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EN<br />

10.6.2013 Official Journal of the European Union L 158/125<br />

(xx) starting with ‘Страна: МАРОКО —’, insert the following after the entry in French:<br />

‘Zemlja: MAROKO —’;<br />

(xxi) starting with ‘Страна: МОНГОЛИЯ —’, insert the following after the entry in French:<br />

‘Zemlja: MONGOLIJA —’;<br />

(xxii) starting with ‘Страна: МЕКСИКО —’, insert the following after the entry in French:<br />

‘Zemlja: MEKSIKO —’;<br />

(xxiii) starting with ‘Страна: НИКАРАГУА —’, insert the following after the entry in French:<br />

‘Zemlja: NIKARAGVA —’;<br />

(xxiv) starting with ‘Страна: НОВА ЗЕЛАНДИЯ —’, insert the following after the entry in French:<br />

‘Zemlja: NOVI ZELAND —’;<br />

(xxv) starting with ‘Страна: ПАНАМА —’, insert the following after the entry in French:<br />

‘Zemlja: PANAMA —’;<br />

(xxvi) starting with ‘Страна: ПЕРУ —’, insert the following after the entry in French:<br />

‘Zemlja: PERU —’;<br />

(xxvii) starting with ‘Страна: ПАКИСТАН —’, insert the following after the entry in French:<br />

‘Zemlja: PAKISTAN —’;<br />

(xxviii) starting with ‘Страна: ПАРАГВАЙ —’, insert the following after the entry in French:<br />

‘Zemlja: PARAGVAJ —’;<br />

(xxix) starting with ‘Страна: СИРИЯ —’, insert the following after the entry in French:<br />

‘Zemlja: SIRIJA —’<br />

(xxx) starting with ‘Страна: ТУНИС —’, insert the following after the entry in French:<br />

‘Zemlja: TUNIS —’;<br />

(xxxi) starting with ‘Страна: ТУРКМЕНИСТАН —’, insert the following after the entry in French:<br />

‘Zemlja: TURKMENISTAN —’;<br />

(xxxii) starting with ‘Страна: ТУРЦИЯ —’, insert the following after the entry in French:<br />

‘Zemlja: TURSKA —’;<br />

(xxxiii) starting with ‘Страна: УКРАЙНА —’, insert the following after the entry in French:<br />

‘Zemlja: UKRAJINA —’;<br />

(xxxiv) starting with ‘Страна: СЪЕДИНЕНИ АМЕРИКАНСКИ ЩАТИ —’, insert the following after the entry in<br />

French:<br />


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