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spending several days in Kotigama, the Buddha headed for Nadika. There he and his bhikkhus slept in a brick house called<br />

Ginjakavasatha.<br />

In Nadika, the Buddha thought about the many disciples who had passed away in that same region. He thought of his sister Bhikkhuni<br />

Sundari Nanda, Bhikkhus Salha and Nadika, lay disciple Sujata who had so long ago offered him milk, and lay disciples Kakudha,<br />

Bhadda, and Subhadda. At least fifty bhikkhus in the region had attained to the fruits of Stream Enterer, Once Returner, and Never<br />

Returner. Bhikkhuni Nanda had attained the fruit of Returning Once More. Bhikkhus Salha and Nadika had attained Arhatship.<br />

The Buddha taught his disciples that whoever has faith in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha need only look into his or her own heart to<br />

know whether he or she had entered the stream of liberation. There was no need to ask anyone else. In Nadika, the Buddha taught the<br />

bhikkhus concerning Precepts, Concentration, and Understanding. He walked to Vesali where he rested in Ambapali’s Mango Grove.<br />

There he spoke on contemplating the body, feelings, mind, and objects of mind.<br />

When Ambapali heard that the Buddha was dwelling in the Mango Grove, she came at once to visit him. She invited him and the<br />

bhikkhus for a meal offering. After the meal, she asked to be ordained as a bhikkhuni, and she was accepted into the sangha of nuns.<br />

The Buddha spoke more about Precepts, Concentration, and Understanding during his stay in Vesali. Afterwards, he visited<br />

Beluvagamaka village. As the rainy season was already underway, he decided to spend it there. It was the forty-fifth retreat season since<br />

the Buddha attained Awakening. He asked monks and nuns in the region to stay at Dharma centers in Vesali or in the homes of friends and<br />

relatives for the duration of the retreat.<br />

Halfway into the retreat season, the Buddha fell gravely ill. Though he was in extreme pain, he did not utter any sound. Lying down, he<br />

continued to mindfully follow his breath. At first, his disciples feared he would not survive his illness, but to their joy, he slowly regained his<br />

strength. After many days, he was able to sit on a chair outside his hut.

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