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EN<br />

10.6.2013 Official Journal of the European Union L 158/17<br />

Code P262: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Spriječiti dodir s očima, kožom ili odjećom.’<br />

Code P263: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Izbjegavati dodir tijekom trudnoće/dojenja.’<br />

Code P264: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Nakon uporabe temeljito oprati …’<br />

Code P270: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Pri rukovanju proizvodom ne jesti, piti niti pušiti.’<br />

Code P271: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Rabiti samo na otvorenom ili u dobro prozračenom prostoru.’<br />

Code P272: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Zagađena radna odjeća ne smije se iznositi izvan radnog prostora.’<br />

Code P273: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Izbjegavati ispuštanje u okoliš.’<br />

Code P280: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Nositi zaštitne rukavice/zaštitno odijelo/zaštitu za oči/zaštitu za lice.’<br />

Code P281: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Nositi propisanu osobnu zaštitnu opremu.’<br />

Code P282: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Nositi zaštitne rukavice za hladnoću/zaštitu za lice/zaštitu za oči.’<br />

Code P283: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Nositi otpornu na vatru/nezapaljivu odjeću.’<br />

Code P284: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Nositi sredstva za zaštitu dišnog sustava.’<br />

Code P285: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR U slučaju nedovoljnog prozračivanja nositi sredstva za zaštitu dišnog sustava.’<br />

Combined Codes P231+P232: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Rukovati u inertnom plinu. Zaštititi od vlage.’<br />

Combined Codes P235+P410: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Održavati hladnim. Zaštititi od sunčevog svjetla.’

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