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EN<br />

10.6.2013 Official Journal of the European Union L 158/19<br />

Code P320: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Hitno je potrebna posebna liječnička obrada (vidi … na ovoj naljepnici).’<br />

Code P321: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Potrebna je posebna liječnička obrada (vidi … na ovoj naljepnici).’<br />

Code P322: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Potrebne su posebne mjere (vidi … na ovoj naljepnici).’<br />

Code P330: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Isprati usta.’<br />

Code P331: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR NE izazivati povraćanje.’<br />

Code P332: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR U slučaju nadražaja kože:’<br />

Code P333: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR U slučaju nadražaja ili osipa na koži:’<br />

Code P334: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Uroniti u hladnu vodu/omotati vlažnim zavojem.’<br />

Code P335: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Izmesti zaostale čestice s kože.’<br />

Code P336: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Zamrznute dijelove odmrznuti mlakom vodom. Ne trljati oštećeno mjesto.’<br />

Code P337: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Ako nadražaj oka ne prestaje:’<br />

Code P338: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Ukloniti kontaktne leće ukoliko ih nosite i ako se one lako uklanjaju. Nastaviti ispiranje.’<br />

Code P340: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Premjestiti unesrećenog na svježi zrak, umiriti ga i postaviti u položaj koji olakšava<br />

disanje.’<br />

Code P341: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR U slučaju otežanog disanja premjestiti unesrećenog na svježi zrak, umiriti ga i postaviti<br />

u položaj koji olakšava disanje.’<br />

Code P342: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Pri otežanom disanju:’

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