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great as Sariputta, Moggallana, Punna, Anuruddha, Yasodhara, and Anathapindika. Ananda, do not grieve over brother Sariputta’s death.”<br />

That noon along the banks of the Ganga, near Ukkhacela hamlet, the Buddha serenely announced Venerable Sariputta’s death. He<br />

urged the bhikkhus to devote all their efforts to become more like Sariputta, who took the Great Vow to help all other beings. He said,<br />

“Bhikkhus, you should take refuge in yourself and be an island unto yourself. Do not rely on anything else, and you will not be drowned by<br />

the waves of sorrow and despair. You should take refuge in the Dharma and take the Dharma as the island.”<br />

One morning, the Buddha and Ananda entered Vesali to beg. They took their food and ate it in a nearby forest. After that, the Buddha<br />

said, “Ananda, we should return to Capala temple to rest this afternoon.”<br />

Along the way to Capala temple, the Buddha stopped several times to admire the landscape. He said, “Ananda, Vesali is so beautiful.<br />

Udena temple is so lovely. All the temples such as Gotamaka, Sattanbaka, and Bahuputta are beautiful. The temple in Capala where we<br />

will soon rest is also a very pleasant place.”<br />

After making a place for the Buddha to rest, Venerable Ananda went outside to practice walking meditation. While he was walking, the<br />

earth suddenly quaked beneath his feet. He felt both his mind and body shaken. He quickly returned to the temple and found the Buddha<br />

sitting there peacefully. Ananda t<strong>old</strong> him of the tremor he had just felt.<br />

The Buddha said, “Ananda, the Tathagata has made his decision. In three months, I will pass away.”<br />

Venerable Ananda felt his arms and legs go numb. His eyes blurred and his head spun. He knelt before the Buddha and begged him,<br />

“Please, Lord, do not die so soon. Please have pity on all your disciples.”<br />

The Buddha did not answer. Ananda repeated his words three times. The Buddha then said, “Ananda, if you have faith in the Tathagata,<br />

you will know that my decisions are timely. I have said I will pass away in three months. Ananda, invite all the bhikkhus in this region to<br />

gather at Kutagara Dharma hall in Great Forest.”<br />

Seven days later, one thousand five hundred bhikkhus and bhikkhunis gathered in Kutagara Dharma hall. The Buddha sat on the Dharma<br />

platform. He looked out over the community and said, “Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis! All that the Tathagata has transmitted to you, you must<br />

carefully and skillfully study, observe, practice, and verify for yourselves in order to transmit it to future generations. Living and practicing<br />

the Way should continue to assure the peace, joy, and happiness of all beings.<br />

“Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis, the essence of the Tathagata’s teaching can be found in the Four Establishments of Mindfulness, the Four<br />

Right Efforts, the Four Bases of Spiritual Strength, the Five Faculties, the Five Powers, the Seven Factors of Awakening, and the Noble<br />

Eightf<strong>old</strong> Path. Study, practice, realize, and transmit these teachings.<br />

“Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis, all dharmas are impermanent. They are born and die, they arise and dissolve. Make great efforts to attain<br />

liberation. In three months, the Tathagata will pass away.”<br />

One thousand five hundred monks and nuns silently listened to the Buddha and absorbed his direct teaching. They understood this would<br />

be their last chance to see and hear the Buddha give a Dharma talk. Knowing that the Buddha would pass away soon, everyone felt<br />

anguish.<br />

The next morning, the Buddha went into Vesali to beg, and then he ate in the forest. Afterwards, he and several bhikkhus departed from<br />

Vesali. Looking back at the city with the eyes of an elephant queen, the Buddha said to Venerable Ananda, “Ananda, Vesali is so beautiful.<br />

This is the last time the Tathagata will look upon it.” The Buddha then turned around. Looking straight ahead, he said, “Let us head towards<br />

Bhandagama.”<br />

That afternoon, the Buddha offered Dharma teaching to three hundred bhikkhus in Bhandagama about Precepts, Concentration,<br />

Understanding, and Liberation. After several days of rest there, the Buddha proceeded on to Matthigama, Ambagama, and Jambugama.<br />

He instructed the bhikkhus in all these places. They next traveled to Bhoganagara where the Buddha rested in Ananda temple. Many<br />

bhikkhus in the region came to receive his teaching. He t<strong>old</strong> the bhikkhus how necessary it was to verify the teaching for themselves.<br />

“Whenever someone speaks about the teaching, even if he claims that it comes directly from recognized authorities, do not be hasty to<br />

accept his words as the Tathagata’s authentic teaching. Compare what he says to the sutras and precepts. If it contradicts the sutras and<br />

precepts, discard what he says. But if his words are in accord with the sutras and precepts, accept and practice what he says.”<br />

The Buddha went on to Pava, where he rested in the mango grove that belonged to a lay disciple named Cunda, a blacksmith’s son.<br />

Cunda invited the Buddha and the nearly three hundred bhikkhus traveling with him to take a meal in his home. Cunda’s wife and friends<br />

served all the bhikkhus, while Cunda personally served the Buddha a special dish he had prepared. It was a dish of mushrooms picked<br />

from a sandalwood tree and was called sukara maddava.<br />

When he had finished eating, the Buddha t<strong>old</strong> Cunda, “Dear Cunda, please bury whatever remains of the mushrooms and do not allow<br />

anyone else to eat them.”<br />

When everyone was finished eating, the Buddha gave a Dharma talk. Then he and the bhikkhus rested in the mango grove. That night,<br />

the Buddha was seized with violent stomach cramps. He was unable to sleep all night. In the morning, he took to the road with the

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