (4) years. Committee<br />

members reviewed <strong>county</strong> salary studies for Kendall, Grundy, DeKaIb, LaSalle, Kane, Will and<br />

McHenry. The salaries shown were for Sheriff, County Clerk, Treasurer & Circuit Clerk. After<br />

reviewing and discussion, Ms. Vickery proposed:<br />

2011 2.5%<br />

2012 2.5%<br />

2013 0.0%<br />

2014 0.0% for the Sheriff, County Clerk and Treasurer. When the Circuit<br />

Clerk’s salary comes up in 2013 and 2014 make it 0% and 0%. Ms. Hafenrichter<br />

agreed the same rate is preferable. Ms. Martin moved to recommend the above proposal. For the<br />

Sheriff this would equate to $106,600 for FY20 11: $109,265 for FY2O1 2. FY2O1 3 and FY2O1 4.<br />

For the Treasurer and County Clerk this would equate to $85,280 for FY2O1 1; $87,412 in<br />

FY2012: FY2013 and FY2014. Mr. Davidson seconded the motion. After more discussion, Ms.<br />

Hafenrichter amended the motion to increase the salaries to match the Circuit Clerk’s. Mr.<br />

Davidson seconded the motion to amend. The motion on the second to amend passed 3-1. The<br />

salaries for the Treasurer and County Clerk salaries will be recommended at FY2O1 1 - $85,321;<br />


FY2012, FY2013 and FY2014 -$87,454. Motion passed 3-1.<br />

• Senior Tax Levy Packets — The packets were distributed to the committee for review in<br />

preparation for the presentations to be given on Thursday, April 29th beginning at 8:30 a.m. Jeff<br />

gave an overview of some items to be aware of in their study.<br />

• Revenue/Expenditure Latreese Caldwell distributed infonnation on the General Fund. The<br />

report showed previous year vs. current year revenue and expenditures as of 3/31/10.<br />

Committee members discussed and questioned the financial climate of the <strong>county</strong>.<br />

6. Actions Items<br />

• Approve Claims<br />

• Public Safety: Expenditure of Jail Bond Funds for hallway cameras<br />

• Set Elected Officials Salaries for FY2O1 1-2014<br />

7. Adjournment — Mr. Davidson moved to adjourn the <strong>meeting</strong> at 3:58 p.m. Ms. Hafenrichter seconded.<br />

Motion passed.<br />

Mimi Bryan, Administrative Asst.

Health & Environment Committee Minutes<br />

March 17, 2010<br />

3:30 pm.<br />

County Board Room<br />

Call to Order: Chair John Shaw called the <strong>meeting</strong> to order at 3:30p.m. Ms. Flowers, Ms Parr and Ms.<br />

Petrella were present. Also present: Jerry Dudgeon and Jeff Wilkins<br />

Ms. Petrella moved to approve the minutes of the February 17, 2010 <strong>meeting</strong>. Ms. Flowers seconded<br />

the motion. Motion carried.<br />

Old Business — Jerry Dudgeon and Jeff Wilkins presented information concerning the Northwest Water<br />

Planning Area (NWPA) & Water Planning Area Group to the committee. The purpose of the formation of<br />

this group is to provide regional/sub regional planning for issues relating to water supply with the<br />

designated NWPA. The initial focus of the group is summarized into 10 goals. A geographic delineation<br />

was provided. The Council of Government includes: Lake County Municipal League; McHenry County<br />

Council of Government; Northwest Municipal Conference; Barrington Area Council of Government;<br />

Metro West Council of Government; Kane, Kendall, McHenry, DeKaIb & Lake Counties. There is a nonrefundable<br />

$500 formation fee per Executive Member. Included in the packet was a letter from Tom<br />

Weisner, Mayor of Aurora whose concluding remarks are worth including: “Top-down decisions<br />

imposed by the legislature or by authorized organizations whose leadership is neither local nor elected<br />

are not the answer to the challenges we face. Local entities who supply water to their residents, who<br />

have the greatest concentration of expertise in the water supply field and who invest billions of dollars<br />

in necessary water infrastructure should have the primary role of cooperatively planning for the future<br />

water supply of this region. We are aware of the need and we accept the responsibility.”<br />

Status Reports<br />

4 Farmland Protection —The next <strong>meeting</strong> is planned for March 2gth at 6PM at the U of I Extension<br />

Office<br />

4 Ground Water—Jerry Dudgeon reported:<br />

> A <strong>meeting</strong> was held on Wednesday, March 10, 2010 with Valerie Burd, Bart Olson, Anne<br />

Vickery, Jeff Wilkins, Mary Randall and Jerry to discuss a proposal for a joint council of<br />

government/counties partnership for water supply planning in a five-<strong>county</strong> area of<br />

northeastern Illinois. Metro West along with other COG’s (Councils of Government)in the<br />

western suburbs developed a proposal for a voluntary partnership between municipalities<br />

and counties to address water supply and have been invited to present the proposal at<br />

CMAP’s Water Summit on March 22M1.<br />

> The Stormwater Technical Committee will be <strong>meeting</strong> Tuesday, March 23rd at 1:00PM.<br />

Adjournment — Ms. Flowers moved to adjourn the <strong>meeting</strong> at 4:00 p.m. Ms. Parr seconded.<br />

Mimi Bryan<br />

Admin. Asst./Recorder

Kendall County<br />

Committee of the Whole Meeting<br />

Minutes<br />

January 14, 2010<br />

Call to Order at 4:00PM<br />

Present: Anne Vickery, Jessie Hafenrichter, Elizabeth Flowers, Bob Davidson, Suzanne Petrella, Jeff<br />

Wehrli, John Purcell, John Shaw and Nancy Martin.<br />

Absent: Pam Parr<br />

Also present were: Jim Smiley, Eric Weis, Jeff Wilkins, Fran Klaas, Jerry Dudgeon, Cheryl Johnson<br />

& Matt Schury<br />

Presentation of FY09 Audit — Tawnya Mack began with the review of the Statement of Assets.<br />

Total assets at the end of the year were down $900,000. Total fund balance was down about $1 .8M.<br />

Total revenue is up about $53.9M this year. Revenue from this year is funding current year<br />

expenditures. Tawnya stated the monies being spent from the Public Safety Fund are being spent<br />

properly. There was a separate two-page findings sheet given to all Committee members. A policy<br />

will be adopted to stop salary advances; and a segregation of duties in one department needs to be<br />

adopted. Tawnya recommends budgeting for Grants Fund. The amounts in/out of this fund change<br />

every year. The audits will be in electronic format and placed on the <strong>county</strong> website next week.<br />

Designate Economic Recovery Zone Andy Hamilton, Executive Director of UIRVDA — Jeff<br />

Wilkins made the introduction and explained UIRVDA is an 8-<strong>county</strong> regional development authority.<br />

All other counties surrounding us except DuPage & Will Counties are a part of UIRVDA. Mr.<br />

Hamilton reported UIRVDA has issued approximately $1 70M in bonding creating 1800 jobs.<br />

UIRVDA was created by an act of the Illinois Legislature in July 1990 to assist business development<br />

and expansion by providing creative low-interest rate financing. Businesses can generally save 1.00%<br />

to 3.OO0o on their cost of borrowing. The resolution asks that UERVDA be a facilitator in the process<br />

of lending. The resolution requires a recovery zone designation of the entire <strong>county</strong> and UIRVDA as<br />

the agent. It asks the <strong>county</strong> to recognize UIRVDA as a facilitator in the process. The <strong>county</strong> and<br />

UIRVDA are not at risk for a default. Bonds are only issued if the borrower has a bank that provides a<br />

letter of credit to back the bond.<br />

Committee Items Fran Klaas reported for the Highway Committee concerning the subject of new<br />

buildings. He distributed a packet containing a site plan and proposed two structures to be built in the<br />

summer of 2010: equipment storage and salt storage buildings. News received this afternoon has<br />

altered the plan. The floor plan for the equipment storage building is accurate. The elevation will be<br />

slightly differently. The difference is due to the need to meet fire code. Also it is possible the<br />

Highway Department won’t get to the first contract for the WIKADUKE project (Ridge Road<br />

connection between ‘Wheeler and Rt. 126). There are land acquisition difficulties.<br />

Executive Session An Executive Session was held for the purpose of: the purchase or lease ofreal<br />

propertyfor the use ofthe public body, including <strong>meeting</strong>s heldfor the purpose ofdiscussing whether<br />

a particular parcel should be acquired; and the setting ofa pricefor sale or lease ofproperty owned<br />

by the public body. Ms. Flowers moved to go into Executive Session at 4:20 pm with a second from<br />

Ms. Hafenrichter. A roll call vote was taken with 8 ayes.<br />

kecob—is—Ol M13r’vanS N’linutes,COW’C.ow Minutes 01—14—I 0.doc

Adloarument-Ms. Flowers moved to adjourn COW — 5:4SPZsL The motion was seconded by Ms.<br />

Hafenrichter. Motion passed.<br />

Mimi Bryan<br />

Administrative Services<br />

kccob$sOI MBiyanS MinutesCOW\Cow Minutes 01-14-104cc

Kendall County<br />

Committee of the Whole Meeting<br />

Minutes<br />

March 11, 2010<br />

Call to Order at 4:00PM<br />

Present: Jessie Hafenrichter, Bob Davidson, Suzanne Petrella, Jeff Wehrli, John Purcell, John Shaw,<br />

Pam Parr, Elizabeth Flowers and Nancy Martin.<br />

Absent: Anne Vickery<br />

Also present were: Jim Smiley, Eric Weis, Jeff Wilkins, Jerry Dudgeon, Cheryl Johnson, Ken Toftoy,<br />

Megan Andrews & Man Schury<br />

Health Department Annual Report — Cheryl Johnson presented the 2009 annual report emphasizing<br />

the health and wellness of the residents and community is their daily commitment. The H1N1 influx<br />

emerged in the spring of 2009 causing many people to become ill. The Centers for Disease Control<br />

and Prevention responded by implementing a mass vaccination process across the <strong>county</strong>. The Health<br />

Department received 18,400 doses of vaccine in late October and by the end of December had given<br />

16,800 vaccinations through seventeen clinics at the department. Due to the continued economic<br />

recession many residents sought the services provided at the Health Department and they served record<br />

numbers. The Kendall-Grundy Community Action Unit was awarded a grant for increased<br />

Weatherization in the two counties. Cheryl complimented the members of the Board of Health for<br />

their commitment and dedication to providing services to the residents of Kendall County.<br />

A2reement for Purchase & Sale of Real Estate — Jeff Wilkins reported the agreement calls approval<br />

of the purchase by the County Board which would then be forwarded to the City of Yorkville for<br />

approval. At that point the City can finalize their grant application. One parcel with a sanitary sewer<br />

connection will be removed from that connection to one along Fox St. The <strong>county</strong> will contribute to<br />

the cost at a maximum of 50% or $5,000 whichever is less. The City will dedicate right-of-ways.<br />

Closing costs will be split. Mayor Burd was available to answer questions concerning the grant. The<br />

agreement will be an action item at Tuesday’s Board <strong>meeting</strong>.<br />

Resolution Authorizin2 Application for Public Transportation Financial Assistance under<br />

Section 5311 of the Federal Transit Act of 1991 — This resolution must be passed in order to qualify<br />

for the downstate operating assistance.<br />

Section 5311 — Acceptance of the Special Warranty By accepting Section 5311 this special<br />

warranty must also be executed. Both of these are done on a yearly basis. There will be two separate<br />

motions with a roll call vote at the County Board <strong>meeting</strong> on Tuesday.<br />

Committee Items Mr. Davidson reported for the Highway Committee: the Ridge Road project will<br />

not be in effect until 2011 due to land purchases. It will be a two-year project once begun.<br />

Mr. Wehrli requested the Stormwater Committee reports become a permanent County Board<br />

<strong>agenda</strong> item. It was recommended it be inserted under Special Committee Reports. Jerry Dudgeon<br />

will ensure the committee minutes are included in the <strong>board</strong> packets.<br />

Megan Andrews was present to review the information from the Illinois Headwaters Resource<br />

Conservation & Development Area and the application for Resource Conservation & Development<br />

Program Assistance. She originally presented at the Health & Environment Committee <strong>meeting</strong><br />

where it was requested it be presented to the entire Board at the COW <strong>meeting</strong>. This application is for<br />

kccob—is—0 I ML3ryanS NI miies CO\\ C o~ ~1 mutes 03—li I 0.doc

program assistance from the Federal Government and one of the steps in forming the group. The<br />

<strong>county</strong>, as one of the sponsors, is asked to sign the application. Her packet of information included<br />

background information and a copy of the application. If approved by the Federal Government,<br />

RC&D would become an authorized area and receive financial support.<br />

Other Items of Business - None<br />

Review Board Action Items - None<br />

Executive Session None held.<br />

Adjournment - Ms. Flowers moved to adjourn COW at 5:10 PM. The motion was seconded by Ms.<br />

Petrella. Motion passed.<br />

Mimi Bryan<br />

Administrative Services<br />

kcco ~fs~Oi Ml3ryanS Minuics ( Ot\ (~ow Minutes 03-I I-I0.doc<br />


To: Kendall County Board<br />

From: Kendall County Office of Solid Waste Management<br />

Subject: March 2010 Solid Waste Program Activity ReDort<br />

The following unexhausted list of Solid Waste Program activities were performed during<br />

the month of March 2010.<br />

• The Kendall County Board approved the 5-year update to the County’s Solid<br />

Waste Plan on March 08, 2010. The plan was submitted to the IEPA on<br />

March 19, 2010.<br />

• Five waste hauling companies are presently licensed to collect residential<br />

waste on a weekly basis. Annual licensing fees collected for 2010 total<br />

$1,525. The 5 licensed waste haulers collected over 84% of the waste in<br />

2009. The following waste haulers are listed in order of volume collected<br />

(from highest to lowest): Groot Industries, Allied Waste, Veolia<br />

Environmental Services, Complete Sanitation and Waste Management.<br />

• Marlin Hartman appeared on WAUR Channel 30’s “Fox Valley Today” on<br />

March 16, 2010 to address the County’s freshly updated Solid Waste Plan.<br />

During the show, Marlin discussed the importance and merits of electronic<br />

recycling, yard waste mulching and composting, and overall efforts needed to<br />

achieve the County’s newly established recycling goal of 45% (currently<br />

reaching 38°o).<br />

• Waste hauler and recycler reports have been received and tabulated for the<br />

year 2009. The following is key information (*2008 data):<br />

o 98,600 tons of waste were collected (*85,800 tons)<br />

o 32,300 tons were recycled or composted, 37.68% (*37.93%).<br />

o Seventeen (17) waste hauling and recycling companies reported<br />

quantities in 2009.<br />

o Our waste stream: residential 49% (*57%), commercial 36% (*16%)<br />

Construction and Demolition 15% (*26%).<br />

o Commercial waste increased from 13,000 tons to 34,000 tons and<br />

C&D decreased from 20,500 to 14,000 tons.<br />

44a~ad~’<br />

Marlin Hartman, Solid Waste Coordinator Steve Curatti, Environmental Health<br />

Director<br />

cc: Cheryl Johnson, Executive Director/Public Health Administrator<br />

Board of Health

Kendall County Historic Preservation Commission<br />

111W. Fox Street<br />

Yorkville IL 60560<br />

Kendall County Historic Preservation Commission<br />

Meeting Minutes — March 17, 2010<br />

CALL TO ORDER ____<br />

The regular <strong>meeting</strong> of the Kendall County Historic Preservation ~.piffmissiön was called to<br />

order March 17, 2010 at 7:10 p.m. in the County Board room, 1j&F-W~~Fox Street, Yorkville, by<br />

Chairman Stephenie Todd. Commission members present wereFKe&Boyer, Fred Dickson,<br />

Richard Scheffrahn and Stephenie Todd. Also present wereSZünty Bo&Vdgliaison Jeff Wehrli<br />

and Anne Lucietto. ~=— -<br />

Absent were Commission members Whitney Freno1i~Michael Garrigan, Leah Hi~j~i PBZ<br />

liaison Angela Zubko. _~t.<br />


Richard Scheffrahn made a motion to acE~~~jhe <strong>agenda</strong>. It wi~econded by Ken Boyer and<br />

passed by acclamation. _____—<br />

MIN TES ______<br />

In the absence of PBZ liaison:Angela Zubko, tileiffihutes of’Ihw ebruary 17, 2010 <strong>meeting</strong> were<br />

postponed until the Apri.1~2~Ptregu1ar <strong>meeting</strong>.<br />


Mrs. Todd welcomed new~~pi~E&iThi~member KeffBoyer of Oswego Township who was<br />

appointed at the Mazch.16, 201tCou~ ë~Ei<strong>meeting</strong> to fill the vacancy left by the resignation<br />

of Paul Vecchiet. Boyeri~:term ~iWexpire May 1, 2010. Todd said the Commission’s<br />

recommendation to appoint-Anne Eij~iettQof Bristol Township was not accepted by Board<br />

PresidèiiPAnne Vickery. Vi~kery cit&d.~<strong>county</strong> policy against spouses serving on the same<br />

commissiöE~A.fter a short di~EüssionfMrs. Todd agreed to request a copy of the policy.<br />

Todd told the d~thission thW~ will be a <strong>meeting</strong> at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, March 23, 2010 at the<br />

Little White SchodlEffi~Oswego to discuss Preservation Month activities with representatives<br />

from Aurora Preservati&irCommission, Oswego Historic Preservation Commission, Plainfield<br />

Historic Preservation Commission and Kendall County Historic Preservation Commission. The<br />

<strong>meeting</strong> is open to anyone who would like to attend. Todd said she emailed editors of several<br />

local newspapers to size up interest in running a series of stories during May about the region’s<br />

historic houses. Commission members were encouraged to contact Mrs. Todd with any ideas<br />

they have for Preservation Month.<br />

There are two bills in Springfield to establish the Illinois Rehabilitation Tax Credit, SB2559 and<br />

HB4823. Mr. Dickson will read the bills and report at next <strong>meeting</strong>.


Ken Boyer made a motion to table the review of Commission applications for a month and Fred<br />

Dickson seconded it. All were in favor and the motion passed.<br />

Commissioners discussed the Guidelines document and suggested several changes which Todd<br />

will incorporate. She will email the updated version to them for their consideration next month.<br />

A discussion followed about whether or not the Guidelines would have to be adopted by the<br />

County Board or would the Commission’s approval suffice. Mr. Dickson suggested adding the<br />

statement “The Commission is granted the authority to make reasonabl~mles and interpretations<br />

of the Guidelines to accomplish the Guideline goals” and present thejiiii~Iieçl document to the<br />

Board for approval. _____<br />


Commissioners discussed their “powers and authority” Aiticlë~II, Item 2)fwj≤l the “Preservation<br />

Plan” (Article III, Item 2) of the Kendall County HistoriEPräervation Ordifiäfiçe (Ord 2006-<br />

67). Mr. Dickson clarified that the Plaque Committee intendedjhat plaques wiif&be reserved<br />

for property owners who agree to abide by the GdiUëli~es and tae designated as at:andmark.<br />

The windshield survey for the townships of Oswego, Na-XiiSày and Seward was discussed. Mr.<br />

Dickson made a motion to create a Windthj~ld Survey Comiiiiftee of volunteers. It was seconded<br />

by Mr. Scheffrahn and passed unanimous1T~r... _____<br />

Ideas were discussed about various financiaf4ncentiVëiSbt_might effcourage owners to nominate<br />

their properties as Landmarks. It was decidedi72 asi(:PB&Z9iäisoii Angela Zubko and Supervisor<br />

of Assessments Andy Nic.olëffiio.eexplore real istate tax abatement.<br />


Mr. Dickson made a mdiFn~to adj~ it was secoffdëd by Mr. Scheffrahn and unanimously<br />

approved. The <strong>meeting</strong> wa~I djoui i&3O:.m~The next <strong>meeting</strong> will be April 21, 2010.

April 20. 2010 COUNTY BOARD MEETING<br />


*<br />

Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary District<br />

Mark A. Luettich — 3 year term — expires May 2013<br />

*<br />

Newark Sanitary District<br />

Vacancy — 3 year term —expires May 2013<br />

*<br />

Lisbon-Seward Fire District<br />

Robert Vickery - 3year term - expires May 2013<br />

*<br />

Little Rock-Fox Fire District<br />

Donald Brummel —3 year term — expires May 2013<br />

*<br />

Little Rock-Fox Fire District<br />

Randall Scott Wade — 3 year term — expires May 2013<br />

*<br />

Bristol-Kendall Fire District<br />

Richard W. Dickson — 3 year term — expires May 2013<br />

*<br />

Newark Fire District<br />

Bradley Mathre — 3 year term — expires May 2013<br />

*<br />

Board of Review<br />

Pamela Gegenheimer — 2 year term — expires May 2012<br />

*<br />

Board of Review<br />

Darell Gaar — 2 year term -expires May 2012<br />

*<br />

Kendall County Preservation Commission<br />

Whitney French —2 year term- expires May 2012<br />

*<br />

Kendall County Preservation Commission<br />

Ken Boyer —2 year term — expires May 2012<br />

*<br />

Kendall County Preservation Commission<br />

Vacant — 2 year term — expires May 2012

April 20, 2010 COUNTY BOARD MEETING<br />


*<br />

Ken Corn Executive Board<br />

Aiderperson Melody Herreid Alternate-City of Piano<br />

*<br />

Ken Corn Executive Board<br />

Marty Munns-Alternate-United City of Yorkviiie<br />

*<br />

Ken Corn Executive Board<br />

James A. McCarty-Alternate-Bristol-Kendall Fire District

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