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meditation. The bhikkhus practiced until midnight, before retiring.<br />

The Buddha sat in meditation far into the night. He liked to place his bamboo platform outside his hut and sit on it, enjoying the cool night<br />

air, especially on nights with a moon. Before dawn, he liked to do walking meditation around the lake. Ever joyous, peaceful, and relaxed,<br />

the Buddha did not require as much sleep as the younger bhikkhus. Kassapa sat in meditation far into the night also.<br />

King Bimbisara visited Bamboo Forest faithfully. He did not bring great numbers of guests as he had the time he visited Palm Forest.<br />

Sometimes he was accompanied by Queen Videhi and Prince Ajatasattu. Often he came alone. He would leave his carriage at the edge of<br />

the forest and walk on his own to the Buddha’s hut. One day after seeing the bhikkhus listening to the Dharma talk in the rain, he asked the<br />

Buddha’s permission to build a large Dharma hall where the bhikkhus could both eat and listen to the teaching without being drenched by<br />

the rain. The Buddha consented, and work on the hall began right away. It was large enough to shelter more than one thousand bhikkhus<br />

and one thousand lay disciples. The Dharma hall was a most helpful addition to the monastery.<br />

The Buddha and the king often sat together on the bamboo platform while carrying on conversations. Then Nagasamala built some<br />

simple bamboo chairs to enable the Buddha to receive guests more easily. One day as the Buddha and the king sat on two of these chairs,<br />

the king confided, “I have another son that you have not yet met. I would like very much for you to meet him and his mother. He is not the<br />

child of Queen Videhi. His mother’s name is Ambapali and his name is Jivaka. He will soon be sixteen years <strong>old</strong>. Ambapali lives in Vesali,<br />

north of the city Pataliputta. She does not like the confined life of the palace, and she is not concerned about titles or prestige. She treasures<br />

only her own freedom. I have provided them with several means of support, including a beautiful mango grove. Jivaka is a diligent and<br />

intelligent boy who is not at all interested in military or political affairs. He is living near the capital, pursuing medical studies. I love them<br />

deeply and hope you will love them too. O Compassionate One, if you would agree to meet Jivaka and his mother, I will ask them to come<br />

to Bamboo Forest in the near future.”<br />

The Buddha liked to sit in meditation late into the night, enjoying the moon and the cool night air.

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