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EN<br />

L 158/164 Official Journal of the European Union 10.6.2013<br />

(24) The following is added to Article 882(1)(b):<br />

‘— Roba se ponovno uvozi u skladu s člankom 185. stavkom 2. točkom (b) Kodeksa;’.<br />

(25) The following is added to Article 912b(2), second subparagraph:<br />

‘— Položeno osiguranje u visini … EUR.’.<br />

(26) The following is added to Article 912b(5), second subparagraph:<br />

‘— Roba nije obuhvaćena carinskim postupkom.’.<br />

(27) The following is added to Article 912e(2), second subparagraph:<br />

‘— Izvod prvobitnog kontrolnog primjerka T5 (registracijski broj, datum, ispostava i zemlja izdavanja): ….’.<br />

(28) The following is added to Article 912e(2), fourth subparagraph:<br />

‘— … (broj) izdanih izvadaka – preslike u prilogu.’.<br />

(29) The following is added to Article 912f(1), second subparagraph:<br />

‘— Izdano naknadno.’.<br />

(30) The following is added to Article 912f(2):<br />

‘— DUPLIKAT.’.<br />

(31) The following is added to Article 912g(2)(c):<br />

‘— Oslobođeno potpisa – članak 912.g Uredbe (EEZ) br. 2454/93.’.<br />

(32) The following is added to Article 912g(3):<br />

‘— Pojednostavnjeni postupak – članak 912.g Uredbe (EEZ) br. 2454/93.’.<br />

(33) In Annex 1, in box ‘13 Language’ of copies 4 and 5 of the Binding Tariff Information form, the following<br />

is inserted:<br />

‘HR’.<br />

(34) In Annex 1a, in box ‘15 Language’ of the Binding Origin Information form, the following is inserted:<br />

‘HR’.<br />

(35) In Annex 22, the following is added after the first paragraph headed ‘Invoice declaration’:<br />

‘Croatian version<br />

Izvoznik proizvoda obuhvaćenih ovom ispravom (carinsko ovlaštenje br. … ( 1 )) izjavljuje da su, osim ako<br />

je drukčije izričito navedeno, ovi proizvodi … ( 2 ) preferencijalnog podrijetla.’<br />

(36) In Annex 25 (AIR TRANSPORT COSTS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE CUSTOMS VALUE), the word ‘Croatia’<br />

is deleted from the first column of the ‘Zone Q’ section of the table.<br />

(37) In Annex 38, the following is added to the note to TITLE III – TABLE OF LINGUISTIC REFERENCES AND<br />


‘— HR Ograničena valjanost<br />

— HR Oslobođeno

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