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EN<br />

10.6.2013 Official Journal of the European Union L 158/15<br />

Code EUH209/209A: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Pri uporabi može postati lako zapaljivo.<br />

Pri uporabi može postati zapaljivo.’<br />

Code EUH210: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Sigurnosno-tehnički list dostupan na zahtjev.’<br />

Code EUH401: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Da bi se izbjegli rizici za zdravlje ljudi i okoliš, treba se pridržavati uputa za uporabu.’<br />

(4) Part 2 of Annex IV is amended as follows:<br />

(a) Table 1.1 is amended as follows:<br />

Code P101: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Ako je potrebna liječnička pomoć pokazati spremnik ili naljepnicu.’<br />

Code P102: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Čuvati izvan dohvata djece.’<br />

Code P103: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Prije uporabe pročitati naljepnicu.’<br />

(b) Table 1.2 is amended as follows:<br />

Code P201: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Prije uporabe pribaviti posebne upute.’<br />

Code P202: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Ne rukovati prije upoznavanja i razumijevanja sigurnosnih mjera predostrožnosti.’<br />

Code P210: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Čuvati odvojeno od topline/iskre/otvorenog plamena/vrućih površina. – Ne pušiti.’<br />

Code P211: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Ne prskati u otvoreni plamen ili drugi izvor paljenja.’<br />

Code P220: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Čuvati/skladištiti odvojeno od odjeće/…/zapaljivih materijala.’<br />

Code P221: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Poduzeti sve mjere opreza za sprječavanje miješanja sa zapaljivim … ’<br />

Code P222: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Spriječiti dodir sa zrakom.’<br />

Code P223: the following is inserted after the entry GA:<br />

‘HR Spriječiti svaki dodir s vodom zbog burne reakcije i mogućeg zapaljenja.’

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