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The Buddha asked the Venerable Anuruddha to perform the ordination ceremony right then and there. Subhadda was the last disciple<br />

received by the Buddha.<br />

After Subhadda’s head was shaved, he received the precepts and was given a robe and bowl. The Buddha then looked at all the<br />

bhikkhus sitting around him. Many bhikkhus from the vicinity had arrived and so there were now nearly five hundred. The Buddha spoke to<br />

them.<br />

“Bhikkhus! If you have any doubts or perplexity concerning the teaching, now is the time to ask the Tathagata about it. Don’t let this<br />

opportunity pass by, so that later you will reproach yourselves, saying, ‘That day I was face to face with the Buddha but I did not ask<br />

him.’”<br />

The Buddha repeated these words three times, but no bhikkhu spoke.<br />

Venerable Ananda exclaimed, “Lord, it is truly wonderful! I have faith in the community of bhikkhus. I have faith in the sangha. Everyone<br />

has clearly understood your teaching. No one has any doubts or perplexity about your teaching and the <strong>path</strong> to realize it.”<br />

The Buddha said, “Ananda, you speak from faith, while the Tathagata has direct knowledge. The Tathagata knows that all the bhikkhus<br />

here possess deep faith in the Three Gems. Even the lowest attainment among these bhikkhus is that of Stream-Enterer.”<br />

The Buddha looked quietly over the community and then said, “Bhikkhus, listen to what the Tathagata now says. Dharmas are<br />

impermanent. If there is birth, there is death. Be diligent in your efforts to attain liberation!”<br />

The Buddha closed his eyes. He had spoken his last words. The earth shook. Sal blossoms fell like rain. Everyone felt their minds and<br />

bodies tremble. They knew the Buddha had passed into nirvana.<br />

Reader, please put your book down here and breathe lightly for a few minutes before continuing.<br />

The Buddha had passed away. Some bhikkhus threw up their arms and flung themselves on the ground. They wailed, “The Buddha has<br />

passed away! The Lord has died! The eyes of the world are no more! Who can we take refuge in now?”<br />

While these bhikkhus cried and thrashed about, other bhikkhus sat silently, observing their breath and contemplating the things the<br />

Buddha had taught them. Venerable Anuruddha spoke up, “Brothers, do not cry so pitifully! The Lord Buddha taught us that with birth<br />

there is death, with arising there is dissolving, with coming together there is separation. If you understand and follow the Buddha’s teaching,<br />

you will cease to make such a disturbance. Please sit up again and follow your breathing. We will maintain silence.”<br />

Everyone returned to his place and followed Venerable Anuruddha’s counsel. He led them in reciting sutras they all knew by heart which<br />

spoke about impermanence, emptiness of self, non-attachment, and liberation. Calm dignity was restored.<br />

The Mallas lit torches. Sounds of chanting echoed impressively in the dark night as everyone placed his full awareness on the words in<br />

the sutras. After a lengthy recitation, Venerable Anuruddha gave a Dharma talk. He praised the Buddha’s attainments—his wisdom,<br />

compassion, virtue, concentration, joy, and equanimity. When Venerable Anuruddha finished speaking, Venerable Ananda recounted<br />

beautiful episodes from the Buddha’s life. Throughout the night, the two venerables took turns speaking. The five hundred bhikkhus and<br />

three hundred lay disciples listened quietly. As torches burned down, new ones were lit to take their places until dawn broke.

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